The coldest thing in the world is really the heart.

Hu Wei, a civil servant, had a daughter after marriage. At that time, he did not dare to have a second child. But every time he came back late, he would move me without any measures, which led to my two pregnancies. I would not give birth because of him. And now he wants me to bear the consequences alone.

The bowl in my hand was blurring gradually, and my tears were dripping on the two pieces of meat that my mother-in-law gave me.

But my mother-in-law did not pay attention to my tears, and continued to say her plan, "we are not heartless people, as long as you agree to sign a divorce, after moving out from here, we will give you 5000 yuan compensation."

Five thousand dollars to send me, which is equivalent to let me clean out of the house.

My mother-in-law's anger and despair came out.

"I don't want a divorce." I choked out four words.

Mother in law Zhang Guilan and Hu Wei looked at each other and exchanged their eyes.

"Suya, I understand how you feel. After three years of marriage, I can't bear it either. But you can't look at the queen of the Hu family, can you? I've promised you money. Why don't you stay here? " Hu Wei's tone is not good enough.

I clenched my lips to stop crying in front of the family. My lips are broken, and my mouth tastes salty and bloody.

"I can be here, but I don't divorce. I miscarry because you often mess around when you are drunk, and I can't have a baby because of you now. If my child is gone and can't be pregnant, you want to throw me out, you can't think about it! "

This is the first time for me to be tough in front of my mother-in-law. All the time, I've been forbearing. Rabbits bite when they are in a hurry. The Hu family deceives people too much. I will never let them be satisfied.

My mother-in-law's turn came very quickly and decisively. She reached out and knocked off the bowl in my hand. "It's shameless for me, isn't it? People who come from a small family are cheap. Do hens who can't lay eggs still want to stay in the nest? Hu Wei, let her go

Hu Wei stood up and looked at me in embarrassment, "Xiao Ya..."

I also stood up and pointed to him with my finger, "don't call me so intimately. I won't let you be satisfied. If you have seed, you will remarry. I will never divorce you!"

My words angered Hu Wei and his mother-in-law. Her mother-in-law grabbed my hair and Hu Wei pulled my arm out of the house like a dead dog. Then they slammed the door shut, and they wouldn't open the door, no matter how hard I slapped.

No way, I had to go out of the community.

It's drizzling outside. It's freezing on rainy nights in the south. I dived into the rain and held out my hand to cover my mouth.

I walk aimlessly in the street, tears mixed with rain flow through my face, the prosperous city has become a hell in my eyes. There is no temperature, only sadness and despair.

I don't know how long I've been walking. I can't walk any more. I'm going to cross the road and take the bus to my mother's house in the suburb.

I was too sad to notice that the sidewalk was red. Just after two steps, a car rushed towards me, and the sharp sound of braking sounded. However, because the speed was too fast, the car still hit me. My chest was empty and I fell to the ground.

The car finally stopped after touching my body, and a man in a windbreaker came down quickly.

"Are you all right?" His voice was magnetic and gentle.

I looked up and saw a pretty young man's face.

"I'm sorry, I have something urgent, so I'm driving faster. I'll take you to the hospital." He reached out to help me.

Although I wasn't seriously hit, I was too scared. My legs were soft and I couldn't stand up. Moreover, my clothes were soaked in the rain and shivered with cold.

His powerful arm lifted me up from the ground, but I couldn't stand still. I fell forward and fell in his arms.

I didn't mean to. I couldn't really stand.

He froze for a while, which made me extremely embarrassed, forced himself to straighten up, "I'm ok, I'm sorry."

"Get in the car. You're all wet. If you go on like this, you'll get sick." He opened the door and motioned for me to get in.

At this time, his face to the street lamp, can see more clearly, that handsome face, I actually some familiar.