Wang Xiaoya knows how powerful the people who employ him are. They are not only rich, but also have experts like her, even more powerful than her.

As for why she didn't directly send people to encircle Nie Tian, she didn't know.

After thinking about it, Wang Xiaoya made a decision

Five minutes later, Nie Tian went to the bar, and there was the girl standing at the door.

Obviously, the beauty thought that she would have a lot of money, so she quit her job and stood at the door waiting for Nie Tian.

"You Here you are

After all, it's a business. It's just a love story. If it wasn't for the two million yuan, they wouldn't be together.

"Well, let's talk about it outside."

Nie Tian doesn't know how to open his mouth. Looking at the simple girl in front of him, who has changed into casual clothes, he knows that people are ready to go with him.

The beauty smiles and nods. Although it's a little embarrassed, she thinks that they may be together in the future, so she puts her hand on Nie Tian's strong arm.

At this moment, Nie Tian felt that fate was joking with him. The five million he managed to win made him feel pity and give up.

After a while, they walk out of the lost hotel. Nie Tian's face twinkles with embarrassment. He doesn't know how to talk about it.

"I We don't know each other yet? My name is Chu Xiaoyao, a student of No.3 high school in Kyoto

The beauty shyly introduced herself. After all, she never took the initiative. For the first time, she talked to a boy she had never met.

"Heart is like There's something I want to confess to you That is... " Nie Tian sighed deeply, summoned up his courage, and then said: "the five million It's gone! "

"Ah? No No more? What's the matter? "

Obviously, Chu Xiaoyao was not as angry as she thought, but a little surprised.

Originally, she didn't think there would be such a good thing in the world. Let alone 2.5 million yuan, she even gave her 50000 yuan to laugh.

In the bar, the reason why Chu Xiaoyao agrees to Nie Tian's request is not all because of money, but also because Nie Tian has a kind and trusting feeling when she lets her watch.

After all, he can blow the black champion with one punch. He is certainly not an ordinary person. He won't be very bad to follow him.

"It's very complicated. Five million is gone anyway..."

At this point, Nie Tian shrugged and said to Chu Xiaoyao, "I'm sorry, you don't have to be my girlfriend, and I'll try to supply you with the 2.5 million."

After listening to Nie Tian's last sentence, Chu Xiaoyao was inexplicably moved. This is not what a stranger can say. If money is gone, it's gone. He cares about others' life and death, but he just keeps his promise.

Compared with those intrigues in the Chu family, she likes Nie Tian's character very much.

"Are you trying to cheat? If I'm your girlfriend, it will always be, hum, don't try to get rid of me... "

Chu Xiaoyao nuzui toward Nie Tian, pretty face ruddy, indescribable firm.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you that I'm a rascal!" Nie Tian then swaggered forward and called a taxi to leave.

Where does he want to pick up girls now? His sister hasn't heard from him yet.

looking at the lonely back, Chu Xiaoyao has an indescribable feeling. Why doesn't he want to be himself?

"Hum, stinky boy, stinky scoundrel It doesn't mean what you say

Chu Xiaoyao is angry and sad. Even she is a little surprised. If people don't give her money, isn't it a good thing that she doesn't want her now? Why do you feel sad?

Shaking his head, Chu Xiaoyao sighed, today is really bad luck, lost his wife and folded soldiers!

After Nie Tian left the hotel, it was late at night. He found a restaurant, had a quick meal and started to move.

This time, Nie Tian knew that it was unusual. He was asked to go to an abandoned iron and steel plant. It was definitely not tea. It was estimated that there had been an ambush.

Wang Xiaoya is the killer invited by others, and the prompt they give clearly says that if Nie Tian can still have a chance to see this note, please come to the abandoned iron and steel plant next. In this way, people want their own life every moment.

But Nie Tian was depressed. Who caught Nie Mei and why. From the information disclosed by Wang Xiaoya before, I'm afraid that even she doesn't know other people's information. She just collects money to do business.

After thinking for a while, Nie Tian called a taxi and headed for the abandoned steel plant.

It's already nine o'clock in the evening. It's dark and the driver doesn't understand. A young man, why do you come to this place at night? If you have a date, you don't need to come here.

Shaking his head, the driver left, and Nie Tian went inside.

All of a sudden, he felt someone behind him. He suddenly turned around and found nothing. However, Nie Tian's mouth slightly raised, and he no longer paid attention to it. Instead, he went straight to the abandoned factory.It's still dark and quiet.

If not, Nie Tian, who often goes in and out of such an environment, will really panic. In the dark, Nie Tian closed his eyes. He had seen eight people lying in ambush.

The strength is unknown.

Nie Tian's eyes soon fixed on the back of a small house. Nie Mei was guarded by two big men, but he looked relaxed. He didn't look at Nie Tian.


All of a sudden, a loud finger rings and there is a crash around. The lights of two cars light up. The light from two directions illuminate each other, instantly illuminating the abandoned iron and steel plant.

At this time, several people came out of the car, led by a young man, who looked about the same age as Nie Tian. He was tall and big, wearing a pair of sunglasses and a suit. He looked very serious.

Next to him were three big men who looked very cold. They didn't hide anything. From their cold faces, they were 100% hired killers.

Next to the other car stood a middle-aged man in his forties. He was very energetic and sharp-sighted. He didn't look like an ordinary man. His name is Lu Qiu, the housekeeper of Chu family.

"Here you are at last!"

This is the young man. He is the son of Chu family in the five richest families in Beijing. Chu Jingyun is a powerful Zodiac star.

"Where's my sister? Hand her in."

Although Nie Tian had known about it for a long time, he still wanted to lower his vigilance so that he could find a chance to rescue Nie Mei.

"Ha ha, don't worry, I will give it to you, but you have to live to take her away." Chu Jingyun is obviously unscrupulous. He doesn't think Nie Tian alone can defeat all the experts here.

Today's task is very simple. He didn't kill Nie Tian himself. Instead, he wanted to beat Nie Tian into a useless person or even a vegetative person. In this way, he could avenge Zhao Zhuo and even kill him.