When I got back to my place, I was drenched.

I went straight into the bathroom, took off my clothes, turned on the sprinkler, washed under warm water, and then continued to cry.

No matter how sad I am, I have to warm my body first. I can't get sick because if I get sick, no one will take care of me any more. All the people have left me. Now only I can take care of myself.

After taking a bath, I took another cup of Banlangen powder and drank it. It felt like my life.

I lay down and sent a message to Fang Zhe's wechat: in fact, you don't have to hide it from me. I said that I would not respect your choice, but I really didn't have the courage to send my best wishes. Thank you for making me recover. Thank you for everything you have given.

As soon as I finished, I heard a message tone. I was so happy that he finally got back to me!

But the message was not sent by Fang Zhe. It was Jiang Yuxuan. The message was, "are you ok? Can the house adapt? "

I replied: "it's very good. I should pay more rent for such a good house, but I have no money now, so I can only do it for the time being."

Jiang Yuxuan said with a smile, "you just like it. The house is a little small. It's not as big as Fang Zhe's villa. I thought you didn't like it."

He mentioned Fang zhe again, and I felt as if I had been pricked by a needle again. I will still be sad, my heart will still be unwilling, those too strong love and hate, must use time to forget.

"Brother Yuxuan, Fang Zhe is getting married." When I typed these words, the pain of acupuncture became more intense, and my eyes surged up again.

There is no one in this room, only me, so I can let tears flow down at will, anyway, no one will see.

Jiang Yuxuan sent a question mark to show that he didn't understand me.

"Fang Zhe is going to marry other women. He is the daughter of a minister of Maya. I just heard it tonight, too. " I'll go back.

Tears how also can't help, I sob, I really didn't think I would be so sad, I said I won't blame him.

"Fang Zhe is not such a person, is there any trouble?" Jiang Yuxuan returns.

I said that he should be suffering, but I'm still a little sad.

Jiang Yuxuan replied, "do you hate him?"

I said, "I don't know."

Just try to believe that Fang Yuxuan has no way to love him. I think you need to start a new life so that you don't get stuck in the past

I said yes, brother Yuxuan was right. I need to find a job now. I want to start my own life and support myself.

Jiang Yuxuan said that he knew a company was recruiting people and asked me if I wanted to try.

I said that I want to find a job through my own efforts, and don't let others help me, because only relying on myself is the most real thing.

Jiang Yuxuan said that he didn't want to help me, but just provided me with information. Whether I can apply or not depends on my own ability. Then he gave me an address and the phone number of that company.

I chatted with him for a while, then I turned off and went to sleep.

After one night, the weather cleared up the next day.

I got up late because of insomnia the night before. He cooked a bowl of noodles and went out with his bag.

No matter how things change, this life has to continue. Jiang Yuxuan is right. Only when I start a new life as soon as possible can I get out of the quagmire of the past.

I didn't go directly to that company to find a job, but first found their job information on the Internet, and then put in a resume.

Unexpectedly, in the afternoon, their personnel staff called to inform me to go for an interview.

I dressed up and tried to crack my mouth in the mirror to make myself look less sad.

When I took a taxi to that company, it was 20 minutes before the interview. After a while, I finally got my name.

I am interviewing for a position in the purchasing department, which I have been doing for a long time. I am relatively familiar with this business.

The interviewer is a woman, wearing thick glasses, "from the resume you filled in, you are a long time away from the last job, why is that?"

I said that because of some personal reasons, I didn't work during this period of time, but I still kept working.

So she asked some other questions, and I answered them one by one. Then she asked me to go back and wait for the notice.

I know it's hard to find a job now, and I didn't think that an interview would be successful. When I got back to my residence, I continued to send my resume online, prepared to spread the Internet, and then found a job to support myself as soon as possible.

Results in the afternoon, the company that interviewed before called and said that I had passed the interview. Let me prepare and report to the company the next day.

I didn't expect it to go so well. It was a surprise.In the evening, I went to the supermarket nearby to buy some dishes, cooked a big dinner for myself, then I drank a big glass of Baijiu and fell asleep under the anesthesia of alcohol.

The next day I came to the company to report that I was assigned to be an assistant to the sales director instead of the purchasing job I applied for.

