Lu Zishan really doesn't treat herself as an outsider. Since she has put forward her own idea, I have to agree. I can't help but let her go.

I chose a restaurant nearby. Anyway, I didn't feel like eating. I coped with it and left without chatting.

Zuo Feng should have said something to me, but we didn't say anything about Lu Zishan.

He took me to the door of the restaurant and said, "let's get together again later. Let's have a good chat."

I smile at him, "I'll talk about it then."

After Zuo Feng got in, I went to the parking lot and was about to drive away, but Lu Zishan ran after me again and stopped me.

"Do you think it's unpleasant for you to leave so soon?"

It's really hard for me to answer her naive question. After thinking about it, I simply met her requirements and gave her the answer she wanted, "yes."

"You didn't expect that I would become a director of Tiansheng real estate and steal your limelight? I advise you to withdraw from Tiansheng as soon as possible, or you will have a hard time in the future. " Lu Zishan threatened.

I think it's funny. Miss Luzi is so cute. She even talks about such childish threats at her age.

"I see. I'll consider quitting." I got in the car and got ready to leave.

"By the way, let me tell you something. Fang zhe asked me to dinner tonight. Do you know about it? You don't know, do you? " Lu Zishan said triumphantly.

I was stunned. I didn't expect that she would say that.

"Then take your time. He asked you to have dinner. What do you have to do with me? Have a good time." I said faintly.

Although I pretend to be calm on the surface, I still feel uncomfortable inside. I was thinking about whether what Lu Zishan said was true or not. Did Fang zhe really invite her to dinner?

If it's true, why did Fang zhe offer her? Does Fang zhe know in advance that she has become the representative of Vodafone, so he wants to communicate with her? Is that necessary?

Originally, I wanted to call Fang Zhe and ask him whether it was true or not, but I was worried that Fang zhe would laugh at me. And even if he did ask Lu Zishan for dinner, I shouldn't be too fussy. They are old friends. What's so strange.

Later, I called Fang Zhe and deliberately asked him to have dinner with me. He said that he had a friend and didn't have time to have dinner with me tonight.

I feel uncomfortable here, not only unhappy, but also uneasy.

I think I'm too ridiculous. Isn't it Fang zhe who offers dinner with others? As for my fear?

In order to make myself calm, I decided to find Jujie for dinner. If I don't stay alone, I can avoid my wishful thinking.

As a result, sister Juan made an appointment, but she had no time. Yang Yu also made an appointment with a fitness coach to keep fit. Xiao Ru had something to do, but she couldn't make an appointment for dinner alone, so I had to go home.

When I got home, the uneasiness became more and more intense. I couldn't help but pick up my mobile phone to call Fang Zhe.

As a result, Fang Zhe's phone was turned off. I called Gao Zhan again and asked him if he was with Fang Zhe. He said no.

I can't help throwing the phone on the sofa. What's the matter? About a meal and turn it off, as for? Is it true that the old love revived and got together?

It's impossible to think about it. Fang Zhe and I broke up for such a long time, and he didn't have anything to do with Lu Zishan. How can we suddenly rekindle our old love now?

Although I feel uneasy, since Fang zhe has turned off the power, I have nothing to do. After reading for a while, I drink a glass of wine and go to sleep.

Unable to sleep, he got up again and continued to read. He tossed until 12 o'clock in the evening, but still couldn't sleep. He then called Fang Zhe, but still couldn't get through.

At this time, there was lightning and thunder outside, and it began to rain heavily.

I stood in front of the window, opened the curtain, looked at the storm outside, my heart was thumping, a thunder sounded, I quickly closed the curtain, back to bed.

In order to make myself no longer nervous, I simply found a bottle of liquor, poured a few mouthfuls into it, and finally fell asleep.

Wake up the next day, the rain has stopped, because last night that liquor drink too much, wine strength has not completely dispersed, head still some dizziness.

After washing, I fried an egg and heated a piece of bread for myself. After eating, I was ready to go to work.

At this time, the mobile phone vibrated. It was Wang Jun who called. Before he answered the phone, my heart jumped wildly.

Wang Jun is a policeman. If nothing happened, he would not have called me so early. Something must have happened! And it must have something to do with Fang Zhe.

"Hello, Wang Jun." I asked in a trembling voice, "what's the matter?"

"Where are you? Is brother zhe with you? " Wang Jun asked.

My heart beat faster. "No, what's up?"

"Where are you? I'll come to you." Wang Jun said.

"I'm at home. Shall we go out and have breakfast somewhere? I'll go out and find a good place. I'll send you the location. " I said.

