Come out from the hospital, Li Qingcang with Ye Tianxin continues to rush for the notice. At this time, it is already seven o'clock in the evening, and the cinema is full of people.

Last night's premiere was very well received. From the early morning, 19 hours later, the box office of "red cherry" has reached 100 million.

Almost all the people who went into the cinema to see "red cherry" spared no effort to recommend the film to their relatives and friends.

In terms of the cinema, when the first day box office of "red cherry" went up all the way, the amount of "red cherry" was increased.

At the beginning, Jiaxin didn't dare to hold the international production line.

We should know that in 2006, when a ticket was still around 60-80 yuan, most people were not willing to spend so much money to go into the cinema to see a movie.

The movie market in the capital has not yet broken out completely, but on the day of its premiere, there will be a box office of about 100 million, which is something that Jin Xin and Jingzhi Chen did not expect.

"Honey, you're so smart."

When the film was released, ye suggested to Jing Zhichen that she sign a gambling agreement with Jin Xin.

At that time, the scene Chen still had some uneasiness, for fear that he would lose money.

It's just that jingshichen didn't expect that just one day's release time would let him see the dawn of hope.

"What's wrong with our sweetheart?"

Jingzhi Chen explained to Li Qingcang with great interest, "sweetheart suggested that I take the word-of-mouth route. When I first released the film, I didn't think that the Internet would be such a good medium. Sweetheart gave me the plan, and I did it according to sweetheart's plan. Brother, do you know? In the 19 hours from early morning to now, the box office of "red cherry" has reached 100 million... "

Li Qingcang took a deep look at Ye Tianxin. He held Ye Tianxin's hand and whispered, "my sweetheart is very capable."

"Brother, do you want to be so overbearing? What's your sweetheart? That's all of us

To make money, jingjingchen is happier than anyone else.

Jing Zhichen also learned some Internet rules from sweetheart.

Know what exposure means to a star.

"Honey, how much do you think the red cherry will end in the box office?"

Ye Tianxin looks at Li Qingcang. In her eyes, there is a bright and dazzling star light.

"One billion."

Jingjingchen was choked by his own saliva!

Billion. How could that be possible?

How many people are there in the capital?

How is it possible to reach a billion box office?

It's impossible!

"Honey, it can't be a billion."

Scene Chen patted his chest, how could this be possible?

This is not practical at all.

Ye Tianxin took a deep breath, and she said confidently, "brother, you believe me, as long as you do as I say, the box office is one billion, there is no problem at all."


Jing Zhichen hesitated. What does a billion dollar mean?

It means that he will make a lot of money in this movie.

"Brother, the economy of the empire is taking off, and young people are pursuing freedom. You can see how often young people use mobile phones to update their generation in the imperial capital market. A movie ticket of 60 yuan may be very expensive. But aren't you joining hands with other major lines? 120 yuan, two movie tickets, coke and popcorn... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!