After leaving the company, I went to Fang Zhe's apartment near the company and found that my key couldn't open the door and the lock had been changed.

Now I'm totally stupid.

Banshan villa was replaced. The card was frozen and could not be used. The door locks of the apartment were changed. Overnight, the things Fang zhe gave me suddenly disappeared. Even the people he knew could not be contacted.

But I have lived in Banshan villa for a long time. There are Yang Yu and Yang Min who are as close as sisters to me. Why did the villa change people?

I've been working in the company for a long time. Everyone in the company knows that I'm Fang Zhe's special assistant, but why does anyone who knows me disappear? I don't have my files or any information in the company yet?

I even remember that Fang zhe transferred the ownership of some apartments in Banshan villa and Zhushi to my name after we got married, so it should be my property. Why does it become someone else's now?

Now, if I want to prove that the houses belong to me, I have to collect evidence to sue the man who lives in the villa for illegal occupation of my property. But those real estate certificates are all in the villa. I can't find any evidence at all for a moment now.

And I don't have the energy to do these things now. Those things belong to Fang Zhe. If he wants to take them back or give them to others, I don't have to go through legal procedures to get them back. I don't have that thick skin.

But now the problem is that I have no place to live. I have no home in Zhushi. The card Fang zhe gave me has stopped. My debit card is only 20000 yuan. This hotel is too expensive for me to stay. I have to find a place to stay immediately.

But it is not so easy to find a suitable house to live in in a short time. Most of the houses need to pay a year's rent. I don't have enough money at all. What's more, I don't know what's going on now. I have to be prepared to survive on my own, because Fang zhe probably won't appear in my life again.

If I spend all my money, what should I do then? I even thought extremely, does Fang zhe want to bring me into a beautiful illusion, and then take away what he gave me one by one, so that I can feel the pain of loss and experience a beautiful dream?

But he did treat me very well. Why did he do that? The former Banshan villa is absolutely true, the Chinese style mansion of Maya is also true, and even I have an expensive diamond necklace given to me by Mrs. Fang in my bag. It's not like Fang zhe deliberately arranged to play tricks on me.

If he really wants to fool me, let me taste the pain of gain and loss, then the cost he paid is too high, is it necessary to do so?

No way, I had to find a cheaper hotel to stay, ready to find a suitable house and then move out.

I have been trying to contact Fang Zhe and the people related to him, but in the end, they all failed. Either the phone couldn't be connected or it was turned off. I sent dozens of messages to him on wechat, but he didn't reply to any of them.

In the afternoon, I went to his company to see if I could meet one or two people I knew. As a result, I was directly blocked by the security guard. No matter how I explained, I would not be allowed to enter the company.

I can still go in at noon, but now I can't enter the company directly. This is clearly arranged by someone. Someone knows that I have been to the company and what I have done, so they directly refuse me to enter the company.

This is Fang Zhe's company. The people who can do all this must be related to Fang Zhe. I don't know if they are inspired by Fang zhe himself. I'm so confused. I really don't know what's going on and what's going on.

In the evening, I lie in the room of a small hotel, staring at my cell phone. At this time, a wechat message came in, which was sent by Jiang Yuxuan, "how are you? Why didn't you give me any information? "

Finally, someone I knew contacted me. I was a little excited and immediately sent a message back: Fang Zhe and I went to Maya, and then I was detained at the airport. Finally, I returned to Zhuhai and found that everything had changed.

Jiang Yuxuan: what does change mean?

So I probably told Jiang Yuxuan all kinds of strange things that happened to me, and then he sent back a message saying, is Fang Zhe in any dilemma?

In fact, I think so, but there is a dilemma, you can explain to me, ah, I'm not the kind of unreasonable person, I can live any kind of hard life, what kind of difficulties can be carried together, why don't you call me?

I told Jiang Yuxuan what I thought, that is, whether Fang zhe gave me a lot and then suddenly took it away, which made me happy.

Jiang Yuxuan said that Fang zhe should not be such a person, and there is no need for him to do so. There should be some special circumstances, let me not worry. Then he asked me if I had any difficulties and if I wanted his help.