As an assistant to an executive, the salary is much higher than that of an ordinary employee, which is a good thing. And I'm not afraid of this job, because I used to work beside Fang Zhe. I've done more senior assistants. I'm also competent for the job of sales director assistant.

The best thing is that the sales director is still a woman. Her name is Feng Caijuan. She is in her forties. She wears a pair of black framed glasses. She is tall and beautiful.

"Welcome to Fengcai daily chemical. Did you know anything about the company before?" Feng Caijuan looked at me through her black glasses.

"There is some simple understanding, but not very deep. I only know that this is a cosmetics company." I'll be honest.

Feng Caijuan nodded, "yes, our main business is to make cosmetics, but there are also other aspects of the business, have not contacted the cosmetics industry before?"

I nodded honestly again, "no, but I will study hard."

"OK, it's no problem. As long as you are willing to study, everything is not a problem. If you are new to the company, you should study with your colleagues in the product department for a week. You should understand the products and the company first, so that you can be at ease in your work. Is there any problem? " Asked Feng Caijuan.

Of course, it's OK. I nodded hard and said thank you.

"Well, that's it. I'll give you a salary of 20000 a month for the time being, and I'll increase your performance in the future. Can you accept this treatment?" Feng Caijuan asked again.

Of course, I can accept it, because it has already exceeded my expectation. My original expectation is about 8000.

"Thank you, Mr. Feng. I'm just a newcomer. I'm very satisfied with my salary."

"Well, come on, get on the track as soon as possible." Feng Caijuan said.

I really didn't expect to be so smooth. Is it true that when I am frustrated in love, I will be proud in the workplace?

For the next few days, I have been studying. Although I'm not a Xueba, I think my learning ability is not bad either. Soon I became familiar with the product knowledge and the current situation of the company.

Fengcai Daily Chemical Co., Ltd. is also a rising company in recent two years, mainly engaged in several cosmetic brands such as "jade man". The biggest feature of the company is that in addition to traditional channels, the company will also cooperate with some Internet Celebrities and fashion bloggers to make some customized products for online sales, mainly serving younger groups.

In addition, the company is building a male make-up brand called "childe". In terms of online sales, the brand "childe" is currently the best selling of all male brands.

In a word, Fengcai Daily Chemical Co., Ltd. is a company with a bright future. It can be said that it is thriving and has a bright future.

I really want to thank Jiang Yuxuan for the information, otherwise I can't find such a good job so soon.

After work that day, I sent a message to Jiang Yuxuan and asked him to have dinner together to express my gratitude.

He broke through the wasteland and agreed to stay in a Sichuan restaurant.

I'm really a little excited. Jiang Yuxuan and I haven't seen each other for many years. He was the one I was infatuated with at the beginning.

So I dressed up for dinner with friends I hadn't seen for many years. Unfortunately, as soon as I went out, I received a message from Jiang Yuxuan, saying that there was something wrong with his family and he couldn't come.

I'm really disappointed, but I also understand that people have a family. Of course, they have to deal with something. They can't delay their business just because they have dinner with me.

So I sent back a message saying that there were plenty of opportunities, so it's OK to make another appointment next time.

Now that I'm out, I still have to eat this meal. However, one did not know what to eat, so he wandered alone in the street.

The weather is getting warmer and warmer. There are many people on the street. I walk aimlessly, and suddenly understand what loneliness is in the sea of people.

At this time, a black Mercedes stopped next to me, and the window rolled down. It was Liu Muyun.

"What a coincidence, Miss Su."

He nodded and waved to him, but I couldn't stop.

"Shall we have a drink? I still want to talk to you. " Liu Muyun got out of the car.

"You can't park here." I pointed to the close surveillance camera. "I'll be photographed in more than five minutes. Let's go."

"Then get on the bus. Let's talk. If you get on the bus, I can stop." Liu Muyun said.

I thought about it. Anyway, I had nothing to do and nowhere to go, so I just got on the bus.

"Have you had dinner? Can we have something to eat together? " Liu Muyun asked me with a smile.

"I had an appointment with a friend for dinner, but he didn't come for a while. He didn't eat, but he didn't have much appetite." I said faintly.

"Still sad about Fang zhe?"

"I don't want to talk about it. If Mr. Liu insists on talking about it, please stop ahead and let me off." I don't mean to say it.