He went into the bathroom, washed it clean, came out and looked at the computer again, as if nothing had happened.

Perhaps in his view, I just take the initiative to send the mouth of the meat, do not eat white do not eat. He doesn't take the initiative, doesn't refuse, and doesn't have to be responsible.

Looking at his indifferent back, I have some regrets, but also some grievances.

"I'm not the kind of woman you think I am. This is the first time I've done such a ridiculous thing. I've never had a one night stand before." I explained to him feebly.

I could have guessed that his answer must be "Oh", and it was true. After he said "Oh", he didn't speak.

"I did it because my husband betrayed me first. He made his cousin's stomach bigger, but he kept it from me all the time. My daughter is gone. I can't have another child. He wants to force me to divorce and drive me out of the house. I hate him and I want to revenge him... "

I don't know whether I'm trying to explain my absurd behavior or to talk about the pain I've been hiding in my heart. As soon as I open my words, I can't stop at all and start to talk about my heartache that shouldn't have been spoken.

With that, I burst into tears and couldn't help it. My heart, which had already broken down, broke down in the middle of the night.

He came over with a tissue, put one hand on my head, and wiped my tears and nose with the other. Then sit down next to me, put my head on his chest, and pat me on the back.

He never comforted me, but told me with body language that he was listening. Under the comfort of his actions, I slowly calmed down.

After this kind of dishonorable vent, I feel really comfortable.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that to you." I said softly.

He touched my head again. "It's OK. Just say it. I am not prepared to comfort you, because the real pain, other people's comfort is useless, only by time to dilute. All living beings are suffering. No one really cares about and understands your sadness. All of us have no time to worry about ourselves and can only rely on ourselves. "

After a pause, he added in a very heavy tone, "no matter who bullies you, you will return it. You don't have to bear it. Forbearance won't exchange for other people's mercy. It will only make the other party advance an inch!"

When he said this, there was a sharp flash in his eyes. He doesn't talk much at ordinary times, but when he talks seriously, every sentence is very powerful.

Then he poured me a cup of warm water and handed me the tablets. "Take your medicine and have a good sleep."

After I took the pills, I soon fell asleep. When I woke up again, he had already left. He didn't seem to have to sleep at all.

I got up to wash, ready to go to Hu Wei's unit.

What he said is right. I can't bear to be bullied by others. I want to return it.

I want to let the leaders of Hu Wei's unit know that Hu Wei's infidelity during his marriage has enlarged the stomach of the third child and forced me to divorce. I want to expose his scandal and make him uneasy.

When I finished, I took the pills again and went out with my bag.

Just got on the bus, my phone rang suddenly, someone asked to add my wechat friends.

After I agreed, the other party sent a long message: after thinking about it for a long time, I still want to tell you the truth. If your child has surgery in the hospital, he can live at least 10 years or more. But your husband refused to pay 300000 for the operation and gave up the treatment, so your child is gone. Your husband is a beast. You should leave him as soon as possible!