His eyes glanced at me. I was wondering if I should smile in response, but he was cold and turned away. Then, without squinting, he went straight to the conference room.

I'm not sure if he didn't recognize me or if he didn't see me at all.

I don't know who he is, let alone what he is doing in our company. But judging from the nervous reaction of vice president Zhou, he must be a big man.

He is a big man, but I am just a small employee who will be forced to resign. The distance between them is more than 18000 Li. Why should I think so much.

After packing things and going through the resignation procedures, I walked out of the company with a carton.

It's very cold. It seems to have cooled down again. It's raining harder.

The bus didn't come all the time. I had a cold and kept sneezing. Feeling cold like this, the cold would get worse, so I waved to stop the taxi.

At home, I took the key to open the door and found that I couldn't open it. Take a closer look. The lock is new. Hu Wei and they have changed it.

I took out the phone and called Hu Wei. He didn't answer the phone.

I had to carry the carton out of the community, the cold really aggravated, feel dizzy feet soft, I stood at the bus stop waiting for the bus, but I don't know which bus I'm waiting for, because I have nowhere to go.

Take out the phone and call my mother to remind the other party to turn it off.

Suddenly thought of the hotel, the front desk is not that he paid a week's money? He's at work now. He must not be in the hotel. I can go there to take medicine first, and then sleep. When it gets cold in the street, I'm afraid I'll faint.

When I took a taxi to the hotel, the staff at the front desk recognized me and gave me a room card. I came to my room, took the medicine, drank two large glasses of warm water and fell asleep on the bed.

Take cold medicine is very sleepy, wake up, the clock on the wall shows that it is already four o'clock in the afternoon. I wanted to get up, but I found that I couldn't get up at all. My head was as heavy as shot put. I couldn't lift it up at all. I felt dizzy when I moved a little. I couldn't get out of bed at all. I was seriously ill.

Had to continue to sleep, more sleep more faint, consciousness also slowly blurred.

In a trance, I went to the boundless desert. The sun was burning, and I was so thirsty that my throat was smoking. I walked and walked, and finally I saw a clear spring. I lowered my head and drank water, but it felt like I had bitten an iron. It made my teeth ache and I woke up.

What I'm biting is not a dollar, but a spoon. The handsome and mysterious man is feeding me water with a spoon.

I was trying to make myself speak and say thank you when I suddenly found that my body was cool. Looking down, I was so surprised that I cried out. All my clothes were taken off and I was only wearing underwear!

"What have you done to me?" I said weakly.

"You have a heavy fever and need to quickly reduce it, but the antipyretic medicine seems to have a slow effect on you. I have to use the most primitive physics to reduce the fever and wipe your body with alcohol. Facts have proved that you are much better. You're a married woman. Do you mind that? " He said slowly.

There is a strong smell of alcohol in the air. He should not have lied. He is so young and handsome that he should not take advantage of me.

It's just that the phrase "married women" makes me feel a little uncomfortable. I always feel a touch of discrimination.

And then he also neuropathic brain mending, he bowed his head with alcohol to wipe my naked body picture, face once hot.

Damn it, he even found the change on my face, looked at me with a playful eye, and said slowly, "one second I was bitter, and I thought I took advantage of you. The next second I was pink, and I was charming. You also realized that you were taking advantage of me?"