Happy times always go by so fast that it's Monday in the twinkling of an eye.

Before the morning meeting, Wang Yibo, the director of quality inspection department, came to my office. Seeing his solemn face, I knew something must have happened.

"Mr. Su, this is a night cream produced by our company. It was taken from a consumer who had skin problems after using this product. Now he is hospitalized in the second municipal hospital." Wang Yibo said.

Quality problem again! I immediately remember the last time Lu Zishan framed me by using product quality problems. There was no problem with the product itself at that time. It was all a play directed by Lu Zishan.

"Has this product been inspected?" I asked Wang Yibo.

"We have made an analysis and found that a number of chemical substances in the products exceed the standard. Our internal test results are problematic and have not yet been sent to the relevant institutions for testing." Wang Yibo said.

"Did you check which link had problems? Did other products in the same batch have problems?" I'm a little nervous.

"We have tested the same batch of products and found no problems. As for which link of this product has problems, we are still investigating. The consumer is still in the hospital for treatment. She asked for 20000 yuan in cash. I don't know if President Su agrees?" Wang Yibo asked me.

"Agreed." I didn't hesitate to answer, "we will bear the cost of her treatment until she recovers. In addition, we will also bear the cost of work delay and nursing during her treatment. We need to be a responsible enterprise."

"Well, I'll transfer it to my colleagues in the public relations department?" Wang Yibo said.

I thought about it for a while and felt that it was a matter of great importance. "You should report the relevant situation to Mr. Feng and let her deal with it."

"OK, Mr. Su."

"If there is a quality problem, it must be recalled. What's more, the products in production should also be checked. There can be no more quality problems."

Wang Yibo agreed and went out to work.

After he went out, I kept busy. After a while, Feng Caijuan came.

"I always feel very strange about that product quality problem. Does Mr. Su feel that something is wrong?" Sister Juan asked me.

"I think it's a little strange, too. Why are there no problems with other products in the same batch, just that one? However, the quality inspection department has indeed tested that there is a problem with the product, so now we can only face up to the problem and appease the consumers first. "

"But I think the consumer's request is a bit strange. She directly asked for privacy, and as long as she asked for 20000 yuan, doesn't Su think she's too easy to get rid of?"

When sister Juan said that, I think 20000 yuan seems to be a little less. In general, in this case, the lion has to ask for a big mouth, at least 180000 yuan. How can you ask for only 20000 yuan?

"There's more." Sister Juan added, "that product is a high-end product in our series, and its price is several thousand. The one who can buy this grade product is definitely not the one with poor economic conditions. Can you afford a set of skin care products worth thousands of yuan, but only 20000 yuan when you claim? Isn't that too easy to talk about? "

I was too busy, so when I heard this question, I didn't think much about the details. When sister Juan said this now, I also felt that it was really unusual.

"So this incident is another trap?" I asked sister Juan.

"It's a bit hasty to draw such a conclusion now, but I think it's really unusual, so we should be cautious when dealing with it." Said Sister Juan.

"But now the other party asks us for compensation, which must be compensated. After all, it's our own product that has a problem. As for the trap, I can't think of a link in which to set the trap? " I looked at sister Juan and said.

Sister Juan shook her head. "I haven't thought about it clearly. I don't know the other side's routine yet. We still have to do what we should do. We just say we should be careful. I'll deal with it, so you don't have to show up. "

I nodded, "OK, what are you going to do?"

"I'll go to the hospital to see the consumer first, and then I'll get to know the situation from the doctor. I'll make things clear first, and then I'll think about the next step." Said Sister Juan.

"Well, it's hard for you."

"It's not hard. The boss just gives more year-end bonus." Sister Juan joked.

"Don't worry, there won't be less year-end bonus." I laughed, too.

After a few words, I went out to chat with my sister.

After a while, Yang Yu came.

She calmly put a resignation letter in front of me, "Mr. Su, please sign. I'll go to the personnel department to go through the resignation procedures."

I know that it must be in her name that I cheated Lu Yan into going to the cinema. She must have told her. Maybe I added some oil and vinegar. I don't know what to say.

Anyway, it's my fault. I was also encouraged by Fang Zhe. I really shouldn't cooperate with him.I took the resignation letter and said, "why?"

"I didn't have a good time, so I quit." Yang Yu said angrily.

