I can only understand my background and experience. For the time being, I am still in a very small situation. It is almost impossible for me to make great changes and promotion in a short time.

But Fang Zhe is different. When he was a student, he was a bully of Fang Tianba. He was born well and could act willfully. He was superior and controlled everything.

And I was born in a single parent family, without paternal love and self-confidence. Although I don't admit defeat in my heart, I can only compromise in the face of many things.

That's why I married Hu Wei so early. His stable job at that time can give me a sense of security and make me feel that I am no longer a person.

And what kind of people together for a long time, will become what kind of people, at least become similar people. Hu Wei and I have been together for a long time. It is inevitable that we will become smaller and smaller. I am smaller and smaller.

Later, when I met Fang Zhe, my life began to change dramatically. Compared with Hu Wei, Fang Zhe's world was a different world, a world too big for me to resemble.

In a larger world, people need to become more complex and deeper, and the pattern needs to be very big to adapt to this world.

But it's very difficult for me, who came from my childhood, to become a big pattern all of a sudden. It's like granny Liu went to Grand View Garden. No matter how hard she tried to be better, she was still a joke.

The only thing I can do is try to adapt to the world in the shortest time and make myself look less like a joke.

So I work hard, very hard, I want to make myself adapt to the present life as soon as possible through my own efforts, and adapt to the big world that Fang zhe brings me.

In the busy work, the time passed very fast, and in the twinkling of an eye, it was Friday.

All the other employees of the company have left. Yang Yu, Fang Zhe and I are still working overtime.

At six o'clock in the evening, Fang zhe said to me, let me go to each office for a walk, and to the executives who are still working overtime in the company, we will have dinner together and have a weekend together.

I understand what he means. He wants me to have a chance to contact these executives and have some non work interactions with them. I'm a woman, and my affinity is naturally better than that of men. As soon as I invite them, they all agree.

Because it was a temporary decision, the restaurant was not ordered. I asked Yang Yu to prepare to book a restaurant immediately, but Yang Yu said that everyone would be invited. She didn't know what kind of restaurant would be more suitable.

Finally, Fang zhe said several restaurants, let Yang Yu choose, and finally chose a Chinese restaurant.

I also think if you invite a lot of people to dinner, it's better to have a restaurant early in the morning. I always feel that the atmosphere is not so interesting when eating western food. After all, the food culture of our country is that we all gather around and drink together to enhance friendship. Many things that are not easy to discuss are finished on the wine table in the end.

This is the first time that I attended a social occasion with Fang Zhe in the impression. I was still a little nervous. I have hardly ever participated in such a high-level dinner party. Everyone is polite, but there are undercurrents under politeness. They try to guess each other. The most tiring thing is this kind of dinner party.

I remember the names of all the executives here. Because before I went to the company, I prepared for two months. One of my tasks was to memorize the names and personalities of the important management personnel in the company, as well as their resumes.

So when I call out their names easily, they are actually very happy. This represents that I attach importance to and recognize them. No matter they are facing Fang zhe or Lu Yan, they will not have any malice to me at this moment. Again, everyone wants to be valued. It's human nature.

The dinner was held in a very harmonious atmosphere, and everyone tried to avoid talking about work. Executives speak carefully, and most of the time they praise that Fang Zhe and I are a good match.

I love to hear that. Fang Zhe is a handsome guy. If they think that Fang Zhe and I are a good match, it's also an affirmation of my appearance.

After dinner, a vice president proposed to have a drink and then go home. Originally, Fang Zhe and I didn't really want to drink, but if we refused, we would be afraid of paying the bill, so we had to agree.

So we moved to another club. The senior executives were familiar with it, and the VIP room was reserved by one phone call. When we arrived, the wine was ready.

Fang Zhe's body can't drink too much. After drinking a little, he stopped drinking. Instead, I accompanied them for a few drinks. But the interests of the executives are mainly in Yang Yu, who is a beautiful woman and a newcomer to the company. In their opinion, such newcomers are the best.

Yang Yu should have rarely attended such occasions before, so she couldn't cope with them. Senior executives are old-fashioned, in front of these people, Yang Yu appears very green and astringent.

At this time, Fang zhe said in my ear, "let Yang Yu pretend to be drunk, otherwise they won't let her go."

While going to the bathroom, I conveyed this suggestion to Yang Yu. Yang Yu asked me how to pretend to be drunk?

