I was startled and got out of bed by myself. It took a lot of effort to climb up to him and call him.

But he did not respond, his lips closed and his face pale.

I tried his nose, breathing, but very weak, he really fainted, not to deceive me.

"Fang zhe? Fang zhe I called out to him.

But he didn't move. There was no sound. I shook his head. His head was stiff, and I felt the temperature on his face decrease.

I realized that he was really in danger! If we don't help each other in time, he will be gone.

Now there are only me and him in the room. If I don't call, no one knows that he is in danger. Then he will die like this in front of me. No matter what the cause is, it has nothing to do with me. He just died, not me.

If so, wouldn't I be able to avenge my mother without risking murder?

In my heart, I began to fight fiercely, whether to call an ambulance or not. If I call an ambulance and save Fang Zhe, I will have to go to great trouble to get revenge. I don't have to do anything to get revenge. Do I want to take advantage of this great opportunity.

As time goes by, I am suffering more and more. There is a voice at the bottom of my heart saying, call to save him, call to save him! He's very kind to you. You can't watch him die like this!

Finally, I couldn't carry it. I picked up the phone and made an emergency call.

Because this is a mountain, the ambulance came a little late, and it took more than 20 minutes to arrive.

I sat in a wheelchair, staring at the unconscious Fang zhe was carried onto the car, the ambulance flashing lights whistling away.

I'm the only one left in nuota's Banshan villa. I'm alone in the living room. I keep asking myself, have I done it right? Should I really save him? He killed my mother. Why should I save him?

Think about it, there is no answer. Then I found that I began to worry about his safety. What's his disease and can he be saved?

If he can't be saved, am I happy or sad?

I find out Yang Yu's phone number and call her to tell her what happened tonight. I hope she will come back as soon as possible and help me go to the hospital to see how Fang Zhe is.

Yang Yu said that she would return immediately, and then go directly to the first doctor in the city to see Fang Zhe's condition, and then tell me the situation at the first time.

Heart has been unable to calm down, I shake the wheelchair around the living room, do not know what to do, what to do?

I was horrified to find that Fang zhe had gone deep into my life and even my life. His sudden accident left me empty.

But he is my enemy. How can I take him as my spiritual sustenance? He had an accident. I should be happy. He was punished. Why did I lose my soul?

What's wrong with me? I don't know right from wrong, black and white, and I don't know who I am?

I always think that I am rational. I think I can clearly realize the hatred between Fang Zhe and me. But at the critical moment, I am not rational. I am confused.

I began to feel remorse. I felt that I was too counselled, too soft hearted to my enemies, and I didn't make up my mind at the critical moment, so that I missed an excellent opportunity to revenge without hands.

At this time, my mobile phone rang. It was Yang Yu who called. Yang Yu told me that when she arrived at the hospital, Fang zhe had come out of the emergency room. Now she was in the process of infusion, and her life was no longer in danger.

I hung up in silence with a long sigh of relief. I hope he's alive, that's for sure.

I comforted myself and said that now things have not been fully investigated. When things are clear, it is not too late to find Fang zhe for revenge.

It's sad to deceive yourself, but it can only be so.

Later, both Yang Min and Yang Yu came back.

"Sister ya, my husband is fine. He told me to come back quickly. He said that you are not at ease at home alone. Let's accompany you." Yang Yu said.

"Yes, we can't even leave one to take care of him. He said the hospital should have nurses. Let's hurry back. Don't worry that you are at home alone. " Yang Min also said.

"What did the doctor say about him?" I asked Yang Yu.

"The doctor said, it's the same old problem." Yang Yu said.

"Old problems? What's wrong with Fang zhe? " I asked.

Yang Yu and Yang Min looked at each other and were surprised. Then Yang Yu asked me, "madam, don't you know your husband's illness?"

I shook my head. "I don't know. Fang zhe never told me. What's wrong with him?"

The two sisters looked at each other again, as if they were communicating. Would you like to tell me.

This pair of sisters are really smart. As soon as they heard that I didn't know, they began to hesitate whether to go on. Fang zhe didn't tell me. Of course, they didn't dare to tell me privately.

"I trust you sisters the most. You're not going to tell me, are you?" I asked with a cold face.

