After seeing the photos provided by Hu Wei, those neighborhoods that originally supported me began to support Hu Wei's family.

"I knew that this woman had a fox face, which was not a good thing. She even gave her man a green hat. Damn it, let her go!"

"Hu Wei is so pitiful. He lost his daughter and was green capped by a woman. Nowadays, honest people suffer losses. Why doesn't this woman die?"

When I saw those pictures, I became the target of public criticism.

I am hard to argue, surrounded by a group of people scolding, completely at a disadvantage.

Further consumption, I will only be in a more difficult situation, so in the voice of criticism, I lost the battle again, and ran away.

For those onlookers, it is most likely that a man has a third child, but a woman has a man outside, which is a terrible crime. At the same time, they are more willing to listen to Hu Wei's family because they are civil servants and have more credibility.

No wonder Hu Wei is so confident that the court will decide a divorce. I can't fight with his family. All three members of his family are public servants. I am obviously in a weak position, whether in terms of contacts or other aspects. Now Hu Wei has pictures of me cheating, and I have no chance of winning.

I just don't understand. Who provided Hu Wei with those photos?

Now that I have been photographed, I dare not go to the hotel again. I took a bus and went to the suburb where my mother lived.

It was a very old community. It was the staff dormitory of the original aluminum factory. It was the place where I grew up. The residents here are all their own houses. Only our family is a foreigner, and the house is rented.

Climbing up the old stairs to the fourth floor, I was startled by the scene. The door of my mother's house was splashed with bright red paint, and on the wall next to it was written "pay back".

I banged on the door. After a while, the door opened a crack. My mother furtively looked out and saw that it was me. She asked me to come in quickly and then locked the door.

My mother is a famous beauty in the dormitory area of the aluminum factory. When I was very young, I remember that many people chased her, and even some young people who were more than ten years younger than her chased her. It can be seen that my mother's face value is very high.

But in front of her, her hair was messy, her face was haggard, and she looked like she was ten years old.

"Mom, you lost the gamble again, and you owe someone money?"

Mother glanced at me and lowered her head.

"How much money do you owe? How much money do you owe at the door?"

At this time, my mother suddenly cried out and grabbed my hand, "Yaya, you have to save my mother. They said that if you don't pay back the money within three days, they will cut off my hand. They are all villains. They can do anything!"

Looking at my mother's collapse, I was even more anxious, "how much money do you owe? How could it come to the point of chopping your hand? "

Mother stretched out a slap, I looked anxious, "50000? How can you bet so much and lose so much money? "

Mother's cry was even louder, "it's 500000. Mom is wrong. She shouldn't gamble with them. I'm really wrong. You must help me... "

I thought I heard you wrong. Half a million? How is that possible? My mother has always been good at gambling, but she has never lost a lot of money. At most, she only lost a few thousand. How can she lose like this this this time?

"I used to play little mahjong, but that day your uncle Li's friends came to play bullfight. I drank some wine and played with them. I didn't expect that I won more than 20000 in half an hour. I felt that the money was coming quickly, so I wanted to win more and stop. But I didn't expect that I got deeper and deeper in the end..."

"Then don't gamble when you lose all your money. How can you repay the usury?"

"I'm bewildered. I'm wrong. Yaya, you must save me this time. Isn't Hu Wei a leader? Let him help me find a relationship. Let those usurers free the interest and I'll pay back the principal slowly."

She even wanted to ask Hu Wei to help. She didn't know that Hu Wei and I were fighting each other right away.

Originally, I wanted to ask my mother to complain about my grievances, but I didn't expect that the chicken feather on my side had not been cleaned up, and my mother asked me to bear a heavier burden on my back. For the huge sum of 500000 yuan, where can I find money to pay her back?

Just as I was about to cry, there was a loud knock on the door.