This morning, Fang Zhe and I came to the company to hold the first executive meeting in nearly half a month.

The main topic of the meeting was to announce the success of the company's share repurchase, and to reassure everyone that Fang zhe was not imprisoned by me as rumored.

After the meeting, the group's public relations department sent a video of Fang zhe hosting the meeting to the media, officially breaking the rumor that Fang zhe was banned. The next day, after the opening, the stock price rose sharply, pulling back 15%.

After dealing with Xingde, I also went to Fengcai daily chemical. I haven't been there for a long time.

Sister Juan quickly held a senior management meeting to report her work to my boss, who hasn't shown up for a long time. Sister Juan arranged all her work well, almost without any loopholes.

I also said a few words symbolically, mainly in front of the executives praised sister Juan, thanks for her hard work.

Back in the office, I asked sister Juan, "how is Lu Zishan's company now?"

"It's OK, but the development momentum is not as good as ours, but I heard that they are now developing a high-end product, and they want to develop in the high-end direction." Said Sister Juan.

"Do you think she can make it?"

"The direction is right. With the upgrading of consumption, brand is becoming more and more important. But the so-called high-end products do not become high-end products when the price is high. It also depends on your quality and reputation. Moreover, the formation of high-end brand itself is a long process. If you don't see a high-end brand in one or two days, the brand needs to grow."

I seriously agree with sister Juan's words and nodded frequently.

"Well, there's nothing to talk about at work. You can run the company well. Let's talk about personal matters. Have you come back with Mr. Zhang recently?" I asked sister Juan with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang? Which President Zhang Sister Juan asked me.

"Zhang Zhongcheng, the veteran."

Juan elder sister smiles, "he ah, I and he have no private contact for a long time, now is work occasionally see a below, I and he do not call?"

"I'll go. You're sleeping. People are not responsible?" I said with a smile.

"Even if I want to be in charge, they won't let me. It's all in the past. We have to look ahead." Sister Juan said with a smile.

"But you're old, too. Is it time to find someone? You can't keep floating like this, can you I said.

"So you mean I'm old and need a wife?" Sister Juan asked me with a smile.

"You said it yourself, not me." I also smile, "the old wife is not, but it should be to find a partner, not old partner, also not only the old people need to accompany."

"Then you know so many elites, and you don't introduce me to one of them. You don't care about my life at all. You only know how to exploit my surplus value." Sister Juan said with a smile.

"I don't know any elites. If you want to talk about elites, you'd better let her introduce you more reliably."

"There are many elites that Zeng Ru knew, but it's not necessarily reliable. Where can those men who linger in nightclubs every day be reliable?"

I dislike her, "don't you often hang out in nightclubs yourself, only allowing your officers and soldiers to set fire, and forbidding people to light up?"

"So I'm not reliable. I'm already unreliable. I can't find someone who is more unreliable than me. It's better to be alone. I don't have to look at people's faces, don't care about other people's feelings, and don't feel uncomfortable because other people don't care about their own feelings. I live for myself."

Although sister Juan spoke freely, she was actually helpless.

The topic was initiated by me, which suddenly made the atmosphere heavy. I regret it.

"Well, let's not talk about it. We haven't had dinner together for a long time. Now I've dealt with almost everything over there. Let's have dinner together tonight. Call Yang Yu and Zeng Ru and let's get together."

"Well, since Yang went to Xingde with you, I haven't seen her for a long time."

Just talking, my phone suddenly vibrates. It's Fang Zhe.

"Suya, my sister called and said that my mother fainted. Please give me the address and I'll go and have a look." Fang zhe said.

"How could that be? Why don't I pick you up and come with you? "

"It's too late. I'll go first." Fang zhe said anxiously.

"Fang Zhe, I'm afraid there's a fraud in this matter. Will Fang Zhi cheat me?"

"At this time, why do you still want to fight for interests? My mother has fainted. I have to go and have a look at it right away. "

Fang zhe said that and hung up the phone.

I looked at the phone and was stunned. I had a bad feeling in my heart. After talking to sister Juan, I drove to the place where Mrs. Fang lived.

When I got to the community, I saw Fang Zhe's car parked downstairs.

When he got upstairs, he rang the doorbell. It was Fang Zhi who came to open the door. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard mom fainted. Is she OK?"

"That's my mother, not your mother. It's none of your business whether my mother is sick or not." Fang Zhi said coldly.I pushed inside and saw that Mrs. Fang and Fang zhe were both sitting on the sofa. Their expressions were very different.

