Three days later, Fang Zhe's silence finally recovered, and I officially resumed my work.

Only a few people know about my kidnapping, so no one in the company knows about it. Only Yang Yu and sister Juan know about it.

I was at work that day when I received a call from Wang Jun, saying that I should go there.

Wang Jun came to me, of course, about the case. I immediately put down my work and drove to the police station.

In Wang Jun's office, I met Wang Jun in a formal police uniform. His face was dignified, and I had a bad feeling in my heart.

He stood up and poured me a glass of water. "He's back to work. Don't you take two more days off?"

"Officer Wang, let's go straight. How's the case going?"

"Both of them have been recruited. We are preparing for the procedures and are ready to transfer them to the inspection authority, but..."

"Don't you say Ma Liang is OK?" I stood up all at once.

"The two men did, but they insisted that the kidnapping was done by them. No one instigated them, and we couldn't find any evidence that Ma Liang was involved in it, so..." Wang Jun showed his hand.

Now I'm really not calm, "what's this, there's no evidence yet? Ma Liang and I got along for several hours on the mountain. He even slept in the room next to me on the mountain. I saw it with my own eyes. Isn't that evidence? "

Wang Jun was embarrassed. "Don't get excited. You are the client. You say he is a criminal. We need relevant evidence to arrest him. Now there is really no evidence to prove that what you said is true. In the period you said, it was proved that you were with him, and it was proved by civil servants of no lower rank. In addition, the two principal criminals were also one He insisted that you were kidnapped for money, so this case can only be like this for the time being. "

I feel the anger burning in my heart, but I also know that Wang Jun can't be blamed for this. He is a policeman and he has to handle the case according to law.

"So Ma Liang is OK? He continued to be his official, as if nothing had happened? Is there any reason in the world? " I look at Wang Jun.

"The case is closed by the leader." Wang Jun lowered his voice, "but I will continue to investigate. Although Ma FA is my brother, he is also Zhe's brother. I will not shield him. Although the case is over, I will still investigate in private. I believe I will always find evidence."

"Only when Ma Liang is taken down can it be possible to confess the Lu family through his mouth. Now that the horse master is OK, the Lu family will be even better. Let the two hooligans take the blame, and it's over?"

"It's not over, but in a short period of time, I really can't find any evidence. You know, I'm not the only one in Zhuhai police. If there are professional people who give advice in secret, Ma Liang can successfully avoid my investigation, so this matter can only be stopped temporarily. The fox will always show his tail. I understand your mood, but I promise that one day, I will put it out Those who have committed crimes will be brought to justice. "

"Does Fang zhe know about this matter? Have you told him the current situation?"

Wang Jun nodded, "before you go to the police station, I have called Zhe Ge. I told him the situation clearly, and he understood."

"He even understood. He didn't blow up his temper. He still understood. Did he suddenly become a Buddhist?" I can't help but make complaints about it.

"In your opinion, this matter concerns the Lu family. If Ma Liang is planted, how much risk does the Lu family have to take, so they will use a lot of resources to protect Ma Liang. That's why we can't investigate the case. I can only listen to the leadership in my position. If we want to mobilize the resources of the police station, it has to be approved by the leadership, so I can only carry out the relevant investigation in private It doesn't mean that when the case is over, it's over. It's not like that. "

I nodded, "well, I understand your difficulty. Why didn't the two principal criminals give Ma Liang away? Did they take advantage or were they threatened?"

"It's hard to say. It should be possible. In short, I will continue to investigate and will not give up, I promise you. "

"OK, I see. Thank you, officer Wang, for your hard work."

Wang Jun wry smile, "I know you are scolding me, not hard, some things will always have twists and turns, but the truth will not always be covered up, in public and private, I will find out this matter, give you an account, give brother zhe an account."

At this time, my phone rang. It was sister Juan who called. Sister Juan said on the phone that several leaders of the district suddenly visited the following work today. She said that she was going to investigate and ask me if I want to accompany her.

The leader of the District, I always thought of Ma Liang.

I said let sister Juan go to deal with it first, see who are going, and then ask the leaders to have dinner together. I won't accompany her during the day, but I will accompany her at night.

When I came out of the police station, I went directly to Fang Zhe's company, but I didn't go upstairs. I called Fang Zhe in the parking lot, and Fang zhe came down soon.

