In addition to Zuo Feng and Fang Zhe, everyone drank too much that night, and Adelaide and Gao Zhan went to the hospital ahead of time.

Fang zhe called the driver to pick him up. I got into his car and felt dizzy. I felt like vomiting. I'm so happy tonight. I haven't been so happy for a long time.

"No matter how hard you feel, you can't vomit in my car, or I won't let you go." Fang zhe warned.

"I didn't want to throw up, but if you say that, I'll throw up in your car. I see what you can do to me." I'm in the airway.

"Who let you drink so much, because zuofeng or Adelaide, why are you so happy?" There was a strong sour smell in the car.

"Now zuofeng is sister Juan's boyfriend, and aduh says that he wants to marry Zeng Ru. They are all famous grass owners. What vinegar are you eating?"

He stretched out his hand and gently massaged my head with his fingers. "I just can't stand the way you are happy in front of other men. Don't drink so much in the future. If you want to drink, just drink with me alone. Don't drink with other men."

"But it's for everyone to play together tonight. It's not for me to drink alone. What kind of vinegar do you have?"

Under Fang Zhe's finger massage, I feel that my head is really more comfortable and less painful.

"I'm not jealous. I'm just not happy. After the party, you girls can get together. There's no need to call men."

This is simply unreasonable. Isn't it normal for men and women to be together? Why can't there be men?

Anyway, he is unreasonable. I don't care about him.

When I got to the mid levels villa, I felt a lot sober. I went to wash myself and lay down to have a rest.

As soon as I closed my eyes, Fang zhe came in. He climbed on me and began to kiss me slowly.

Feeling of long absence, I closed my eyes and tried to smell his breath.


Wake up the next day, feel backache, drink too much last night, and Fang zhe fight for a long time, consumption is too big.

He simply couldn't afford to stay in bed. As a result, Fang zhe forced him to drag him out of bed to eat breakfast. His theory is that no matter how late he went to bed, he should first get up in the morning to recover his Yang, and then go back to sleep. In this way, he won't be depressed. If he stayed in bed all the time, he would only be more sleepy and less energetic.

Fang zhe went to work after breakfast, so I went back to sleep. I was so sleepy that I fell asleep again soon. But this time, I woke up after a short sleep. As Fang zhe said, I felt much better.

Just after washing and going out, sister Juan called and asked me if I got up. She said that there was an important document that I needed to sign.

When I drove to the company, I met a female colleague in the elevator. She told me that someone had sent a lot of flowers to Yang Yu, but it was very busy.

I thought a lot of flowers are dozens of flowers, but the fact is more than I imagined. There are a lot of roses in one corner of Yang Yu's office, and the whole office is full of the smell of roses.

It's a big deal, but my first feeling is that Gao Zhan didn't give it to me. Gao Zhan doesn't know how to use it.

"Which direction is the peach blossom blooming again? If ah Zhan knew this, what would it look like to be jealous? " I joked.

"It's from Lu Yan. He's a psycho. He suddenly sent me so many flowers. He said that he welcomed me back." Yang Yu said.

It turned out to be Lu Yan. I didn't expect that. In the past, Lu Yan expressed his love for Yang Yu. But it's been a long time. It seems that Lu Yan didn't have any follow-up action. I thought it was a thing of the past. But now he's starting to make big moves. Is this a comeback?

"He's quite well-informed. I know you're leaving and I know you're coming back. It costs a lot of money. I'm really willing."

"I don't know how to deal with it. I want aunt cleaner to throw it away, but I think it's a pity to put it here. It's too smelly." Yang Yu said with a frown.

"I thought that Lu Yan's pursuit of you was over, but he didn't come again. It seems that your charm is really great. Even people like you are chasing you."

"Sister ya, don't make fun of me. I don't like Lu Yan at all, let alone sending flowers. Even if he gives me a golden mountain, I won't agree with his pursuit. You know my mind. I won't change my mind easily." Yang Yu said.

"He should really like you, or he won't send flowers for such a long time. Anyway, it's always good for someone to like you. It's better to be liked than hated."

"It doesn't matter whether he really likes me or not. What matters is that I don't like him." Yang Yu's attitude is firm.

While talking with Yang Yu, the phone vibrated and it turned out to be Lu Yan.

I can't remember how long he hasn't called me. The relationship between us is very strange. We are enemies and friends. Although we are enemies most of the time, we don't have much hatred. I don't have a special aversion to him. I even think he doesn't hate Su Wenshan, although Su Wenshan and I are related by blood.

I shook the phone in front of Yang Yu. "Mr. Lu called. Maybe he wanted to find you.""Don't say I'm here. I don't want to talk to him." Yang Yu said.

