After two more snows, the new year is coming.

This is my first new year with Fang Zhe. I promise to give him a new year present.

The day before New Year's day, Gao Zhan came back. It's a surprise to all of us. He hasn't been around for a long time.

Gao Zhan has long hair and is tied in the back, which makes him look more like a supermodel. He is too handsome.

After lunch, he went out with Yang Yu to prepare the evening food and program. Because we're going to drink tonight and celebrate the new year together.

Yang Yuneng and Gao Zhan went out together. Of course, they were very happy. Before they left, they saw that her face was almost smiling.

I was reading materials in my room when Fang zhe came in and asked me to go to the study with him.

Then he handed me a file bag and said, "this is my new year present for you."

I opened it and saw that there were several property rights certificates, all of which were written with my name. Including the mid level villa we are living in.

I looked at him, "Mr. Fang, what does that mean?"

"This is all my real estate in Zhushi. I have all transferred my ownership to your name. If someone else gets married and gives me a wedding ring, I can give you the real estate before I can. I know you don't trust me all the time, and you don't have a sense of security all the time. I hope these things can give you a sense of security. If one day you don't want to stay with me any more, these things are also yours, which can ensure that you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life. "

I looked at him in a daze. I didn't know what to say, but my eyes were red.

For the rich, it is considered vulgar to give away property, but for the poor like me, I don't think it is vulgar. To some extent, money can give people the most sense of security. If it wasn't for the money, my daughter wouldn't have died.

So Fang Zhe's way moved me. He knew what I needed and he knew what I was thinking. He told me in the most vulgar way, don't worry about the future, because he can give me a guarantee.

"In addition, I signed a will in the law firm. If I'm gone, part of my shares in the company will be inherited by you. If you inherit those shares, you will become one of the richest women in Zhuhai

I look at him stupidly. I'm not really stupid because I suddenly become rich. I'm just moved. No one has ever done this to me.

"It's said that money is something out of one's life. Problems that can be solved with money are not problems. So you can think I'm vulgar, but I want to express my sincerity in this vulgar way. If I say 10000 words of love to you, it's not worth giving you food and clothing for the rest of your life. I think so, because I am a layman, Yabao. I love you and I am willing to give you the best in the world. "

He walked by, gave me a hug and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

Fang Zhe's action melted my last defense against him. Melting away the ice dregs in my heart, my heart is completely warm at this moment.

"I'm also a vulgar person. I know the importance of money. I like your gift very much, but it's too expensive. I'm scared." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Are you greedy for money?" He asked.

I nodded, "greedy."

He was so happy that he reached for my face and said, "are you so honest? And admit to being greedy? Since you are greedy for money, the more money you have, the better. Why are you afraid? "

"I'm not worth it. I'm just an ordinary woman. Just give me a little. I don't need so much money." I'll be honest.

"No, you deserve better, you deserve all the better things in the world. It's nothing. You'll get more in the future. " Fang zhe hugged me and said.

"But I'm flustered. I don't think it's true. And I was with you, not for your money. I'm afraid if I take your money, you'll look down on me. "

"I won't look down on you, because you all say that you are greedy. People who like money are normal people. People who dare to admit that they are greedy are people with real temperament. I like your admitting character Fang zhe said.

"I will work hard to help you take care of the company. I will try not to let you down. What's more, I don't want you to write a will. I don't want to inherit your shares. I want you to live well. " My tears came down.

All of a sudden, he was very moved and sad. Not in front of Fang Zhe, but in tears.

"It's not a fool to sign a will. Of course, I have to live well. I just married you. How could I easily leave you? It's just a document, not something to sentence me to death. " Fang zhe smiles and wipes my tears.

"By the way, what's your new year present for me?" Fang zhe held my face and asked.

"I'm not ready. I'll give it to you in the evening." I said softly.

"Oh, I see. You're going to commit yourself." Fang zhe said with a bad smile.

"I've already made a promise to each other. Of course not. Don't think about the bad. I'm not as obscene as you are." I said angrily.

"Am I obscene? Why don't I feel it? I think I'm fine. I'm not obscene at all. " Fang zhe said and reached for my waist. He said that he was obscene, but his hands were not clean at all. He was ready to revenge me for saying that he was obscene.I stopped him. "If you mess around again, I won't give you a present."