I told Fang zhe the content of my conversation with Wang Jun, and Fang zhe said he knew.

Although he can speak, there are still some problems with his voice. He was seriously injured a while ago, and his body has not fully recovered."I've come to you just to ask how you plan for this?"

"For the time being, I can only let it go. This matter can't be urgent. I have my plan." Fang zhe said.

"But today, the beast Ma Liang went to my factory. He went to inspect my factory at this time. It's a mockery that I can't help him. He has the Lu family to protect him, so there's nothing." I said angrily.

"Ma Liang is a chess piece of the Lu family. The player is the Lu family. Since he is a chess piece, he may be sacrificed when necessary." Fang zhe said.

"So what do you mean?"

"My brother and I know something about this man for many years. He is not a fool. If he didn't have to, he would not attack you. He was forced."

I was annoyed. "So are you talking for him? Are you going to tell me that all he has done is out of his control and that he should be forgiven? "

"Don't worry. Of course I don't mean that. In fact, Ma Liang is against me. I've noticed for a long time, but I didn't expect him to do so much. It shows that he is really forced to do what he has to do. I want to find out what Ma Liang has in his hands."

"And then, after you know it, you can help him, can't you? Help him get rid of the control of the Lu family and forgive his crime? Do you still think he's a brother I'm out of breath.

"Yabao, don't be angry. Am I so right and wrong? As I have said before, he is just a chess piece. Since he is a chess piece, the Lu family can discard him at any time. If he can be used for me and become a knife that pierces into the heart of the Lu family, I can break the Lu family.

Even if it can't be used by me, I won't do it to him personally. After all, he has a fight with my brother. I'll give him a chance. If he can't be used by me, I'll try to get the Lu family to do it to him. "

So after all, Fang Zhe is kind to Ma Liang. I can't say that he is wrong, but at this time, I really don't agree with him.

But from another angle, he may be right, because there is really no good way to deal with Ma Liang, Wang Jun can't find any evidence, and we can't retaliate in private.

If it's just for the sake of breath, Gao Zhan can ask someone to break Ma Liang's leg or break his arm. But this can't fundamentally solve the problem, and doing this will bring risks to Fang Zhe.

"I see. I don't quite agree with you, but I try to understand what you think."

"Thank you for understanding, but I have arranged someone to protect you. Why do I have to drive around by myself?" Fang zhe said with a frown.

"I'm not used to having bodyguards with me. I'm an ordinary person. I can't stand being followed all the time, and I don't believe that the Lu family will bind me again in a short time."

"I don't know if it's uncomfortable to be followed. I hate to be followed, but for safety's sake, we have to pay attention. Let's talk about Ma Liang. I'll meet Ma Liang these two days. It should be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"Don't you offer to drink in a bar, be brothers, and thank him for not killing me?" I said unhappily.

"Of course not. Many parts of the project in Xingde city need the support of the district government, so it's purely business for my senior management team to have a meeting with them."

"So can I understand that Ma Liang is not moving now because of the project, right?"

Fang zhe frowned, "Yabao, it seems that our conversation today is not very harmonious? Do you think I'm the kind of person who doesn't care about anything for the project? In my eyes, your health and safety are the most important. As for the rest, they are not important. "

"Well, I know I'm too aggressive. I've been through too many things recently. I'm really grumpy. Don't mind. I'll have dinner with Ma Liang tonight. How should I behave? "

"Let me know then, and I'll go too. I'm going to meet them tomorrow. I'll meet them by chance tonight. I'll get familiar with them and talk about things tomorrow."

"I thought you could not help beating Ma Liang when you saw him. I didn't expect you to be so calm. It seems that you are becoming more and more Buddhist." I'm still a little dissatisfied.

"Don't worry. The punishment I gave Ma Liang is definitely more painful than beating him. In fact, I'm also a very vengeful person who dares to hurt you and my mother. Even if I'm the king of heaven, I will never let him go!"

Fang Zhe's eyes flashed cold awn, the corners of his mouth floated obvious hatred.

"It sounds like you have a plan. You just didn't tell me."

"Of course, I have a plan. Can we ignore the fact that our wife and mother have been kidnapped for the sake of interests?" Fang zhe said coldly.

"Well, I see. I'll let you know when we make a reservation for the evening."