Since Fang Zhi came to me on his own initiative, I had to be angry with her.

This woman has always been opinionated, despised others, unlimited self-esteem, I have long been bored with her.

"Who do you scold?" I asked calmly.

"It's you that I scold! A second married woman wants to marry into the Fang family. You are dreaming

"It's really hard to hear. I don't understand why a young lady from such a big family of Fang family has no basic education. Her export is slander. Where there's a little bit of a young lady's appearance, she's just a shrew." I said with disdain.

"What did you leave my mother for? What do you want? "

"My wife is willing to stay, not forced by me, because she thinks I'm gentle and virtuous, and it's better to stay, so he stayed." I said with a smile.

"It's shameless to be gentle and virtuous! You're a fox, a shameless fox. " Fang Zhi scolded.

"Tut Tut, I have no time to talk to a boring person like you."

After that, I hung up and she called back. I ignored her.

Just after Fang Zhi's phone was hung up, Fang Zhe's phone came in again. He said that he had read the information and it was very useful. Then he told me to leave work early in the afternoon. He and I went to see a jewelry designer to discuss the wedding ring.

I still feel in a dream, I and he really want to have a wedding?

"Yabao, what are you thinking? Why don't you talk? "

"Are we really going to have a wedding?" I asked.

"Yes, it was put forward by my mother. It must be true. It's rare for her to support us. Of course we have to do it." Fang zhe said.

"But how can I feel so unreal?"

Fang zhe chuckles, "what's untrue? We're together. We're just having a make-up wedding. You don't have to be too nervous."

"I'm not nervous. I just don't think it's true. My company is almost finished. I can come back now. Where are you? I'll find you

I want to see Fang zhe all of a sudden. I don't know why.

"I'm still discussing the plan with the design team. The plan is to be submitted to the relevant department for review. It's very important. I'll find you after I'm busy." Fang zhe said.

Listen to him busy, I did not continue to disturb him, quickly hung up.

Originally, I wanted to go to the factory below, but I was worried that Fang zhe would suddenly come to me, so I didn't go.

At six o'clock in the evening, Fang zhe drove to the company and met me with the designer.

He seems to be in a good mood, and the music in the car is light.

"Fang Zhe, there's one thing I'm still worried about."

"What's the matter?"

"I'm still worried about my wife's side..."

"You mean children?" Fang zhe guessed right after a while, which shows that he is also considering this matter.

"Yeah, you know, the doctor said I'm unlikely to have another baby."

It's really a heavy topic. When I mention it, my heart will be affected.

But this is a problem that we have to face and we can't avoid it.

"I'll take you to see a doctor after all these things are done. If it can't be cured in China, we can go abroad. If it can't be cured in the west, we can see traditional Chinese medicine. You're in good health and can't have a baby." Fang zhe comforted me.

"But if I just can't give birth, it's useless to see any doctor? So what? " I looked at Fang Zhe and asked.

"Then we'll secretly adopt one and lie that it's our own." Fang Zhe is laughing.

"I'm serious. Don't laugh."

Fang zhe immediately turned into a serious face, "I'm also serious, children will not affect our lives."

"But how can we get through that, madam?"

"Yabao, you're too pessimistic. You're not a fertility tool. You're my Yabao. Even if you can't have a baby, we can live a good life. We don't need to raise children for old age. I just want to grow old with you." Fang Zhe is very serious.

"But madam really wants a grandson. By the way, Fang Zhe, don't you have a child? Why don't you tell your wife? If you tell her that she knows she has a grandson, maybe she won't force us to have a baby so much. "

I just mentioned it casually, but Fang zhe suddenly changed his face.

When I realized that I had touched his core secret, I quickly explained, "I didn't mean to pry into your past. I just talked about the matter and rushed here. I'm sorry."

"Yabao, I'll explain that to you later, but now I don't want to talk about it, and you should never mention it to my mother. I beg you." Fang Zhe's face is dignified.

"Well, I won't mention it." I sighed.

"Believe me, no matter whether you can have children or not, our marriage will be perfect and happy. If you don't want to have children, we will give up directly. If you want to have children, I will take you to find famous doctors in all countries on the earth, who can always cure you."His sincerity moved me, I nodded, suddenly red eyes, quickly turned his head.

Ten minutes later, we met a foreigner in the hotel. According to Fang Zhe, he was an Italian named Romeo, a senior designer of a top brand.