Actually, I don't know much about this, but I imagine sitting there, hunching my head, as if I was drunk.After Yang Yuzhao sat down, the executives were really embarrassed to persuade her to drink again. However, the interaction between men and women was originally the most important thing to promote the atmosphere in the wine market. Now Yang Yu pretends to be drunk, and no girl can persuade him to drink, so the atmosphere is a little dull.

At this time, the door of the private room was pushed open again, and someone came. It turned out that it was Lu Yan and the other two vice presidents of the company. Behind the three men, followed by five or six fashionable young women, all with long legs and big breasts, are younger than me.

"Jason, it's not interesting to come out and play without calling me?" Lu Yan called Fang Zhe's English name with a smile. "When I hear that you are playing here, I'll join in the fun and bring some friends over for a drink. Do you mind?"

Fang zhe also smile, "we are working overtime when the temporary appointment, so did not call, you come of course the best."

Lu Yan's sudden arrival really surprised me. But I understand that someone here told Lu Yan that he had just come here, and Lu Yan also knew that Fang Zhe and I were present. He didn't just come here to join in the fun. He had a hint: I will know what you do in private. Because most of the people in the company are his or my people.

The beauties brought by Lu Yan quickly sat beside the executives and interacted with them. As for men, they are all pig hooves. Young and beautiful girls take the initiative to chat up and persuade them to drink. How can they not be happy? They soon fall into a beautiful and harmonious ambiguity.

"SUA, I've got a drinking companion for Jason, don't you mind?" Lu Yan called my name defiantly.

I laughed. "Of course, I don't mind. It's normal for men to play tricks. I'm not that stingy. But Fang Zhe is not in good health recently, so he can't drink too much. So don't let him drink. "

"I didn't expect you to be magnanimous. When Jason was in the United States, he was famous for his drinking capacity in our Chinese student circle. Many foreign students fought with him and lost in the end. The best time was to defeat a classmate from Moscow. You know, all Russian friends were good at drinking vodka. It's just a shame that Jason could drink him It's a legend. "

When Lu Yan talked about the past when they were young, the smile in his eyes was real. He really missed that time.

Fang zhe waved his hand with a smile. "It's all young and frivolous. Now that kind of high-level vodka, I'll get drunk if I drink a cup. Now I really can't do it."

"Jason, we haven't had a good drink for a long time. You are my boss in the company, and I dare not invite you to drink. It's a rare chance today. Shall we have a drink?"

Lu Yan said that no matter whether Fang zhe agreed or not, he poured two glasses of wine. One was raised in front of Fang Zhe. Fang zhe didn't reach for it, so he held it all the time.

This kind of forced Fang Zhe to drink. I wanted to persuade him. But I think Fang zhe can handle such things well. If I intervene, it will make Fang zhe lose face.

Zhe really can't drink a lot of wine now.

But Lu Yan holds it like that. If Fang zhe doesn't reach for it, it seems that he won't give up.

Fang zhe still takes over. In the current situation, he can't turn against Lu Yan. Not to mention in front of so many executives. If the contradictions between the top management are made public, it will do no harm to the company.

After taking the glass, Fang zhe touches Lu Yan, and then takes a sip. But Lu Yan drinks it all in one gulp. It's really a good drink.

Just as I hesitated to help Fang zhe drink the rest of the wine, Fang zhe put out his hand, put the little beauty in his arms, and then raised his glass to the little beauty's mouth.

The little beauty was flattered and opened her mouth without any consideration. She drank the wine from Fang Zhe's cup. Return a face of happiness.

Fang zhe hugged other women in front of me, which of course caused a burst of laughter from senior executives. I really had no face, but I knew that Fang zhe really couldn't drink so much wine, so I had to bear it, and I had to pretend a smile on my face.

Lu Yan didn't expect Fang Zhe to make such a move. Although he was still smiling, the coldness in his smile was obvious.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, I don't dare to do it again. If Mr. Lu accompanies you, I'll go first. After a while, I'll trigger a roar from the east of the river, which will be very bad." Fang zhe stands up with a smile and is ready to go.

Naturally, the executives were kind-hearted laughter, "the chairman has been very brave, his wife is on the side, and he dares to hold others in his arms. The chairman will probably kneel down on the washboard."

Then there was another burst of laughter.

Yang Yu's face is not happy. I know that she is unfair to me. Why does Fang zhe want to hold other women in front of me.

Naturally, I'm not happy, but on such occasions, I can only do so.

I raised the cup, "a while ago, I bought a washboard on the Internet. I don't know if it's easy to use. I have to go back and have a try. I'll toast everyone. Have fun, and we'll leave first."

And then there was laughter.