Nie Tian is basically dull there. He feels that he is dreaming all day. If Chen Jingyi's indecent photo incident is true, he still believes it.

But now Chen Jingyi not only said something to him that she had never said before, but also hugged him deeply for the first time and kissed him for the first time, which was beyond Nie Tian's expectation. That's why he was so shocked.

But just thinking about it, Chen Jingyi's lips have been back and forth in Nie Tian's mouth. If Nie Tian doesn't have feelings or feelings for Chen Jingyi, he may push it away. But in Nie Tian's heart, the long suppressed love broke out in this tender kiss.

At this time, Nie Tian has left everything behind, including ignoring the existence of Jiang Lili, just want to feel the warmth he and Jingyi bring to each other. Under the guidance of Nie Tian, Chen Jingyi finished her first formal kiss.

This action has been persisted for a full ten minutes. Jiang Lili on one side has some shortness of breath, so she has to hide and stare at the distance. She doesn't know what to think.

If Nie Tian is not in the passion with Jingyi at this time, he will surely find the abnormality of Jiang Lili.

This seemingly strange Lili is so deep in her heart. Her love has been growing since the day she saw Nie Tian.

Later, every joke, every absurd confession, is for her deep love, a profound interpretation.

They finally stop and look at the saliva on each other's lips. At this time, Chen Jingyi starts to be shy instead. Her courage was inspired by fear and sadness. Now, with Nie Tian's embrace, she calms down a lot.

Looking at this man who seldom talks and doesn't even have any ambiguity, her face suddenly turns red, which is almost like the cooked lobster.

At this time, Chen Jingyi is ready to push Nie Tian away, but Nie Tian hugs her tightly again, and then whispers in her ear: "Jingyi, you don't have to worry, I'll get things done."

In an instant, all embarrassment and shyness have disappeared. Instead, she also hugs Nie Tian tightly. It's worth enjoying this precious moment for her.

Chen Jingyi knows that maybe after today, they will be as usual, one is the bodyguard, the other is the employer, Nie Tian still does not belong to herself, or will not completely belong to her like now.

About half an hour, Nie Tian takes advantage of the class time to send Chen Jingyi back to the Chen family mansion. Now, it's impossible for her to go to class.

Jiang Lili, her best friend, couldn't bear to be alone at home, so she went home with her.

As for other things, as for the Chen family in Tianhai City, as long as Chen Haoran makes a phone call, it's basically done.

After settling in the young lady, Nie Tian drives the car directly to the school, and then comes to the school radio information center. At this time, the technicians sent by Chen Haoran have arrived, and are working hard to rescue the website.

But after fighting for more than an hour, it was still fruitless.

The reason is very simple, the hacker's strength is too strong, their network technology can't compare with others. The whole database of Tianhai No.1 middle school campus network has been occupied, and in addition to these, even the teaching system has been locked by hackers. Although there is no change and radical illegal operation for the time being, it is a potential security hazard.

After the inspection by the person in charge of the information center of Chen's group, he found a problem that the hacker technology is too strong. He directly locked all the management permissions, even the permissions for developing the underlying code changes, making the technicians unable to move.

Because it is related to the security of school information, Tianhai principal situ Feng directly reported the matter to the Municipal Information Security Bureau.

An hour or so, a small team of people came, including three senior network security engineers.

Three people cooperate with each other, make a morning later, still can't untie.

Finally, they gave a suggestion to restart the server and then kill the virus, but the problem came again. Another 60% of the data in the database has been bound with the hacker's virus, and the underlying data program has been locked. The secret method is too weird and complex. If it is forced to restart, a large number of data will be lost. At that time, the internal data of Tianhai No.1 middle school, as well as various research data, will be destroyed.

Situ Feng pondered for half a moment, and finally said: "in any case, the server must not be restarted, otherwise we will suffer a heavy loss. Some data can not be recovered. At that time, it will not only be the problem of no data, but also rise to the point that many recent research data are missing, which will lead to the suspension or termination of a large number of projects. The loss is too great, we still have to wait Wait. "

Several technical personnel of the state information security administration also feel that they are right. They have no way for the time being, so the only thing they can do now is to wait for the criminals to automatically evacuate the virus or unlock their authority.

In this way, technicians can restart the safe mode, back up the data, and then kill the virus.

They never thought that this huge problem that all technical personnel, as well as the people of the state information security administration, could not solve was made by a 19-year-old girl from Tianhai No.1 middle school, who finally understood the mistake she had made.This person is Wang Xiaoya, who used to be known as a computer expert in the killer group, but was killed by Xiao Si of the hacker alliance.

She never thought that Chu Jingyun would do such immoral things. She thought that he wanted to enter the campus network to get some relevant learning materials.

After all, Wang Xiaoya knows that Chu Jingyun is not only interested in hackers, but also in the research of new medical drugs, and has good attainments and achievements.

Nie Tian went over and looked at the locked database on the server and the indecent photo of Chen Jingyi on the website. He was very angry.

At this moment, he wanted to smash the computer directly, so that people would not see these photos again.

"Headmaster, what about Jingyi's photo? I think it's a fake photo. It's definitely not true. Jingyi is not such a person." Nie Tian explained quickly.

"Nie Tian, it's not that I don't help you. Now you can see that there's nothing I can do. I have to wait for the hackers to stop."

Situ Feng is also very helpless. As the principal, I really don't know how to explain this kind of thing to you. The most important thing is that this person is the eldest daughter of the shareholder of Tianhai No.1 middle school.

If it's an ordinary person, he can transfer it to another school after the event.

However, Chen Jingyi can enjoy good treatment in school, and this is the stock industry of others. Why should she let them go. But if he doesn't leave, it will have a great influence on the atmosphere of the whole school. It's really a dilemma for him.

Situ Feng thought for a while and continued: "this matter, we have not obtained the original picture, can not verify the authenticity, I believe this is the hacker has processed the photo, but I believe it is useless, but to find a specific statement, let everyone agree, otherwise I see this matter, it is difficult to calm down."