"Mom, are you ok?" I went over and asked.

"It's OK. Maybe it's hot. I fainted. It's nothing serious. Suya, tell me about it." Said Mrs. Fang.

I went to the quiet room with her. I saw that her face was not very good, and I was more and more worried.

She motioned to me to close the door and let me sit down.

"Mom, what happened? You make me nervous." I said uneasily.

"I've heard from Fang Zhe that you've dealt with all the company's affairs. It's hard for you." Said Mrs. Fang.

After listening to her, my heart relaxed. I thought she was looking for trouble for me.

"It's not hard. Fang Zhe's strategy is the main reason for doing things well. I just play a supporting role. I also learn a lot from him. He is a great person." I said with a smile.

"That means you're getting used to your position in the company?"

"Yes, I feel like I'm getting used to it." I answered honestly.

But Fang Fu didn't speak immediately. She seemed to be thinking about something.

"Have you asked the doctor if Fang Zhe's amnesia is possible?" Mrs. Fang asked again.

"I've been too busy recently. I didn't accompany him to see a doctor. But the doctor said before that he has a serious problem. He needs to take his time. He can't be in a hurry." I said.

"Recently, I heard that Fang zhe had a car accident in Zhuhai before? He said his brain was injured because of the accident. Do you know about it? "

My heart was pounding. Of course I knew about it, because Fang Zhe's car accident was caused by me. At that time, I thought he killed my mother and drove at high speed. As a result, the car overturned into the river, paralyzing myself and damaging Fang Zhe's head.

But of course, I can't say these things. If Mrs. Fang knows, I'm afraid she will hate me.

"I don't know about it, but I heard Fang zhe talk about it." I can only lie.

"What did he say then?" Mrs. Fang stares at me and asks.

I've obviously seen distrust in her eyes, and she's obviously doubting me.

It's just very strange that she didn't ask about it before. Why did she ask about it suddenly today? She hardly goes out and has no friends in Zhuhai. Who will tell her these things?

"Suya? You're not trying to make up a story to cheat me, are you Mrs. Fang stares at me and asks.

"Of course not. Fang zhe told me at that time that he was hit by a truck on a bridge, and then he was seriously injured. But I didn't ask about the specific situation, because he said he would have a headache when he thought of the past. "

"So I know." Mrs. Fang said, "Fang zhe has not been well. I want to take him back to Maya to recover. I hope his familiar environment can promote his memory recovery. My son can't lose his memory all the time."

"But before you said..."

"It used to be. Now the situation is different. Anyway, Fang Zhi is also Fang Zhe's sister. I believe she won't harm Fang Zhe. I think Fang Zhe's recovery in Maya will be better." Fangfu life cut me off.

"But we just bought the shares of Tiance, and the funds are borrowed from others. They will be returned in a month. The project of Xingde city is also at the critical moment. If Fang zhe leaves at this time, I'm worried..."

Mrs. Fang interrupted me again. "What you said is business. Compared with my son's body, business is second. I've decided this matter. You don't have to talk about it any more."

I have always felt that the tone of Mrs. Fang's speech today is wrong. Now I am more sure.

Her attitude towards me has obviously changed. She doesn't trust me very much, and she takes some precautions. I even think that her fainting is fake. I don't know what little moves she and Fang Zhi are playing.

"If Fang zhe leaves, what about the company? I can't carry it alone. I'm worried that I can't do it well. I'm very nervous. "

"Fang Hui's husband is also a senior executive of Xingde group. I have informed him that he will come tomorrow to help you manage the affairs of the group. He has many years of management experience, so you can help him." Said Mrs. Fang.

I met Fang Hui's husband when he was in Maya, and I know he is a senior executive of the group. But I don't know what kind of person he is. Now Mrs. Fang suddenly transfers him. What does that mean?

Even though he has many years of management experience, the status of Zhushi Xingde in the whole consortium is different. Zhushi Xingde is almost completely separated from the consortium system. Now he is flying a helmsman who knows nothing about the local area, which is probably not good for the group.

"I'm afraid the second brother-in-law doesn't know much about the situation of Zhuhai City. If you ask him to come, will he..."

"Do you have a problem?" Mrs. Fang interrupted me again.All of a sudden, I realized that I had said something wrong. If I said this, I would be misunderstood by others. I was worried that Fang Hui's husband would come to take my power. I really shouldn't have said such a thing.

"Of course, I don't have any opinions. I will fully cooperate with my second brother-in-law." I looked down and said.