"Yes, Dad!"

"Understand, big brother!"

Fang Xiaoli and Fang Kun obviously understood the meaning, and Fang Xiaoli had a better chance to go to Ouyang villa. It is said that the place where he Xiaobao had an accident was on the expressway between ice city and Ouyang town.

So, will the boy mentioned by dad be the same person as the guy he met?

After the meeting broke up, Fang Xiaoli called Deng Yan and asked him to prepare. They will go to Ouyang town in a few days

Nie Tian three people after eight hours of tossing, finally arrived in Tianhai City, this time is already more than 7 pm.

Instead of driving directly to the school, the Audi stopped at a nearby restaurant.

However, this restaurant is a little different tonight. There are a lot of cars parked outside, but it seems to be empty inside. The most important thing is that there are many people outside, as if there are some important people inside.

"Nie Tian, why is this restaurant empty? Was it wrapped up? " Leng Qiuyan is a little disappointed. She has her favorite seafood here, and the boss knows both of them. Every time she comes, she gives enough food.

"I don't think so. It's not a high-end restaurant. At most, it's a middle-class restaurant. People who are big will not choose it." Nie Tian analyzes the way.

Meanwhile, in the dining room, a young woman was hiding in a suite on the second floor, munching on seafood, while outside the door stood two bodyguards in formal clothes and black sunglasses.

Huang Ziyan also heard from fans of Tianhai No.1 middle school that there is a super delicious restaurant with delicious seafood. Once, a loyal fan uploaded their pictures to the microblog, and even praised them for millions.

So, Huang Ziyan came here, after finding the hotel, she couldn't wait to come to this restaurant. And Huang Ziyan's bodyguard, uncle Kang, gave an order for the first time, and blocked it all.

"What are you guys doing? It's packed here. No one is allowed to enter!" Nie Tian took Leng Qiuyan to walk past. As soon as he got to the door, he saw three men in formal clothes and big sunglasses around him.

These people are professionally trained bodyguards. They are not only burly, but also highly alert.

"Oh? Is it covered here? " Nie Tian said deliberately.

"Nonsense, didn't I just say that?" The head of the big man, his face flashed a trace of impatience, they often follow Huang Ziyan in and out, develop a kind of domineering.

Therefore, ordinary people are hardly pleasing to the eye. They feel that they should be superior.

"But my girlfriend likes to eat here. If I want to go in, what will happen to you?"

Nie Tian says lightly.

He thinks, do you need to eat in such a restaurant?

Since you choose this kind of grade, don't be afraid that others will go in for dinner. You say it's not a good thing. I don't know whether you are really rich or deliberately forced.

"If you don't want to die, get out of here, or don't blame us for being rude." The leading man was obviously very angry and yelled.

At this time, the other two big men also gathered around.

Seeing this, Leng Qiuyan quickly pulled Nie Tian's clothes and motioned him not to go in.

But Nie Tian is just that stubborn temper. If he can't eat what he wants to eat, it's OK, but it's what Leng Qiuyan wants to eat.

"Ha ha, I really want to know why you are so rude."

Nie Tian said softly, and then took Leng Qiuyan's hand away with a smile. Then he turned around and walked forward.

The leader was stunned at first, and then he was a little angry. Unexpectedly, the boy didn't pay attention to his words. With a wave of his hand, the three of them gathered around and wanted to throw Nie Tian out.

But when the three of them just approached Nie Tian, they suddenly found a figure slipping through their crevice. The two people in front obviously felt that they had been hit, and then they found that the figure in front of them had disappeared.

At the moment, three people all stare big eyes, can't believe own eyes, just now this kid is how to do. Such a small gap, and they were so tall that they were easily passed by him.

Nie Tian uses ghost flash to go through, and doesn't stay much. Instead, he goes to the front desk where the proprietress is and says, "proprietress, give me a plate of hairy crab, a plate of lobster, and some miscellaneous vegetables. I'll eat them at the table in front of me."


The landlady was telling her men to cook the dishes upstairs when a young man suddenly appeared, which made her jump. But it must be the guy who often comes to eat.

So, the landlady hurried over, pulled Nie Tian aside, and said with some worry: "young man, go out quickly, you are wrapped by these people. Although I don't know what it is, it looks very fierce. Before, there were about ten guests here. They drank twice and then they ran away."

From between the lines, Nie Tian can see the boss's unwillingness.Although the money given by this person is very attractive, those who come to dinner are regular customers. You earn this sum, but the regular customers are dissatisfied with you.

"Madame, you can rest assured. Since I can get in, I have a way." Nie Tian said indifferently: "you can serve me. By the way, I have two friends outside."

"This Not so good. "

The landlady was obviously in a bit of a dilemma. After all, she took the money from others, promised to give them everything, and now she let the guests in. What do you mean?

"I'm in charge of anything!"

Nie Tian said firmly.

I took a deep breath, but the landlady couldn't help it. I heard that this young man was also a ruthless man in Tianhai No.1 middle school. Even the young masters of the four families of Tianhai respected him three points.

She is the owner of a small restaurant. How dare she provoke him.

"Smelly boy, you are really bold. This shop is owned by us. Please get out immediately, or you will be responsible for the consequences."

Just at this time, the three people outside finally rushed in, and the two people standing at the first floor stairs also came over. At this time, there were already five people.

In their opinion, five bodyguards should be more than enough to deal with a young man who is not very strong.

"Nie Tian, we'd better have another one!"

Leng Qiuyan rushed in, some worried to persuade said.

Nie Tian has been angered by these people. In such a restaurant, if you eat your food on the second floor, I'll just find a table on the first floor and make myself like a terrorist.

Besides, if you are really terrorists, how many of you can resist?

"Qiuyan, I have already ordered the dishes Landlady, go and get ready. Ignore these annoying guys. " Nie day light ground says, completely don't put these people in the eye.