Sister Juan laughed, "the boss is here. If the boss asks us to play for a few days, we will play for a few days. If the boss asks us to go back immediately, we will go back immediately."

Yang Yu was glad to hear that, "sister ya, you say something, should we play here for a few days? I haven't been abroad for a long time. The journey is so hard. I want to have a rest before I go

"Sister Juan is teasing you. Let's play for a few days." I said with a smile.

"Well, well, let aduh take us to a big meal!" Yang Yu was happy all of a sudden.

Seeing her happy, I feel her cheerful.

There are too many painful things in this world, and we can't go all the time, otherwise we will never come out.

Juan elder sister they rest for a while, let ad lead to go out to eat.

Then for the next two days, Adelaide took all kinds of fun, just like when I first came here.

Adelaide himself is a playboy. What he is good at is eating, drinking and having fun. The restaurants he takes to eat are delicious, and the bars he goes to are also fun. He has a yacht to take us out to sea. It's a pleasure to have fun.

After playing for three days, we finally got tired of playing. Sister Juan's phone was blown up all day. All kinds of company affairs were waiting for her to deal with, so we decided to go back to Zhuhai.

Sister Juan and Yang Yu both flew to Zhuhai directly by plane. I was still under the operation of Adelaide. They arrived in Zhuhai three days later.

I'm happy to come back, but I find I have no home again.

Although the Banshan villa and other properties are under my name, they are all given to me by Fang Zhe. Now we have become enemies. I will never live in Fang Zhe's house again.

Moreover, when I think of Chen Qiming's saying that Fang zhe was in charge of everything and killed my mother, my heart is like a knife. At present, Fang Zhe and I can't forgive each other.

So I bought a suite in Zhushi, which is near the company. It's not very big, but it can be directly moved in after decoration. I started my life again.

After settling down, the first thing I have to do is to find Wang Jun to understand the case. Although I have cleared the suspect, I still care about the case. I have to find out who is harming me.

Wang Jun is still as busy as ever, about twice, finally met him.

He and I are old friends, so I asked directly, "what can I ask and what can't I ask about the case?"

"This case once brought you a lot of trouble, so I try to tell you what you want to know. Even if there are some violations, it doesn't matter. After all, you are one of the parties." Wang Jun said, "but it's strange that I told brother zhe about the case. Didn't he tell you?"

"I'm separated from Fang Zhe. As you know, his sister died. He suspects that I did it, so we are enemies now."

Wang Jun is not a gossip. He didn't ask for details. He just sighed, "if it's a misunderstanding, it will be clarified eventually. I hope you can get together as soon as possible. You are all good people."

I'm silent. I don't know how to say. I can't tell whether I'm a good person or not.

"Not to mention Fang Zhe, why did the security guard kill Wang song?" I asked directly about the case.

"According to him, he took 200000 yuan from others, and then sneaked into Wang Jun's house, because he was the security guard of the community and knew Wang song. He came into Wang Song's house with Wang Song on the pretext of checking the gas, and then killed him. After killing him, he continued to return to the door duty, and we later sent the police. He was at the scene."

"The murderer? Two hundred thousand, he's killing people? " It sounds incredible.

"Two hundred thousand is just the first one. After killing, we will give another eight hundred thousand. That's one million."

"Who bought it, then?"

"Yes, he said that a man surnamed Fang came to him, but the man only claimed to be Fang, but he was wearing a mask and couldn't see his true face. He didn't believe it at first, but the other party gave him 200000 yuan at once, which made him completely moved. You know, 200000 yuan is really a lot of money for a security guard, let alone 80 yuan after the event Ten thousand. " Wang Jun said.

I nodded, "it's also true that a security guard wants to earn a million. It's too difficult. How many years does it take him to earn a million? Do you have any clues about the man surnamed Fang?"

Wang Jun shook his head, "no, that man is extremely cautious and doesn't leave us too many clues at all, but I'm still investigating. We have to talk about chance when we investigate a case. Sometimes we break it all at once with good luck."

"Then, what else can I do for you? I escaped by myself before. Will I be held responsible again? "

Wang Jun said with a smile, "don't worry. I've dealt with the past for you, but you are so powerful that you can run away from us. It can be said that you are very powerful."