They talk in English. Fortunately, my English is not very bad and I can understand it. But I usually don't have the chance to speak English. My oral English is not good, so I dare not interrupt.

After nearly half an hour's talk, I heard Fang zhe tell Romeo that the design of the diamond ring should be based on the cherry blossom factor. As for how to integrate the cherry blossom factor into the design, Romeo should consider it by himself.

The foreigner even agreed that he would incorporate cherry blossom into the design until Fang zhe was satisfied.

After the talk, we left the hotel.

"Don't you invite foreigners to dinner?"

"No, foreigners are different from us. Not everything has to be invited to dinner. Originally, it's a work relationship. If they are invited to dinner, they will feel strange, so they won't be invited." Fang zhe said.

"Then why do you want to put Cherry Blossom elements into your wedding ring? What does that mean? "

"Well, we can't divulge the secret. We'll talk about it later." Fang zhe said with a sly smile.

"What's more, Ma Liang and Wang Jun always call me Cherry Blossom sister, which must have something to do with you? What does that mean? "

Fang zhe still refused to answer, "you will know this later. Now you don't have to discuss it. When my plan comes out, you can have a look first and give me some suggestions."

When he said that, I was worried. "By the way, when you say your plan is handed in, will Lu Yan use the relationship to let the relevant departments card your plan and not approve it?"

"Yes." Fang Zhe's answer was very clear.

"Have you come up with a way to deal with it?" I'm more worried.

"I will go according to the procedure. If I encounter obstacles, I will report to the higher authorities. Now the officialdom environment is not better than before. In the past, they can do whatever they want. Now they can't be so unscrupulous. You don't have to worry."

"Although the environment has improved a little, I'm afraid there's no good way if people keep dragging you. At least I can't think of any good way." I shook my head and sighed.

"Don't worry, there will always be a way. Sooner or later, these difficulties will have to be met. Only when these difficulties are solved in the process of meeting can our future development in Zhuhai not be limited." Fang zhe said.

"Lu Yan won't let you pass easily. I'm afraid there will be a fierce contest."

"Yes, there will be, but I'm not a vegetarian. If the relevant departments abuse their power to maliciously veto my plan, or shirk responsibility for procrastination, I will even sue them. I don't believe that Zhushi is the land of the Lu family, and I don't believe that the Lu family can cover the sky with one hand. If they can really cover the sky with one hand, I will also force this hand away and let the sun shine down."

Fang Zhe's attitude is very firm. I see the spirit of not admitting defeat from his eyes. I believe that even if he is a thorn in front of him, he will fight his way.

"I will support you anyway. If the whole world is against you, I also choose to stand on your side and be against the whole world. "

Fang zhe said with a smile, "it seems that I have said that. I believe you. Don't worry. I will defeat the Lu family."

A week later.

At noon that day, I was at work when I got a call from Ma Liang.

I'm fed up with this man now. I don't want to answer his phone.

I didn't answer, but he was fighting all the time, so I had to answer, "chief Ma, what's your order?"

"Are you in the company? I'm near your company. I want to have a meal for you. Do you have the honor?" Ma Liang said.

"Sorry, I'm very busy at work today. I'm afraid I don't have time to have dinner with Mayor Ma. Let's make another appointment." I said coldly.

"I knew you would refuse me, but I really have something very important to tell you. If you don't invite me to dinner, you will regret it. You can tell me that this matter is related to the approval of Zhe Ge's plan." Ma Liang said.

As soon as he said that, I really had to consider having dinner with him. He is now the deputy district chief. I'm sure he will know the news for the first time. I have to face up to his demands.

But I can't change my words right away, so he will be more proud.

"But I'm really busy. It will take me at least half an hour to make time. I wonder if the head of the horse district can wait for half an hour?"

"No problem. It's OK to wait an hour for dinner with a beautiful woman. I'll wait for you." He agreed.

"Well, I'll contact you in half an hour. Fang Zhe is also in Zhushi. Shall we call him together?" I said.

"That doesn't need to. I want to have a chat with Mr. Su alone. Brother Zhe, I'll have a drink with him another day." Ma Liang said.

"Well, I'll be busy first. I'll call you when I'm finished."

After I hung up, I lingered in the office for about an hour before I called Ma Liang.He has already made a reservation for the restaurant. Just let me go directly.

The restaurant he ordered is not far away. It's near the company. I don't have to drive. I just walk for a few minutes.