Nie Tian also found that there was no way out, so he waved his sword to the flying blood bat and put the bat back for a while, but he knew it was not a long-term solution.

At this time, Nie Tian observed the door behind. Although it was an iron door, he wanted to have a try at the thought that he was holding the Dragon chopping sword.

"Leng Qiuyan, hold Yu Xin and get out of the way."

Nie Tian thought about it and said to Leng Qiuyan.

"Well, all right."

Leng Qiuyan holds Gu Yuxin away quickly and comes to a safe place.

I saw Nie Tian holding the Dragon chopping sword in both hands, and then said softly, "sword, sword, you need to give some strength."

At this time, the Dragon chopping sword began to shine, and seemed to respond to him. Nie Tian laughed with satisfaction, and then with a strong sword, the door opened.

Nie Tian didn't wait much. He let Leng Qiuyan help Yu Xin push the broken door and go in.

At this time, the blood bat also came after him, and suddenly Nie Tian turned around and swept over with a sword, which killed the blood bat.

But in a twinkling, another group of blood bats came, and they were even more brave than the death squads. Nie Tian cursed in his heart: my God, these guys who are not afraid of death are terrible.

Nie Tian quickly opened the door and ran in. Fortunately, there was a barbed wire door inside, so he closed the door behind him, and then stuck it with a piece of wood.

The three of them were relieved to find that the light was bright and the room was very empty, with a width of one or two hundred square meters. On the opposite side of the room is a statue, to be exact, a statue of a woman, engraved with the enchantress.

Nie Tian a see these a few words Leng for a while, demon silk demon girl?

The name feels a bit odd.

Three people slowly approached the statue, and then carefully observed. Nie Gu Xin turned her eyelids and saw the pain in her face.

"No, blood bats are poisonous."

Nie Tian said and turned Gu Yuxin's body.

"Smelly Nie Tian, what are you going to do?"

Gu Yuxin saw Nie Tian's move, and she was shocked. She couldn't take care of it.

"If you don't want to die, don't talk about it. The poison will attack your heart, and the Da Luo immortal can't save you." Nie Tian is a bit thought to be a dog biting LV Dongbin, who doesn't know a good heart.

"Sister Gu, Nie Tian wants to help you look at the wound. You seem to have been poisoned." Leng Qiuyan then began to help out.


Gu Yuxin takes off her guard and stares at Nie Tian.

Nie Tian doesn't dare to waste his time. He quickly takes back Gu Yuxin's clothes, and soon his white shoulders are exposed. When Nie Tian sees it, he can't help swallowing some saliva.

"What are you looking at? I'll dig out your eyes later." Gu Yuxin discovers Nie Tian's action and stares at him.

Nie Tian was speechless. He was found at a glance and thought: is it wrong to let you see the wound and give you some welfare?

Nie Tian shakes his back and looks at half of his clothes directly. At this time, the wound is also exposed, and the bleeding part has turned purple black. Seeing this, Nie Tian immediately feels that something is wrong and has to force the poison out quickly.

"Wow, it's terrible. The wound is so black."

Leng Qiuyan said very worried.

At this time, Gu Yuxin also realized the seriousness and felt dizzy. She thought: am I going to die?

But the next moment, she felt a warm feeling coming from the wound. She subconsciously turned her head to see that Nie Tian was sucking the poisonous blood in his mouth, then vomited and continued.

First she was surprised, but then she was quiet again. At this time, she was shy and moved. She knows that a man who has just known her will take risks to do this kind of thing for her. It's not necessarily that the other person will die just like him. So at this moment, she slowly began to accept Nie Tianlai.

After a while, Nie Tian spat out the last mouthful of poisonous blood, wiped the corners of his mouth, stood up and said with a smile, "OK, it's done."

"Ah! Nie Tian, is sister Yu Xin OK? " Leng Qiuyan asked, puzzled and worried.

"Hey, hey, I'm here. How can I be in trouble?" Nie Tian starts to pretend to force again to say.

"Cut, you blow it, this time you are lucky, or you will die immediately." At this time, Gu Yuxin's pain was also reduced and her vitality was restored.

Nie Tian is speechless and thinks in his heart: if you don't thank you for saving your life, you'll come to crowd out. I knew I wouldn't save you.

