As I was eating, my phone rang. It was Fang zhe who sent me a message and asked me where I was.

I told him that I was having dinner with Zeng Ru.

He said he missed me and asked if I could see him later. He was still in the hospital.

How long have you been missing me? I didn't believe it. I asked him if there was anything wrong.

But he said nothing, just simply miss me, and then especially want to see me. But now Mrs. Fang and they are still there. Let me find him later.

He said he wanted to leave the hospital, but Mrs. Fang refused to let him leave the hospital and asked him to observe more in the hospital.

I'll come to you later.

Later, I opened a bottle of good wine and waited for Wang song to come to the club as arranged.

I'm really happy today, so I drank a few more cups with Zeng Ru when eating hot pot. Now I'm still a little feverish, but it's OK. I'm in a controllable range.

After waiting for half an hour, Wang song came when I was a little impatient.

Wang song was very excited when he saw that I had opened the wine well. "We won't get drunk tonight, but the wine is not strong enough. We need to drink a lot of red wine to get drunk."

Listen to him, is he trying to get me drunk? I'm not an idiot. How can he get me drunk easily?

"I have a small amount of wine, otherwise I'll ask someone to bring you a bottle of strong wine, I'll drink red wine and you'll drink foreign wine. It's more appropriate, otherwise I'm drunk and you're still awake. How boring is that?"

But Wang song is an old fox, and he won't be fooled easily. "I can't drink enough. I drink red bars."

"But you just said that you don't think the wine is strong enough. I'll give you a bottle of strong enough. You are a man and I am a woman. It's unfair for me to drink the same as me."

Originally, I didn't want to get him drunk, but he reminded me to do so.

I believe that alcohol has the same effect on anyone. As long as he is drunk, he will not be rational. As long as he is not rational, he will say what he should say and what he should not say.

Even if he won't say it all, it's better to say it with me. This is the best chance for me to reveal his true face. If he can't succeed this time, it's not easy for him to take precautions next time.

I asked the waiter to bring a bottle of foreign wine, the very strong one, to Wang song.

But he didn't agree. He said that if they wanted to drink foreign wine, they would both drink the same, otherwise it would be unfair to him.

I stood up, "second brother-in-law, are you a little manly? If you drink with a woman, you have to haggle over everything. You also say that you are a person you can rely on. How can you make people believe that you can rely on

Wang Song looked at me with greasy eyes and said, "don't call me second brother-in-law. I'm not your second brother-in-law. You can omit the word" second sister. "

I pretended not to understand, and continued to persuade wine, "this wine is called, if you don't drink, then how to do, always can't return it, is a man should be more relaxed, you don't want to talk about cooperation with me, don't drink, how can we have a good talk?"

man can't stand the advice. After a few times of my soft grinding, Wang Song finally agreed to drink Baijiu, I drank red wine.

I shook my glass and touched him. "That's what a man should have. Cheers."

The wine he drank should be very strong, because after he drank it, his brow wrinkled deeply.

Then he soon got drunk, began to talk more, and was less cautious.

"Suya, you are very likable, smart, capable and beautiful, so I like to cooperate with you. You have a future only when you cooperate with me. Fang zhe has no future. He doesn't care about you, but I can love you."

Wang Song said, reaching over and trying to put his arm around my shoulder.

I dodged lightly and sat at a certain distance from him, but he soon came up again.

"Second brother-in-law, don't move your hands and feet. If you want to do this, I'll go. I'm not a big sister. I can let you come at will."

He was not drunk. As soon as I said this, his hand stopped in the air, and then he laughed, "what are you talking about?"

"Do you think I don't know about you and your elder sister? You are really good at cheating on the second sister and the eldest sister. Aren't you afraid that the second sister knows? " I said with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense. It's nothing." Wang song has regained his vigilance.

"Nothing? You drove to the top of the mountain that night, and you didn't count what you did in the car? Do you really think everyone is a fool? You can hide it from everyone, you can't hide it from me. " I sneer.

Wang Song's face changed, staring at me, did not speak.

I reached out and patted him on the shoulder. "You don't have to be nervous. It's none of my business that you mess with my elder sister. So I won't sue others. But I have to remind you that you should be careful in the future. Don't let people bump into you, or I'm afraid the second elder sister won't forgive you."

