Coming out of the neighborhood committee, I decided to visit my mother's good friend, aunt Fang. In the past, my mother used to go shopping with her and dance square dance with her. She often came to our house for dinner.

After the dormitory area of the aluminum factory was demolished, she moved to another area. I looked for her for a long time before I met her.

As soon as aunt Fang saw me, she hugged me and said that I suddenly disappeared. She thought she would never see me again.

I didn't tell her about my recent situation. I just asked her, did my mother tell her that she bought the house she lived in?

"Yes, that's what happened a few years ago, don't you know? Didn't your mother mention it to you? "

I shook my head. "I don't know. I always thought the house I lived in was rented. My mother told me it was rented."

"Anyway, your mother mentioned it to me at that time. She said that the landlord was in urgent need of money and was ready to sell the house to your mother at a low price. Your mother seemed to agree. I don't know how much it cost." Aunt Fang recalled.

Then she seemed to suddenly understand something, "by the way, now that the house has been demolished, if you want to lose money, it should be given to you, because your mother died. Have you got the indemnity? "

I shook my head. "No, I didn't ask about it because of the compensation."

Aunt Fang asked, "you're not about money. What's the reason?"

"Someone told me that the reason why my mother was killed was because my mother was a nail household and prevented the demolition, so the developer let people kill my mother."

"Who said that? That's bullshit. Is your mother the kind of person who looks like a nail household? There are several nail households in the community, but your mother is definitely not in the ranks of nail households. Don't listen to people's nonsense. " Aunt Fang said.

In fact, I agree with aunt Fang's words, because I don't think my mother is like a nail household. Even if my mother really bought the house, with my mother's temperament, it will not become a nail in the door to prevent demolition.

"Thank you, aunt Fang. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first. I'll see you again when I have time."

"Xiao Ya, don't listen to other people's nonsense. Your mother can't be a nail farmer. Don't you know who your own mother is?" Fang said.

I nodded and said I understood.

I feel relieved to come out from Aunt Fang. But I still have a question, that is, did my mother buy the house she lived in? If she didn't buy it, it's almost certain that what Lu Zishan said was a complete lie. She deliberately lied to me.

She hates Fang Zhe. She wants to bring down Fang Zhe. She wants to use my hatred to cooperate with her. She takes me as her revenge tool.

Of course, I'm not that stupid, at her disposal. But I still want to know what kind of plan she has to deal with Fang Zhe. I even thought, should I remind Fang Zhe to be careful.

But after thinking about it, Fang zhe didn't want me any more. I went to warn her. Would it seem that I was too cheap? Fang Zhe's business is none of my business. Why should I care about it?

Just forget it.

The next day Lu Zishan called me again, but I didn't answer. I'm not going to get involved in her revenge plan, and I don't want to get involved in Fang Zhe's affairs again.

But Lu Zishan didn't stop. She sent me a picture of a man with a moustache and asked me if I knew him.

Although it's been a long time, I still have a impression on it. This man was the one who forced me to borrow money from my mother. I met him in my family.

Then Lu Zishan sent another video, which was the video of the little beard confessing. The man's face was all hurt. Then he admitted to the camera that he was acting on the boss's orders, killed my mother, and set fire to my home.

Then he said that the boss was Fang Zhe. I can hear Fang zhe very clearly. These two words are like a sharp knife inserted into my heart.

Lu Zishan's message is sent again. Suya, if you want to avenge your mother, you come to me. If you don't want to, forget it. I don't think you have seed. I can take care of Fang zhe without you.

I watched those videos and words over and over again and felt confused again. Is Fang zhe the killer of my mother?

If it's really him, why should he treat me so well? Did he just torture me?

I don't have the information to return to Lu Zishan. I have to calm down. How can I deal with the old things.

All of a sudden, I feel lonely. No one can discuss this. I feel that there is no one I can trust. I have to face and judge everything by myself, but I don't think I have the ability to judge. I don't know who to trust.

I took out my mobile phone and sent a message to Jiang Yuxuan: brother Yuxuan, what's your phone number? I want to talk to you. I have something to tell you.

But Jiang Yuxuan did not return the information until I was about to go to bed at night. He returned the information: what's the matter, Xiao Ya?

He didn't directly answer me how much his mobile phone was, and I couldn't ask again. I sent a message: brother Yuxuan, can I have a voice call with you? I have something very important to say.He said: no hurry, speak slowly.

This means that it's equivalent to refusing to speak to me. After typing a long string of words, I can make my mother's case clear.