I also wry smile, "is just a friend to help, if I rely on myself, I can't do this step.". By the way, why do I have my hair and earrings in Wang Song's bedroom? ""It was put by the security guard and given to him by the murderer. He was asked to put it on the bed in the bedroom." Wang Jun said.

I have a chill in my back.

"So, the buyer is very familiar with me, otherwise he would not have the chance to collect my hair and earrings."

Wang Jun nodded, "yes, that's why I asked you if you have any suspicious objects."

"No I answered calmly.

"But I think you have a lot on your mind. You seem to have someone you doubt." Wang Jun saw through me.

"No, I'll think about it. If I think of anything, I'll tell you again, and I won't delay you."

"Good." Wang Jun also stood up, "I hope you and brother zhe get together as soon as possible, you are very matched."

I gave a wry smile, didn't say anything, and got up to leave.

Back in the car, I was in a trance, and my heart was very heavy.

On the surface, I said to Wang Jun that I have no doubts, but in fact, I have doubts in my heart, that is Fang Zhe.

Fang zhe killed my mother, but in order to deceive me and treat me well, he has successfully solved my doubts about him over the years. I am willing to live and die for him. I regard him as the only relative in the world, and he has become the motivation and hope for me to live.

But he knew that I couldn't forget the past. As long as I was alive, I would always pursue the truth. The truth can't be covered up forever. He knew that one day I would find the truth, so he wanted to kill me.

It happened that Fang Zhi and Wang song had done something harmful to the reputation and interests of the Fang family, so he wanted to get rid of Wang song, so he bought and killed Wang song, and then put the blame on me, so I would go to prison and never turn over.

He's always around me. It's easy to collect my hair and earrings. There's no need to explain.

This is my inference, but all this is based on the premise that Fang Zhe is the murderer of my mother. If Chen Qiming didn't show up and prove that Fang Zhe is the murderer, I would never suspect him.

If my conjecture is true, then everything makes sense.

Fang Zhi forced me to plead guilty in prison, saying that if I didn't plead guilty, Fang zhe would die. The news must be false. It's very likely that the person who let Fang Zhi pass the news is Fang Zhe. In this way, when I plead guilty, I won't doubt Fang Zhe.

Then, Fang Zhi has an affair with Wang song. Fang Zhi is also a person who affects the reputation of Fang family, and conspires with Fang Zhe to kill Wang song. In Fang Zhe's eyes, Fang Zhi can't live.

So Fang Zhi died in Manila, and Fang zhe planted the accusation on my head again, so that no one would doubt him, only me.

As for Chen Qiming, it may be that Fang zhe took him away by using some kind of relationship, or he may be killed. Chen Qiming said that Fang Zhe is a cruel man, so I have to guard against him.

I feel very scared when I think about it. If everything I guess is true, Fang Zhe is terrible. He is a wolf beside my pillow.

But I can't tell Wang song that he's a policeman, but he's also Fang Zhe's brother. He can't accept my ideas. In his eyes, Fang Zhe is a good man who attaches great importance to affection and righteousness. Fang zhe won't do such cruel things.

In fact, I don't want to believe that my own speculation is true. If it is true, it can only show that I am too stupid. I have been living with a wolf blindly for so many years, and I have paid for him without regret.

But I can't convince myself, because all the evidence points to Fang Zhe, who is the most likely person to do it. In this world, I can't think of anyone else who will do it except him.

He has all the conditions and enough motivation. Who is he?

I decided to meet him and ask him face to face. Even if he doesn't admit it, I'll let him understand that I'm not a fool and I can't be at his disposal all the time. I have my own thoughts and my own judgment.

I called him, but he didn't answer. He called his office telephone. His assistant told me that Mr. Fang didn't go to work these two days. He had something at home to deal with the housework.

The assistant's words remind me that I promised Fang Zhe that I would go to see Mrs. Fang. Anyway, the old lady is innocent. First she lost her husband, then her son-in-law and daughter. It's cruel for any woman. Fang zhe said that she has been talking about me all the time. I should go to see her.

Maybe you can get some clues about Fang zhe from her.

The idea must be, I bought some nutrition, came to Mrs. Fang's community.

As a result, after ringing the doorbell, it was Fang zhe who opened the door.

This is embarrassing. Originally, he wanted to stand on his back and have a look at Fang Zhe. Unexpectedly, he ran into him here. He looked at me coldly and didn't mean to let me in.