I directly cut off her phone. I don't want to say a word to her now.

"Who's calling again?" Fang zhe asked me while driving.

"It's Li Li, that stupid woman. I knew I shouldn't have given her those videos. Now it's better. She exploded the videos, implicated so many people, and she sold me. As soon as I saw her phone, I got angry."

"It's useless for you to be angry with her for that quality. Why do you have the same opinion with her? Take it and see what she says." Fang zhe advised.

"If I don't answer, I have nothing to say to such a stupid person."

"You can't say that. Although she is really stupid, in fact, it is you who provoked her first. You should bear the consequences, and you can't avoid them. Moreover, if you don't answer her phone and give her some guidance, she is likely to do some more stupid things, and the situation will be more difficult to deal with."

As soon as I heard what Fang zhe said was reasonable, I answered her phone.

As soon as I got through, I heard Li Li's cry, "sister Suya, things are not good! You have to help me

She's really rude. She asked me to help her as soon as she opened her mouth. I'm the mother who takes care of her. I have to help her if I have something to do.

"Why did you blow up that video? Why are you doing this? I want you to be the handle. You're so good that you just burst out. Now that you're in big trouble and you want me to help you, I really think I'm a nanny? "

"Sister Suya, do you know all about it?"

"Can I not know that the old woman Zhang Guilan has found me? What are you doing and what do you think?"

"I didn't want to do that. Hu Wei forced me. He beat me every day, took out his anger on me, and forced me to divorce. I didn't agree. He threatened him with the video. He didn't take it seriously. He said that I could make trouble as a bumpkin. He also called other women in front of me and said some disgusting words. He bullied me so much that I had no choice but to go to the unit His leadership, which is also the way you taught me, but I didn't expect that I made a mistake later. "

"Now that you have brought Hu Wei down, what else do you want to do?" I asked coldly.

"It's said that things are getting worse. Not only Hu Wei, but also the leaders of Hu Wei and other units have been arrested. Zhang Guilan said that I'm going to jail too. I don't know what to do, so you should help me."

It turned out that she was scared by Zhang Guilan, but she was not scared. Zhang Guilan said that she was going to jail, but she believed it.

"You called me just to get me to help you out of jail?"

"I just want to ask you what I should do now?"

"Don't worry, you're OK. It's not you who go to see the young lady. It's not your turn to go to jail. You belong to the category of killing one's relatives. You should be rewarded by the relevant departments. Zhang Guilan is just frightening you, but you can't threaten Hu Wei in the future. I can't help you with this matter. You can find your own way."

"Sister Suya, you can't ignore me. I helped you when you asked me to help you. Now there's something wrong. If you don't help me, I don't know what to do."

"I've said that it's nothing to do with you. Just live your life well. Hu Wei doesn't commit any serious crimes. At most, he won't go to jail because of his lifestyle. At most, he won't go to jail because of his work. You don't have to worry about it, let alone help you."

"Really? After Hu Wei comes out, if he still wants to divorce me, what should I do? "

I'll go. I really treat me as a mother. Do I have to keep her marriage fresh?

"I don't know. It's about you and Hu Wei. Don't look for me in the future! I can't take care of it

"Sister Su ya..."

I hung up without waiting for her to finish.

Fang zhe heard it and shook his head. "It seems that she has a lot of trust in you. She has no idea and can only find you. It's actually normal."

"Is that normal? I'm not the director of the women's Federation or the aunt of the neighborhood committee. Why should I take care of her affairs? I've had enough of that family before, and now I'm going to be mixed in. It's crazy! "

Fang zhe said with a smile, "don't be angry. It's not worth being angry about such a small thing. When people are in trouble, they always want to find someone to rely on. This is human nature. "

"But she's looking for the wrong person, isn't she? Who am I? Why should I let her rely on me? " I said angrily.

"She is sick and goes to the doctor. She thinks you are stronger than her, so she asks you to rely on her. She just doesn't know the relationship between you and her. Forget it, just ignore her. Why don't we go back to the middle of the mountain and see the land? " Fang zhe said.

"Shall we inquire now?"

"Yes, I always think it's very strange. If we go in the daytime, it's too ostentatious. It's better to go in the evening to make a secret visit. Maybe we can get good results. Are you tired or not? If not, we'll go now."

"I'm not tired, I'm just upset, but my wife is very concerned about it. I'd better make it clear earlier, then I'll go.""Well, let's go now and go to the nearby village to find out if that piece of land is a mass grave and if there are so many people buried. If not, there must be an answer to who is making rumors and why he is doing so. "

"Good." I agree.