It took him a long time to come back: what do you think of it?

I return: I have no idea, I am very sad, brother Yuxuan, I don't know who to believe.

This time, he came back very quickly and made a touching expression: Xiao Ya, don't believe anyone, just believe yourself. Ask your heart, do you think Fang Zhe is the killer of your mother?

I feel very sad, typed a few words to send in the past: I don't know.

Jiang Yuxuan: you can't not know, you just listen to too many versions, a little began to doubt their own judgment. You must have your own thoughts in your heart. Tell me bravely what your true thoughts are. Do you think Fang Zhe is the murderer?

I fell on the bed, closed my eyes and asked myself: is Fang zhe the murderer?

The answer is no, I get along with him for a long time, in those days when I can't stand up, sometimes he will bully me, but he often takes care of me, supervises me and makes me stand up. Without the conditions he created for me, I could not have stood up so quickly, and I might never have stood up again.

To be more serious, if he gave up my treatment in the year when I was in a coma, I would not be in this world. If he was a murderer, why would he save his enemy? He is such a smart man. Don't you know that it will be a future trouble if he keeps me?

At this time, the message of the mobile phone rings again. It's from Jiang Yuxuan: Xiaoya, are you still there?

My answer: my brother Yuxuan, the answer in my heart is that Fang Zhe is not a murderer, but I have really seen that moustache. He is a debt collector to my mother, and my mother has seen him talking and laughing with his own eyes in the same car with Fang Zhe. Now moustache admits that he is a murderer and tells Fang Zhe that he is the boss behind the scenes. I have to doubt that.

Jiang Yuxuan also replied with a long message: that moustache just said in the video, you should think, since that Lu has such evidence, why not give it to the police? Why not let the police arrest people directly? Give moustache to the police for the first trial, and the truth will come out?

What he said made me feel strange. Yes, didn't Lu Zishan say that she knew a lot of people in Zhuhai? She also said that there were policemen among the people she knew, so why didn't she give the moustache to the police and then arrest Fang zhe?

I asked Jiang Yuxuan, "what does brother Yuxuan think about this video? Is it a forgery? "

He replied: "it's not sure, but it's not necessarily fake. But it's not difficult for Lu Zishan to use her mobile phone to make Xiaohu record a video. For example, to force him, for example, to use money to lure him. The video is not necessarily fake, but the credibility of the person who speaks in the video is not high."

I back: Thank you Yuxuan brother, thank you for supporting me. I don't have anyone to trust now. I feel so lonely.

He replied: it's OK, Xiaoya. You're not lonely. There are always ups and downs in your life. Sometimes you can bear it for a while and then it's over. Trust your own judgment and be confident.

I replied with one word: OK.

In fact, I am willing to believe in Fang Zhe. I went to Jiang Yuxuan to get his support. Let me be more firm in my judgment.

Fang Zhe's negative attitude towards me is true, but I believe he didn't harm my mother. Because he paid too much for me, I don't believe that a person who would harm people for a real estate project would care so much for a disabled woman.

But although I believe it, I still have a knot in my heart. I'm still troubled by that video.

I didn't sleep very well. The next day I got up very late. Shortly after I arrived, the aunt of the neighborhood committee called me. She told me that she helped me to ask. My mother's name was really in the list of relocated households, and no one was going to collect the compensation. She said that if necessary, she could issue me a certificate to prove that my mother had passed away and that my daughter would inherit it. I can't help her To get the demolition compensation.

Originally, with the help of Jiang Yuxuan last night, I had convinced myself to believe Fang Zhe, but this fact made me fall into the ice again.

If my mother is really the head of the household, Fang zhe may still be the murderer after she died.

I decided to continue to pursue this matter. I took the initiative to contact Lu Zishan to meet her. I wanted to deal with Fang zhe with her.

Of course, I just pretend to agree to join hands with her, because I want to know more inside information and evidence from her, and then find out whether Fang Zhe is the murderer or not.

As soon as Lu Zishan heard that I was willing to join hands, she was certainly happy and immediately agreed to meet me.

Before I went to see her, I installed a recording software on my mobile phone. I'm going to record the conversation with her. If I wronged Fang Zhe in the future, it can at least prove that Lu Zishan is the leader of this matter.

I just want to find out the truth. I don't want to take revenge on Fang zhe because of the deterioration of my feelings. Of course, if he is really my mother killer, I will fight with him to death.

If the fate is so cruel, I will admit it.