"Yes, I'll listen to him first."

I picked up the phone and didn't speak.

"Hello, Mr. ya, I'm sorry to disturb you." Lu Yan takes the initiative to speak.

"Mr. Lu, what can I do for you?"

"I'd like to invite the president of Asia to have coffee, but I don't know if the president of Asia is willing to show his appreciation?"

He called and asked me out. I didn't expect him to ask me out.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"Let's meet and say that I won't delay Mr. Asia too much time. Please rest assured." Lu Yan said.

I thought about it for a moment and said that's OK. I'll see you later.

After I signed the documents that I needed to sign, I came to the club that I had agreed with Lu Yan. Lu Yan had been waiting for a long time.

In fact, Lu Yan is also a good-looking man. He is gentle and elegant. He has the unique noble spirit of a childe. He is the kind of person who knows that he is the son of a rich family. He got up and motioned to me to sit down. He is very graceful.

In terms of appearance and family background, Gao Zhan and Lu Yan are not in the same level as their competitors. I believe 90% of girls will choose Lu Yan instead of Gao Zhan when choosing a mate.

But fate is like this, as the party, Yang Yu doesn't like Mr. Lu, but likes the man who can eat a bowl of noodles at a meal.

I looked at my watch, "Mr. Lu, if you have something to say, I'll have something to do later."

"Well, let me just say that I like Miss Yang Yu. I think Mr. yazong should know about this?"

I laughed. "I don't know. But when I went to the company today, I saw a lot of flowers. It's said that they were sent by President Lu. I really have a heart. Little girls can't stand this set of flowers. "

Lu Yan said with a smile, "I passed by a florist and suddenly felt that the flowers were so beautiful that I wanted to buy some as a gift, so I bought them for Miss Yang. Isn't it naive? Let the president laugh. "

"It's not naive to say that flowers are given to beauties, but Mr. Lu likes Yang Yu. What does it have to do with me?" I asked with a smile.

"Yang Yu and Ya are always good friends, which we all know, so I want to ask Mr. ya to help me catch up with Yang Yu. With your help, I think I have at least a chance."

I took a sip of coffee and thought to myself, what does Lu Yan mean? He is such a smart person, it is impossible not to know that love can not be forced. If the other party likes it, it can be pursued without help. If the other party doesn't like it, it's useless even to find a group of people to help. After all, it's not a group fight. It can be done with a large number of people.

Lu Yan should understand all these principles. Why do you want to see me?

"How can Mr. Lu help me?" I asked with a smile.

"I just want Yang Yu to get rid of her prejudice against me and let her know that I'm not a bad person. Her evaluation of me is definitely not good, because I used to be the enemy of the general assembly of Asia, but the struggle for interests is not clear." Lu Yan said.

"What does Mr. Lu mean by that? Let me say good things about you in front of Yang Yu every day? But is it useful? It should be useless, isn't it? "

"No, I don't want Mr. ya to say good things. I want Mr. ya to transfer Yang Yu to Tiansheng real estate, so that I can have more contact with her and she can have more opportunities to know me. Isn't this difficult for Mr. ya?"

It turns out that Lu Yan is an excellent professional manager. Chasing girls is a bit of strategic planning. First, let the other party get closer to him, and then he will have more performance opportunities. In terms of probability, the probability of success will be higher.

"In fact, I wonder why Mr. Lu suddenly started chasing Yang Yu again. Didn't your business turn over a long time ago?"

"I've always liked her, but she didn't like me. Later, a lot of things happened, which made me give up pursuing. But now I want to understand that love can't be given up easily. As long as I marry her or not, we are all possible." Lu Yan said.

"Mr. Lu seems to have made great determination, but love can't be achieved by planning and operation. Mr. Lu should understand that."

Lu Yan nodded, "Mr. Ya is right, but love can be cultivated. It's just a process of recognizing each other's advantages. I ask myself that I'm not worse than Gao Zhan. I believe I can win Gao Zhan." Lu Yan said.

"Emotional competition is not the same as business. I would like to persuade Mr. Lu to let go. A gentleman doesn't want to be loved by others. Since they are all good, why do you want to get involved in it? He also wants me to help him. Gao Zhan is my younger brother. I won't agree to help Mr. Lu either in public or in private. "

Lu Yan nodded again, "I know that the Asian Association says so. I have conditions. As long as the Asian Association is willing to help me, I can help you control Tiansheng real estate, and then I withdraw from Tiansheng."

Is Lu Yan willing to make such a big sacrifice? I didn't expect this, but I can't tell whether his words are true or false.