Yao QingHan, on Xiao Mengmeng's back, offers his own wild fruit like a treasure.

This is similar to the fruit of snake fruit. It is not as big as snake fruit, but its shape is similar.

"Isn't it pretty?"

Ye Tianxin helps Yao QingHan up from Xiao Mengmeng's back. Yao QingHan's ankle is slightly swollen. Several people hold hands with each other and help Yao QingHan into his cell.

All of them, as soon as they entered the cell, came the storm.

The wind blows the trees, the weeds sway in the dark night, and the rainstorm blows the window lattice, making the sound of Pa Pa Pa Pa PA.

"It's so scary. It feels like we've come to a terrible desert island."

Ye Tianxin looked at Wei Weiwei's appearance, "is it difficult, are you still afraid?"

"Are you not afraid?" Wei Wei Wei's voice just fell, the overhead light, then suddenly did not have a little bit of light.

The rain can not help but scold, "fog grass ~ how this time the power failure?"

"No one has been in this cell for a long time. The circuit is aging. Maybe there is a short circuit somewhere."

Ji Nuan raised her head in some wonder. She had specially checked the line problem before. It is clear that there is no problem.

Why is there a sudden blackout?

"Since the power has been cut off, I think it's better for us to light the fire, eat something and go to bed early tonight?"

The season warm borrows the firelight, looks to the leaf sweetheart, "is inferior, I go to have a look."

"You don't have to go. You don't have any tools. What if you get hurt?" Considering the current actual situation, ye Tianxin disagrees with the inspection of seasonal warming, "we will make do with it for one night."

"Why don't we tell ghost stories?"

Yao QingHan gnawed at the snake fruit in his hand and suggested.

Yao QingHan's words got Wei Weiwei's response, "OK, I'll come first. I'll tell you, I'm full of ghost stories. I used to be a writer."

Wei Wei cleared his throat and told a ghost story in the dark.

"The story takes place on a desert island. The only difference is that there is a vacation villa on the desert island. The villa is usually managed by a dumb uncle and his blind wife. On this day, a senior three student from a school came here to study and travel. When he started, it was still sunny. After arriving, it changed..."

Yao QingHan scared tightly toward the direction of the rain fell by the past, the rain fell to endure, and did not push her away.

"There are 50 students in this class. But that night, one person disappeared. "

"I know that the missing man is the murderer." Xiao Mengmeng said, "Weiwei, the story I told is not terrible. I have heard many ghost stories before. Take the village at the foot of the mountain as an example. On the 15th day of the lunar calendar and the full moon night, all the villagers will close their doors and put three sticks of incense in front of their own courtyard..."

"Why?" Asked Ji Nuan.

"You don't know that there are many hermit families like us. Let me tell you about this village. The reason why people in the village don't go out is that the 15th lunar month is the ghost market. The quiet village has become a ghost city I went there once when I was a child, but it was very exciting... "

"Ghost market?" Wei Weiwei asked, "what is a ghost city like?"

"It's pretty, but if you ask me what I look like, I can't remember it. I heard from my older generation that people who have been to ghost markets generally don't remember, and I don't know why?"

"Ah..." Yao screamed in the cold.

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