Tears poured out, drop by drop.

It landed on the concrete floor.

She hates Ye Tianxin's aggressiveness.

She hated her husband's cruelty even more.

"Is that all right?"

Ye Tianxin walked to Wu Cailan and said in a low voice, "Mrs. Zhai, I know you are too sad to do this. Zhai Shanshi is a very good classmate. Go to find him quickly! All of our students are waiting for him to come back for the college entrance examination

Wu Cailan nodded at random.

She didn't dare to push the leaves, sweetheart, or do anything else.

She walked in the campus, Zhai mayor followed Wu Cailan, the two returned home.

Wu Cailan's emotions accumulated along the way broke out completely.

She picked up the things at home and smashed them all to the ground.

Zhai mayor has been standing on the side of indifference, and has not tried to stop Wu Cailan's crazy behavior.

The ground was covered with debris. TV, water cups, bowls, water bottles, skin care products, clothes and everything in the refrigerator were all mixed on the ground.

She was so exhausted.

A pair of red eyes, with endless disappointment.

"Satisfied? You watch me bow down to a wild girl and apologize? Are you satisfied? "

Zhai mayor's eyes, is a calm.

"Do you know better than anyone why stone ran away from home? Wu Cailan, you are also a woman with higher education. Do you feel guilty when you frame up an innocent girl like this? "

"Isn't it her fault? Pretending to be so pitiful that we were stoned... "

"Didn't you like others when you were young? Have you ever liked anyone else? Wu Cailan, think about it yourself. Whose fault is all this? Calm down for yourself. I'll sleep in the office these days. "

When he had finished, he left.

Wu Cailan sat on the ground, covered her face and burst into tears.

She cried for a long time, for a long time, until the night shrouded the quiet town in silence, Wu Cailan got up from the ground and began to take care of the house.

On the other hand, after Wu Cailan apologized, the class order also returned to normal.

Li Xiaohui secretly passed a note to Ye Tianxin, which said, "Zhai Shanshi, that guy, secretly loves you? I can't see it! "

Ye Tianxin gave Li Xiaohui a reply, "take a serious class."

At the end of a class, Mr. Chen specially said to Ye Tianxin, "honey, I hope you won't be affected by this incident, and the teaching director and I will not let this matter have a greater impact on you..."

Ye Tianxin is still very concerned about Zhai Shanshi's whereabouts. "Mr. Chen, if Zhai Shanshi can't go back to school before the college entrance examination, can't he take part in the college entrance examination?"

"Yes, but Zhai will find him. Don't let him affect your entrance examination. "

In the days after that, Zhai Shanshi had no news at all.

A week later, Zhai mayor seems to have given up the search, and Wu Cailan also began to resume work.

May 20 is the 18th birthday of Ye Tianxin.

There are 16 days to go before the college entrance examination.

This day, ye Tianxin gets to bed together. Ye Tianxin sees her grandmother's kind face. She reaches out her hand and touches her face.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart."


Ye Tianxin hugs her grandmother. Because of her operation, she needs to take care of herself, but she is a little fatter. There is a faint smell of traditional Chinese medicine on her body.

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