"Ah Leng Qiuyan suddenly cried.

Just at this time, the two people on one side were all startled and looked at Leng Qiuyan's direction in a hurry.

"Qiuyan, what's the matter with you?" Nie Tian asked in a hurry.

Leng Qiuyan pointed to the statue on one side. After they looked at the statue at the same time, they were also surprised, because what came into their eyes was a wisp of hair, and the key point was that the wisp of hair was slowly extending. After a while, it came to several of them.Nie Tian quickly a sword cut in the past, and then with Leng Qiuyan they back a few steps.

However, his hair was still stretching. Nie Tian didn't stop. Instead, he took the Dragon chopping sword and waved it vigorously. The sword Qi directly cut to the source of his hair.

Suddenly, a woman appeared at the statue. Her hair was immediately shrunk back. At this time, a young witch appeared in front of the crowd. Her height was similar to Leng Qiuyan's, and she was wearing a tunic. Her long hair was floating to her buttocks, and her eyes were full of enchantment.

Nie Tian vigilantly said: "excuse me, where is the evil?"

"Ha ha, you are the devil. I am the master here. Yili, the magician, it's disrespectful of you to enter my terrace. Take your life."

When Erie finished, a bunch of her hair stretched out quickly.

Nie Tian's reaction is faster, and he quickly reaches out his sword to block it. The Dragon chopping sword is tightly tied by his hair. Nie Tian pulled hard and finally broke free, but his hair was not damaged at all. Nie Tian was very surprised.

Then Yili turned around and another bundle of hair flew over. Nie Tian quickly dodged and his hair banged against the wall, making a rumbling sound. At this time, everyone here is shocked. Can hair have such power?

"Ha ha, I advise you to save your strength. You can't escape from me." Yili said with a little haughty smile.

"Well, you are too rampant." Gu Yuxin's impatience finally broke down.

"Hey hey, girl, I can't be unreasonable. I can keep your whole body later." Said the witch.

Nie Tian also didn't spend more time with her, since he all said so, that can only fight to death.

At this time, Nie JianNu started to stab him in the sky, but he just started to stab her.

Nie Tian is greatly surprised, quickly side body jumps to dodge, but the next moment, the evil girl's hair is not lax at all, but quickly chased to come over. Nie Tian immediately picked up the Ning Jin Jue and shuttled through his hair. The sword and hair made a "Dangdang" sound in the constant interweaving.

Not long time Nie Tian's physical strength was half consumed, and he was gasping and standing not far away from the witch.

"Ha ha, it's said that you're going to waste your efforts. You can't beat me." The witch began to be more fearless.

"Hum, dead witch, as long as I have a breath, I will insist." Nie Tian stares at the evil girl in front of him and says firmly.

At this time, the witch started to move first. She bowed her head for a few seconds, then suddenly opened her hands, and all her hair stabbed Nie Tian in an instant. The release speed was as fast as lightning. Nie Tian, who had been on the alert, was hit heavily on his chest before he could react. He immediately flew out and vomited a mouthful of blood after landing.

Nie Tian feels that his internal organs are extremely painful, so he quickly meditates and uses the mental method of Ning Jin Jue to cure his injury. Nie Tian finds that once he uses this mental method, the pain will be relieved immediately, and then the injury will gradually get better.

At this time, the witch saw that Nie Tian was seriously injured, and she didn't want to delay any longer. She quickly got rid of these people and continued to practice.

So I saw the witch "whoosh" and came to Nie Tian's neighborhood. Then I began to take out a crystal stick from my waist. After reciting the mantra, I raised my hand and prepared to solve Nie Tian's problem.

Nie Tian is in the process of healing. Suddenly he sees the witch coming over. He feels cold. He thinks: we should take advantage of her unprepared to get out of the way. Otherwise, he will die.

Crystal rod is falling, and Nie Tian is ready to dodge.

But just at this time, Gu Yuxin whipped a long whip and hit the crystal stick to fly. Nie Tian took the opportunity to hold the ground, and then a sweep, a kick in the devil's stomach.

Suddenly, the witch stepped back several steps to stabilize her body.

"Hum, smelly boy, you dare to plot against me. I'll make you die awkwardly later." The witch, Eli, began to get angry.