He stopped, "no, I'm curious that you don't go out this day. Where can you get me a present? Did you make it by hand? "

"You don't have to worry about it. Anyway, I have my own way. I'll give you the present in the evening. You can wait. " I said with a smile.

"Well, I'll wait."

I quit Fang Zhe's study and continue to study the company's materials. Through research, I found that Fang Zhe's worry is not redundant. Almost all the business of Xingde group in China is in the charge of Lu Yan's confidants.

If Lu Yan defected and left with a part of the team, many businesses of the group would be seriously hit. Even if the whole group can operate normally in Zhuhai, there will be a big question mark.

I asked Fang zhe why he had given Lu Yan so much power and why he didn't want to be on guard against him?

Fang zhe said that Lu Yan was his classmate in the United States and a very good friend, so he trusted him at that time. Another important point is that at that time, Fang Zhe's business in Malaysia was also facing a great test, so he did not have the energy to manage things in Zhuhai.

It's too late to find that Lu Yan has expanded beyond control. Even if a tiger is raised from an early age, once it becomes an adult tiger, it is no longer under control.

People always change. Maybe Lu Yan didn't want to take full control of the group at the beginning, but later he made achievements, so he had other ideas.

In the afternoon, Gao Zhan and they came back.

Gao Zhan handed me a paper bag with some shyness on his face. "Sister in law, this is my new year gift for you. I don't know what to buy, so I asked Dr. Yang for reference. She helped me choose a pair of shoes for you. I hope you like them. "

I took the paper bag and opened the box inside. It was a pair of high heels.

At this stage, I am still on crutches, of course, not suitable for wearing high heels. Ah Zhan's intention is also very obvious, that is to hope that I can recover as soon as possible, and then I can wear high heels.

My heart is warm and my eyes are red again. For a long time, no one gave me New Year gifts, but this new year, I received gifts one after another.

No matter how old people are, they want to be valued, and so do I. Especially at the low point of my life, I need more care and support from others.

"I have a gift for Ya Jie, too." Yang Yu also took out a gift.

It's a medicine pillow. It's said that sleeping at night can improve sleep.

They all prepared gifts, so I'm a little embarrassed, because I didn't prepare gifts for them, because I haven't been down the mountain for a while.

I went back to my room to look for it. I gave Yang Yu the necklace Fang zhe bought for me a while ago, and turned out a bracelet for Yang min. as for ah Zhan, I couldn't think of anything to give him, but I couldn't help showing it. So I gave Gao Zhan a new watch from Fang Zhe. I lied that I bought it for him.

Fang Zhe is not stingy and doesn't expose it. He also said that he accompanied me to pick a Zhan. Ah Zhan was happy and immediately put it on his hand.

The dinner was very rich and the table was full of all kinds of dishes. Even Yang Yu, who has been arguing about losing weight recently, said that she would stop losing weight temporarily and have a good meal tonight because it's new year's day.

Of course, wine is to drink, and even Yang Min, who seldom drinks wine, drinks a glass of red wine.

Because they were worried that Fang Zhe and Gao Zhan would be as drunk as last time, i banned them from drinking high-level foreign wine. They could only drink red wine. They drank slowly and tasted slowly, chatting while waiting for the new year's Eve at 12 o'clock.

Ten minutes before 12 o'clock, Gao Zhan took out fireworks from the trunk of his car and set them off in the yard.

The gorgeous fireworks are blooming in the dark sky. I close my eyes and make a new year's wish: may fangzhe's operation succeed, and may his company walk out of the crisis.

Meng fangzhe found that both of them were about his wishes.

After the fireworks, it's 12 o'clock. After counting down together, we wish each other a happy new year. Fang zhe took out a box of good wine and said that we don't have to wait for time now. We can drink freely and go to bed when we get drunk. This is the first time to drink in the new year.

Then he looked at me, "Yabao, didn't you say you had a new year's gift for me? They've received all of them. Why haven't I? "

It's funny that he still remembers the gift I gave him.

I said that's it. If you make a new year's wish and I help you realize it, it will be a gift for you.

Fang zhe said, that's to say, my new year's wish, of course, is that you can get rid of crutches and walk freely. The world knows that my wish is this.

I said yes, I'll help you realize it now.

Then I stood up, dropped my crutch and walked to him without any support.

This is what I planned carefully. In fact, a week ago, I tried to walk independently in the room without crutches. I just wanted to surprise him.

I saw that his eyes were obviously red, and he put his arms around me. He gave me a good kiss on the forehead.