"Here is the gate to juechen palace. There are many difficulties in it. There are four checkpoints. Are you sure you want to go in?" No regret master again reminds a way.

"Yes, I'm going in." Nie Tian nodded firmly.

"I'm going too." Chen Jingyi sees that Nie Tian wants to go in. How can she be willing to stay outside alone? After all, he is also a master of the six stars of heaven, not a burden to Nie Tian.


master wuhui was speechless for a while. These two people didn't know the strength of this level. Even master void was not sure that he could get through without any harm, but master wuhui couldn't communicate with master void. After all, he was concentrating on cultivation.

"Jingyi, you'd better go back to Shaolin Temple. I'll be back soon." Nie Tian also saw the master's expression, obviously it was not ordinary.

"I don't know, Nie Tian, you promised me that no matter what we have to face together, and I also want to see Qiu Yan." Chen Jingyi refused.

Nie Tian takes a deep breath. He knows Chen Jingyi's character, but to tell you the truth, Nie Tian doesn't think there is any level so powerful. After all, he is the seven stars of heaven, and Chen Jingyi is also the master of the six stars of heaven. Even if he can't fight, it's OK to withdraw.

After thinking for a while, Nie Tian agreed to come down.

Master wuhui didn't say anything either. He was a monk who got the right way. You can't force me to do this kind of thing.

"Are you ready? Once you start these four hurdles, you can only go forward bravely, and there is no way back. You can't open the gate until you enter juecheng palace and meet the leader and elder martial brother." No regret Master said.

"Ah? Can't go back? " Smell speech, Chen Jingyi some surprised, originally she thought, if really can't, just retreat back, but didn't expect to be like this.

"Well, if you give up now, you can do it." No regrets, master Tao.

"Jingyi, you'd better not go. It's so dangerous inside "

" I don't, "Chen Jingyi pursed her lips and said," don't go back on what you just promised me. "


Nie Tian a burst of wry smile, had to nod with no regret, said ready.

As you can see, master wuhui took three steps forward, and then printed his palm on a door. Then he moved back and forth and circled on it, as if he was typing a password to unlock the door.

With this unrepentant master clapping hard, the door opened with a bang.

"Go in, I can only advise you to come back!" No regrets the master persuades to say.

Nie Tian knew what the master meant. It must be very dangerous. Otherwise, the master would not persuade him like this. Only Nie Tian made a decision, and it was impossible to change.

After all, Leng Qiuyan is inside. She must go in and have a look, and she has a lot to say.

Nie Tian didn't speak, but took Chen Jingyi's hand and quickly walked into the door. Just as they entered, the door closed again.

After looking back in surprise, they turned and walked inside.

Although it's a cave, every room has a window leading to the outside, so the sunlight can come in, and it won't be so dim at that time.

This is the first hurdle. According to the truth, even if there are organs, it will not be too dangerous.

As a result, Nie Tian did not have much vigilance, with Chen Jingyi began to speed up.

At this time, countless bamboo tubes suddenly stretched out from all directions. Nie Tian had seen this scene before. It was obviously a hidden weapon.

"Jingyi, watch out for hidden weapons."

As soon as Nie Tian's voice fell, the concealed weapons in all directions began to happen. They started very fast and were very powerful. It seemed that every concealed weapon had already been powered up. Even Nie Tian, who was surprised by the speed, felt the pressure.

He quickly pulled out the Dragon chopping sword, and then quickly blocked for a while, but these concealed weapons came from all directions, and the speed was too fast, there was no way. Nie Tian could only throw Chen Jingyi to the ground. They just lay down and looked at the flying concealed weapons in the sky, and kept piercing the shuttle, staring at them.

If they don't get down in time, I'm afraid they have become leeches now.

Just, these darts seem to be endless, in front of them, without stopping signs. Nie Tian thinks that the person who designed this mechanism is really powerful. The concealed weapon flying out does not fly randomly, but shoots at the opposite device, just forming a circular design.

It's just like two masters playing ping-pong. If you play, I'll play. That's the principle.

In fact, they don't have many darts. Strictly speaking, they only have them on a bamboo tube on one side of the wall. It's just that they launch them in batches, one sends them and the other accepts them. The next round will be changed, and so on.

In other words, if someone is recruited, then there is no dart in the straight line.

After observing for a while, Nie Tian finally saw that if one row of bamboo tubes could be killed, the next round would be only hair, and if he didn't accept it, the shooting mechanism would be paralyzed. In this way, he would have time to move on.Just when Nie Tian tried to find a way, he suddenly found that a wall was falling slowly. Originally, Nie Tian thought he was dazzled. He said to Chen Jingyi, who was very nervous beside him: "Jingyi, look at the wall above, do you want to drill down?"

"Wall, wall, let me see." Chen Jingyi was stunned, but now she didn't slow down. When she looked at it, she almost stood up. Fortunately, Nie Tian's reaction was quick, even if she held her body down.

At this time, Chen Jingyi just reflected that she was so surprised that she almost lost her life.

"Oh, Nie Tian, the wall is really pressing against us. What should we do?" Chen Jingyi did not look OK, a look at the next big jump, because the upper wall is falling.

Nie Tian was speechless for a while. This mechanism is really powerful. It can't let people live. Even if the concealed weapons are fired indiscriminately, the wall above will be pressed down. It can be said that even the ants can't escape.

I didn't expect that master wuhui was telling the truth. It's too dangerous.

"Jingyi, don't be afraid. I'm trying to find a way." Nie Tian is also worried, according to the falling speed of the wall, five minutes, two people will become pie.

That is to say, we must find a way three minutes ago. Otherwise, when we reach knee height, even if we find a way, we can't climb out.

Although Chen Jingyi is afraid, Nie Tian is still holding her hand. She is relieved. It's worth it to die with her beloved.

"Nie Tian, if we really want to die here, what do you want to do most now?" Chen Jingyi asked.

Nie Tian is thinking of a way. When he hears Chen Jingyi say this, he can only smile bitterly. But when the young lady asked, he couldn't be so quiet. He saw Nie Tian's head and directly kiss his mouth.