"Sister ya, we know that you don't treat us as outsiders, but there's a reason why your husband doesn't tell you. If we do, we're worried that your husband will blame us. You know our identity..."I interrupted Yang Yu, "who are you? What are you, servants? servant? You ask yourself, do I treat you as outsiders? I always treat you as sisters, OK? How nice of you to help Fang zhe hide it from me? Well, we'll keep our distance in the future. If you don't want to tell me something, I won't tell you anything. "

Pretending to be angry, I shook my wheelchair and got ready to go upstairs.

Yang Yu came to stop me, "sister ya, don't be angry, OK? I just said that, but you can't tell your husband that we said it. We don't dare to offend you, and we don't want your husband to resent us, saying that we should be gossipy, right?"

"Don't worry. I won't let Fang zhe know that you said it. I said I called the hospital for consultation. If you don't worry, I can pretend I don't know. " I said to Yang Yu.

"The wife pretended that she didn't know it was the best. I don't think you would be worried if Mr. Wang didn't let you know about it." Yang Min said that her eyes were red.

Yang Min's reaction made me realize that Fang Zhe's illness is not so simple. I feel that my heart beats faster and I feel very nervous. Is Fang zhe suffering from any incurable disease?

I look at Yang Yu. She is a doctor. She can speak clearly.

"Sister ya, you must remember that you had a car accident with your husband before. At that time, your husband was also seriously injured and had congestion in his brain. At that time, the hospital suggested surgery, but the risk was high. So your husband chose conservative treatment first. His explanation was that he still had a lot of important things to do and he could not take risks. So he has brain problems all the time. He usually takes medicine. We thought his wife knew it, but I didn't expect you didn't know it. " Yang Yu said.

"Well, if we don't have surgery all the time, the disease won't get better, will it?" I look at Yang Yu.

"It should be better, and it may get worse." Yang Yu said.

"If it gets worse, what are the possible symptoms?" I asked.

"It's hard to say. Each individual is very different. Generally speaking, there will be aphasia, hemiplegia, coma and other situations. If it's more serious, it may die." Yang Yu said.

I took a long breath and exhaled slowly to relieve my tension.

"Does Fang zhe know the consequences?" I asked.

"Of course, I know. In the past, my husband used to drive by himself, but now he seldom drives by himself, because he is worried that he will suddenly faint when driving, which will be very dangerous. Sister ya, now that you know it, you can advise your husband to have an operation. You can't put it off any longer. The doctor said that if you don't have an operation again, the risk of the operation will be greater in the future. I'm afraid that my husband's life will not be long by then. I don't want to curse him, but I'm a doctor. I have to tell you the truth, I have to be objective... "

Yang Yu said, choking and unable to go on.

I nodded to show that I knew. My heart is heavy and complicated.

There is no doubt that I caused his injury, because the accident was intentional. I thought that God was unfair, and I left him alive, but it was not the case. He also left hidden danger, and the risk was greater.

For the moment, I'm going in a good direction, but his situation is getting worse. Although I don't know medicine, I know what Yang Yu said is true.

I just don't understand. What's important for Fang zhe? Why not accept the operation?

"Well, I know. If you're late, go to bed. I'll go to see Fang zhe with you tomorrow." I said softly.

"No, sir. It's cold. You can't go to the hospital and stay at home." Yang Min said immediately.

"Yes, elder sister ya, you are not allowed to go. He has specially ordered this matter, and he has said it several times. You can't embarrass us. Sir, if we dare to let you out, we will lose our job. Sir, you always mean what you say. Please understand our difficulties Yang Yu also said.

I sighed and nodded.

I know what Fang Zhe's temper is. Since he has stressed it repeatedly, he will not let me go. He knew that once I went to the hospital, he couldn't hide his illness.

I don't want to embarrass the Yang sisters. They are not easy either.

Yang Min sent me upstairs, waited on me to sleep and turned off the light for me.

In the dark, I open my eyes and think about what happened tonight.

In fact, Fang Zhe always knew that I hated him, but he basically didn't defend me. His only defense was that I ran away, because he knew that it was very risky for me to escape.

But why did he hide his illness from me? He knows that I hate him. I don't care about him. I won't feel sad for his illness. Is it necessary for him to keep it from me? Why does he have so many secrets to hide from me?

The more I think about it, the more I don't understand it, the more I think about it, the more irritable I am, and the more I can't sleep. I've been tossing and turning until dawn, and I just went to sleep.