"Dad, what's the matter with you?"

Xie xuning thought about that night, so that when ye Tianxin and Li Qingcang stepped down and sat down beside him, he did not feel at all.

"Sweetheart, watching you sing on stage reminds me of your childhood, sweetheart. Dad missed so many of the most important moments in your life."

At that moment, Xie xuning thought of an absurd idea.

It would be nice if people could really travel back to the past.

Then he would go back to his hometown before the accident happened.

At that time, he was not a commander-in-chief. He was just an ordinary teacher in the school.

He is just an ordinary doctor. They have children in a quiet town, waiting for the years to pass from the fingertips. Only in this way, he also feels happy.

"Dad, it doesn't matter. It's not what you want to miss. Besides, my future is still very long. You can't miss my future any more."

Xie xuning is not comforted by Ye Tianxin's words at all, but he is more sad in his heart.

That kind of debt to his daughter, his wife, and his mother-in-law all made Xie xuning feel more depressed.

On the stage, there are still star friends.

Until half an hour after the show, a white screen hung in the middle of the stage.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Director Jin's new work "red cherry" is about to begin to be released. This premiere is related to the future box office results.

Rhododendron tightly held the gold director's hand, she asked in a low voice, "are you nervous?"

"Not nervous."

Director Jin has made so many films and held so many premieres of new films.

This time, it is the most tense moment of golden director.

He changed the way he used to shoot such a love film for the first time.

He did not know that this film will become another milestone in his career as a director?

Or will it be a Waterloo in his career as a director?

The title of the film is a play on a train.

The girl was sitting on the train, looking out of the window.

Outside the window, is a brilliant rape flower.

In the carriage, full of people, she sat quietly among so many people.

Her chin was in her hand and her eyes were looking out of the window.

The breeze blew her long hair, revealing a delicate face.

Xie xuning's heart suddenly stopped. He seemed to feel that he could not even breathe.

He turned his head and looked at his daughter.

Ye Tianxin nodded slightly.


Dad, it's your story.

This is your love story with your mother.

Xie xuning's hand was shaking.

His lips trembled slightly.

This This Is this predestined fate in fate?

Their daughter, in the interpretation of their love.

The story is getting better and better, and ye sweetheart and sternness on the screen will bring the shyness and obscurity between boys and girls to a good effect.

The movie uses Ye Tianxin and severe original sound. Both of them have good sound quality, especially Ye Tianxin. When she laughs, she really looks like a silver bell.

And the people in the film group were shocked, because at the beginning of the film, the golden director didn't put out the trailer, so most people only know that the international director Jin Xin made a film called "red cherry".

They didn't expect to shoot a love film with the way he used to shoot.

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