Yang Yu is a very beautiful girl. When her mouth is puffed up, she is beautiful and lovely. Absolute beauty is beautiful even when she is angry.

"Yu'er, you used to be my doctor. I can't stand up without you. Later you decided to go into business with me. It took courage and determination, but you never flinched. Now that you are going to resign, I want to know whether you are going to switch to another company or go back to be your doctor? "

I looked at her calmly, without emotion.

"You don't want me?" Yang Yu asked me with big eyes.

This is the lovely place of Miss Yang. She can't hide her words in her heart. Her idea is that as soon as I see the resignation letter, I'll stop her with tears. But I didn't play cards according to the common sense. She was a little confused, and her eyes were also disappointed.

Since she is disappointed that I will not keep her, it shows that she does not want to leave, so I am relieved.

"You are my sister. I won't keep you anywhere you want to go, but only if you are happy." I said with a smile.

"Then why don't you ask me to quit?" Yang Yu said angrily.

"Because I lied to Lu Yan that you would go to the cinema, and then he went, and then he was attacked. I wanted to apologize to you for this matter, but I haven't figured out how to explain and apologize to you. I didn't expect you to come first. I'll apologize to you now. I'm sorry."

Yang Yu Leng for a while, "you say so, still let others how to say?"

"It's my fault. I'm not ready to shirk responsibility, but if you leave our team like this, I think it's too hasty. Forgive me. I'm wrong. Please stay I say it sincerely.

Yang Yu's eyes were red. "You've said everything. People can't say what they want to say. They don't want to get angry."

"I won't say it. You say it. You get angry. I'll listen." I'll be honest.

"I regard you as my sister and relative, but you use me to cheat people. Are you worthy of me?" Cried Yang Yu.

"I'm sorry." Once again, I sincerely apologize.

"Lu Yan was hurt because of me. You made me owe him a favor. How can I pay him back?"

"I have to correct this. You really don't owe him anything. He went to the cinema by himself, and you didn't ask him to. You're not responsible. It's all up to me."

"But he came to me after all, so he was beaten. I feel a little sorry." Yang Yu said bitterly.

"You don't have to feel sorry. As I said, it has nothing to do with you. It's all my business."

"But why do you do that?" Yang Yu stares at me and asks, perplexed.

"Would you like me to explain?"

"You said Yang Yu pulled a chair and sat down.

"Lu Yan provoked those directors to dismiss Fang Zhe, which made Fang zhe very angry. From his point of view, of course, we have to find a way to get back everything we lost, right? " I asked Yang Yu.

Yang Yu opened her beautiful big eyes and nodded, "if it's me, I'll try to get it back."

Yang girl is lovely. I know she will be convinced by me soon.

But I'm not going to deceive her. She's honest. I can't talk nonsense to her. I want to be honest.

"Now there are two forces in the company, one is Lu Yan, and the other is Liu Muyun. Lu Yan wanted to push Fang zhe down and become the chairman himself, but he didn't expect Liu Muyun to become the acting chairman, so Lu Yan was very upset.

You also know that one mountain can't be without two tigers. If you let these two fight. Then Fang zhe can have a chance to take advantage of it. Do you understand? "

"Part of it, go on." Yang Yu looks serious.

"So Fang zhe wants to create a contradiction between Liu Muyun and Lu Yan, and let them pinch each other."

"Lu Yan said that Liu Muyun arranged the beating. If so, Mr. Fang arranged it, not Liu Muyun?" Yang Xueyu is very clever and can see through a little.

"It's not Fang Zhe, it's Gao Zhan. It was Fang zhe who deliberately revealed false information to Gao Zhan, saying that you were going to see a movie with Lu Yan. Gao Zhan was so angry that he arranged for someone to beat Lu Fang. Then Fang zhe put the blame on Liu Muyun. That's about it. "

Yang Yu cried, "Gao Zhan? Why did the pig do that? "

Gao Zhan has a large appetite. He has been called a pig by Yang Yu. It's a strange nickname.

"A boy beat someone up because you wanted to date someone else. Why do you think that is?" I asked.

"He's jealous?" Yang Yu didn't believe it.

"What do you say?"

"I don't believe it. That pig doesn't like me. Why should he be jealous?" Yang Yu said dejectedly.