By the time I drove to the nearby village, it was dark through.

The village is not big. Houses are scattered around the mountain. There are no street lights, but there is moonlight. As soon as we enter the village, we startle the big black dog at the head of the village and rush out to yell at us.

The barking of the dog startled the owner. A woman asked in dialect, "who's there?"

"Elder sister, we are passing by. Can we ask for water?" I said it out loud.

"Come in, the dog barks fiercely, but it doesn't bite." The elder sister is very easygoing.

The elder sister was in her forties and dressed neatly. After thanking her, we went into the room. There were three men drinking wine in the room. There were chicken and fish on the table. It was very rich.

"Here are the guests. Let's drink together." One of the men got up and was busy moving the chair.

Fang zhe also sat down to the table generously, and then motioned me to sit beside him, "with such good luck, we can have dinner and wine."

I wonder if this Fang Zhe is too familiar. He will really be on the table with a casual politeness? I don't know anyone else. Is that too bad?

"Here, pour it on my brother and drink it." The villagers are very polite.

Wine is made in earthen pots. It should be local wine. It smells like wine. It must be good wine.

"My name is Fang Zhe. This is my daughter-in-law. We wandered around here today, but we didn't expect to be late. Seeing the light here, we rushed in and wanted to get a cup of boiled water. We didn't expect to get a meal. Thank you Fang zhe hugged his fist angrily.

"If you can meet me, it's just a matter of fate. If you don't respect me, you can be more casual." The man is also very forthright.

"This girl is so beautiful." The hostess praised me.

In fact, I'm a little embarrassed. After all, I'm not familiar with other people. It's so abrupt to have dinner with them when I first meet. I'm not as cheeky as Fang Zhe.

"What a nuisance." I said it shyly.

"It's OK. Recently, our village often comes to our boss. Are you also here to investigate?" One of the men said.

Fang Zhe and I were a little bit more luxurious in our clothes. It was seen that we should have changed our clothes.

"Oh, what?" Fang zhe took a sip of wine and asked with great interest.

"It's said that the North high-speed railway station in Zhuhai City will be built near us, and the land nearby will be valuable by then, so a boss came to inspect and prepare to engage in real estate." Said a man.

"Oh, we're not." Fang zhe smiles and shakes his head. "But I bought a piece of land nearby, ready to build a house and live on my own. But I heard some bad rumors. Just ask some elder brothers. Is that the truth I heard?"

"Where is the land you bought? What kind of rumors? "

"It seems that the neighborhood is called Xiaotuanshan. When we came to see it today, we heard that many people died in famine there before, and they were buried there in the end. There were hundreds of people?" Fang zhe said.

Several drinking men looked at each other and said they had never heard of it.

"This should not be possible, and the old man has never heard of it. If there is such a thing, we local people can not know it. It must be a rumor." Said a man.

"It must be the land seller who regretted selling the land and deliberately sent out the news to deceive you. As soon as the news about the high-speed railway station to be built around here spreads, people must regret selling it cheaply. What land do you want to buy?" Asked the man.

"I bought it from a man named Shen Tielin, who also lives in your village." Fang zhe said.

"It must be that he has to go back on his word. Today I saw a boss come to the Shen family. He is the best. He certainly doesn't want to sell the land to you. He wants to sell it to others." One of the men said.

Fang Zhe and I looked at each other, and we all thought it was possible.

"It turns out that's the case. Has the high-speed railway station been built? Or is it just a rumor? " Fang zhe asked.

"I don't know. It should be true. Otherwise, there won't be so many bosses coming to investigate. It's actually very simple. You go directly to Shen Tielin. If he wants to refund your money, it means that he wants to go back and sell the land to others. If he doesn't want to refund the money, it means that there is a real problem. Shen Tielin is the best man in our village. We can't play with him. "

Fang zhe nodded, "it's also a good way, but is it possible that there have been many people buried there, just a few elder brothers haven't heard of it?"

"It shouldn't be possible. If you ask my father, he is in his seventies and has experienced famine. If there is something, he will know it." The host suggested.

"Well, I'll ask first. You drink first. I'll ask clearly, and I'll let you down." Fang zhe said."No, I'll just ask the kid to invite my dad here. You can drink it." Said the host.

After a while, the hostess invited an old man over. Fang zhe told him the situation. The old man said that there was nothing wrong. There were few people in the village at that time, so it was impossible to starve so many people. This is nonsense.

After hearing that there was no mass grave, Fang Zhe and I were relieved.