Wang song was relieved. "The woman Fang Zhi took the initiative to hook up with me. I didn't want to, but I wanted to use her, so I just had to make do with her. I didn't like her."I smile, "elder sister seduces you, you want to use her? Is she useful? She is just a married daughter of the Fang family. What can I do for her? "

"That's not true. Fang Zhi's husband is a politician. He is the director of the Urban Council. He is also an influential figure in Maya. If we want to take over all the property of Fang's family, he must have his support." Wang Song said.

"That's very interesting. Do you want to sleep with someone else's wife, and then ask them to support you? If the eldest brother-in-law knows about your relationship with the eldest sister, I'm afraid he will support you even if he has the heart to kill you? "

"I said that Fang Zhi seduced me. I want her support. She has her husband's support, and then she supports me. Isn't that equivalent to her husband supporting me? Some things are not very clear, but that's it. "

"Well, let's not talk about your erotic history. How are you going to cooperate with me?" I changed the subject.

"It's very simple. Once Fang zhe loses his position, there must be a leader in the Fang family. At that time, you and I will be the most likely ones, because other people don't have the ability. The old lady has the ability, but she is old and useless. If we unite, then the Fang family will be ours?"

"But you didn't say the specific joint rules. Besides, Fang Zhe is still there. Although he has lost his memory, his brain is not as easy to deal with as you think."

"He is easy to deal with if he has no memory. If we make up something to cheat him, he will believe it. A person who has no memory has no confidence in himself and is easy to be used by others. When we take over Fang's home and send Fang Zhe and his wife abroad, no one can stop us. At that time, Maya's property will belong to me and Zhuhai's will belong to you. When we are together again, we will be the masters of Fang's family, and no one can treat us as outsiders, Destiny should be in your own hands, and it can't be given by others! "

Wang song was more and more excited, and he was determined to win.

Wang song has been the son-in-law of the Fang family for so many years. The Fang family has given him honor and wealth, but he is not grateful. What he wants to do is to kick out all the people in the Fang family.

"What about Fang Zhi and Fang Hui? What do they do? One is your wife and the other is your lover. How do you deal with them?" I asked.

"If those two stupid women have anything to say, they can deal with whatever they want. As long as Fang Zhe and the old lady are settled, those two women will be fine." Wang Song said with disdain.

"You and the second sister have been married for so many years, and you have the heart to be so heartless to her? Do you think it's cruel? " I said with a frown.

"What's cruel? I've never liked her. I'm good with her because I like her background. If she's not the daughter of Fang family, I won't even look her in the eye." Wang Song said hatefully.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Cooperate with me secretly, let the Fang family fall into crisis, let Fang zhe out of class, let him down, then hold me up, let me manage the affairs of the Fang family, and then we slowly marginalize them. It takes time, not a day to do things, but I believe it won't take long, you and I can become the masters of the Fang family, then I can marry you, you don't have to worry about losing Go to the present life. "

I sneer in my heart. What do I want, you bastard? What are you?

"So I have to thank my second brother-in-law?" I said with a smile.

"Don't thank us. We're a group. We'll share happiness and difficulties in the future." Wang song is going to reach out and hug me again, so I get out of the way again.

"There's no one else here, so don't hide. We can get close to each other. I've dreamt about you several times." Wang song came closer.

I could only hide a little more, but this time Wang Song refused to give up easily, and chased back, "Suya, we are intimate, no one will find out!"

"Stop, you don't have to force me. You have to see clearly. I'm not Fang Zhi. Don't mess with me!" I stood up and said.

"But didn't you agree to cooperate with me? We can be casual, of course. I really like you. You are very beautiful. You are my favorite type!"

Wang Songyue said that he was more and more excited. He even wanted to kiss me. In my hurry, I slapped him in the face.

This woke him up. "What do you mean? What kind of martyr do you pretend to be in front of me? Do you want to cooperate with me? If you don't cooperate with me, you will have nothing! "

"Second brother-in-law, you drink too much, you calm down, don't get excited." I tried to appease him.

"But you hit me! Are you lying to me? Don't you want to work with me? " Wang Song challenged me with wine.

I laughed and raised my glass. "Come on, let's have another drink. Don't get excited. Have a good drink."