I've been so aggrieved for a while. Suddenly, someone listened to me. I really wanted to talk. I told him my dilemma. On the one hand, I had no place to live, and on the other hand, I didn't have much money. I had to find a new job, or I would run out of food soon.Jiang Yuxuan said that he has a real estate that is idle. He has been renting it to others, but the size of the house is smaller. Recently, he is idle. If I don't dislike it, I can live in it.

I said no, I'll find another house.

Jiang Yuxuan said that if I don't think the house is small, I'd better persuade me to move to him. Because now I rent the house to others, many people don't care about the house and make it very bad, so the house is always empty, and no one cleans it. If I can live in it, I can pay him a little rent and help him clean it. In fact, it's also a help for him.

When he said that, I was also a little moved. Anyway, I want to rent a house. It's better to rent someone else's house than his. So I asked him how much the rent was.

He said that he used to rent it to others for 3000 yuan a month. We are friends, so give me a cheaper one, just 2000 yuan a month.

The rent of 2000 yuan per month is within my range. Although I haven't seen the house yet, I believe Jiang Yuxuan won't pit me, so I agreed.

I paid off the money I borrowed from him last time, so I directly transferred 6000 yuan to him through wechat, which is a quarterly square rent. He accepted it and said thank you to me. He said he would let the house to me, so he was more relieved.

I asked him when he would take me to see the house. He said that he was busy these days and asked me to give him the address. He sent me the key of the house and the access card of the community directly.

As a result, I waited in the small hotel until the next afternoon to receive the access card and key he sent me.

After I returned my room, I took a taxi to the address he gave me.

I think the house is very small, but it's not small. It's about 130 square meters. It's well decorated, the house is very new, the home appliances are complete, and the environment of the community is very good.

This reminds me that when Hu Wei and I first divorced, we were homeless. Later, Fang zhe gave me his big house to live in. Unfortunately, I only lived for a few days before an accident happened.

When I think of Fang Zhe, I think of his kindness to me. When I was in a coma, he kept paying for medical treatment. Later, when I woke up, he kept encouraging me to strengthen training until I recovered. Such a person who is good to me doesn't look like a bad person. What happened to him that he didn't contact me suddenly?

I thought about it and couldn't come up with a clue. The only thing I can do is try to get in touch with Fang zhe all the time, but to no avail.

Finally, I think of a person, that is Liu Muyun. He and Fang zhe are in the same company. He should know about Fang Zhe.

But I never got in touch with him in private. Once in the Oriental Shopping Mall, he gave me a business card. Later, I didn't know where to get it. Because that was a long time ago.

So I began to rummage through my luggage. Coincidentally, the card was stuck in my wallet and I found it!

I took out my mobile phone, dialed the number, the phone was through, the original voice came from Liu Muyun: Hello, who?

I'm a little excited. I didn't expect to get through to him. "Hello, I'm Su ya, Fang Zhe's wife. Is that Mr. Liu?"

"Hello, I'm Liu Muyun. Where are you? What can I do for you? " Liu Muyun said.

"I'm in Zhushi. I have something to ask you. Is it convenient for you to talk?" I asked.

"I'll get on the plane right away. Well, I'll call you when I get off the plane, OK?" Liu Muyun said.

"Mr. Liu, don't hang up. I just want to ask you, is something wrong with Fang zhe? Why can't I get in touch with him? "

I'm in a hurry because I'm worried if I hang up. I'll never get through to him again, just like I can't get in touch with Gao Zhan and Yang Yu.

Liu Muyun there seems to be hesitant, "Fang zhe didn't contact you?"

"No, I can't get through to him, even his good brother. I want to know if something happened to him?" I'm fighting.

"Don't worry, Fang Zhe is OK. He's fine. We had a meeting together this morning. He's OK. I really have to catch the plane, or I'll miss the plane. I'll call you as soon as I get back. First of all

Then Liu Muyun hung up the phone. I called again, but he didn't answer. After a while, he turned off the phone.

I'm very depressed. Do you think I can't contact Liu Muyun any more? If so, the only one who knows about Fang zhe lost contact with me again.

I checked on the Internet and found that there was a flight to the mainland at this point. That means Liu Muyun didn't cheat me. I had to calculate the flight time and call him when Liu Muyun landed.