"No, just send me the location of your home. Don't go out. I'll come right away." Wang Jun finished and hung up.Sure enough, something happened, but Wang Jun didn't say what it was. He didn't want to say it on the phone. He wanted to tell me face to face.

While waiting for Wang Jun, I called Gao Zhan and asked him if he knew where Fang zhe was. Gao Zhan said he didn't know. He had been looking for Fang Zhe, but he didn't find it.

After waiting for about half an hour, Wang Jun came. I invited him into the room and made him a cup of tea.

Wang Jun's eyes were bloodshot and tired. He didn't have a good rest. He asked me if I had any coffee and made him a cup.

I really don't have it at home, but I have it downstairs. I'm going to order takeout, but it's too early. Wang Jun said that's OK. Just add more tea.

"You come to me so early. Is something wrong with Fang zhe?" I asked nervously.

"It was Lu Zishan who had an accident. She was knocked unconscious after being raped in the club. She suffered serious head injury and didn't wake up. The doctor said that the possibility of waking up was very small." Wang Jun said.

"Ah?" I screamed in horror.

"It happened at two o'clock in the morning. I was not on duty last night. I was called to the bureau at three o'clock in the morning and immediately started the investigation. According to witnesses, before the accident, Lu Zishan had dinner with a man, and then went to the club to drink. They entered the club at about 12:30 in the evening, and then stayed in the private room all the time. Because Lu Zishan was a VIP, no one bothered them It's the manager of the club who reminds them to close. Then he knocks on the door. It turns out that Lu Zishan is lying in a pool of blood, naked and injured in many places. Before the accident, she was obviously sexually assaulted. "

I was even more nervous because I had already guessed that the man who was drinking with Lu Zishan in the club must be Fang Zhe.

I didn't speak, waiting for Wang Jun to continue, but I was so nervous that I shivered slightly.

"There is no monitoring inside the club, but there is one outside. The person who entered the club with Lu Zishan is Zhe Ge, and there is no third person. Just the two of them, the police are analyzing Lu Zishan's body fluid, but that analysis will take some time to get a report. At present, we are looking for Zhe Ge to cooperate with the investigation, but we can't find him."

My whole body trembled even more severely. "Fang zhe raped Lu Zishan. How could it be? How could he have done that? "

"Don't think so. We all know Zhe Ge's character. He won't do it, and he doesn't have to. But now the biggest problem is that we can't find Zhe Ge. The whole city is looking for him, but we can't find him. So I just want to ask you, do you know something about this matter, for example, has Zhe Ge called you? " Wang Jun said.

"No, I've tried to contact Fang zhe since last night, but his phone is always off, and I can't find him, but I don't believe Fang zhe will do that. Fang zhe can't do that!" I yelled.

"Don't get excited. I don't believe Zhe Ge will do that. We will continue to investigate this matter. I believe the truth is not like that. Now the most important thing is that we have to find brother Zhe and ask him face to face

"But where can we go to find him? We can't get in touch with him at all. It won't be published. If it's written in the news, Fang zhe will be in trouble. Won't the police break the news?" I'm in a hurry.

"Of course not, and it's related to the Lu family, so the Lu family won't let it go out. Now all of us keep this case secret. It's said that anyone who spreads the news will take off their police uniform."

I was relieved. "By the way, isn't there a monitor at the door of the club? When did Fang zhe leave the club? You can know. How was he when he left the club? Was he drunk?"

"It rained heavily last night, and the monitoring was damaged by thunder, so we don't know exactly when Zhe Ge left the club, and we don't know his state when he left. But we checked the surrounding monitoring, and we didn't see Zhe Ge's shadow. Maybe it was too heavy rain, and the monitoring couldn't be taken at all." Wang Jun said.

"Are the police secretly chasing Fang Zhe now? Is he in danger? "

"We're just looking for him, but we can't talk about chasing him, so he shouldn't be in danger. I wonder if he's drunk, so he went to the hotel to sleep. But we checked all the hotels all night, but we didn't find brother Zhe. He's like someone else's evaporation. Now the Lu family thinks brother Zhe is the murderer, which puts a lot of pressure on us. You'd better not go out today, I guess If brother zhe contacts you, you should tell me first. You must tell me at the first time, so that I can protect him. "

I nodded, "thank you. If he contacts me, I will let you know first."

"You can rest assured that Zhe Ge is OK. I believe he didn't commit a crime. Zhe Ge is not like that. This matter will be clarified."

Wang Jun comforted me a few words and then left. As soon as Wang Jun left, someone knocked on the door. Looking out from cat's eye, I saw two people in police uniform.