Looking at the girl's expectant look, Yang Tian hesitated for a moment and then nodded.

Then, he led Ling Han figure to jump up, rushed to the sky, toward the first magic hall.

And those strong people in the distance, when they see this scene, all have bright eyes.

"There's another good play. Let's go and catch up quickly."

"Ha ha, the most powerful duel between Aotian and Xiandi. This is the most powerful fight under the ultimate Jedi. How can we miss it?"

"Both sides are top strong, and they have endless hatred. This time, one of them will fall."

These people dare to come here to watch the war, but they are all afraid that the world will not be in chaos. How can they not witness the final duel between the two sides?

So, everyone followed Yang Tian's figure and began to fly towards the first magic hall. They gathered around and missed any details.

At this time, the first magic hall also staged an earth shaking fight.

In order to kill Aotian and prevent him from becoming the fourth demon God in the magic pool, the evil hall and the Imperial Palace rarely join hands. In addition, the three immortal ten strong men of the ancient tomb guards who also hate the magic pool.

This time, however, there were seven immortal ten heavens, and the momentum was extremely great.

And the strong under the immortal ten days are more than a million people.

They are the strongest among the ten magic halls, and the inside information is very terrible.

During the period when magic pool ruled Tianxu ruins, countless resources of Tianxu ruins were accumulated here, so nearly three million strong people were created.

When the people in the first magic hall saw that the strong men in the evil hall and the Imperial Palace led the army to kill, they began to urge countless Taoist arrays to form a border to defend themselves.

Their temple master Aotian is closing. At this time, even if all the strong men in the magic pool go up together, they are not the opponents of the seven immortal ten strong men.

Looking at the solid and incomparable defense, several immortal ten strong men all show their magic power and urge the whole body to attack the border.

The boundary fully supported the time of the three incense sticks, and finally burst into pieces.

Then millions of strong people gathered in the evil Hall of the Imperial Palace directly entered the first magic hall.

The scene instantly fell into a white hot situation, the strong of both sides are red eyes, bloody air tight cloth heaven and earth, dyed the sky red.

Countless strong people fall in this war!

And with seven immortal ten Heaven strong, the Imperial Palace evil hall vein naturally occupied the absolute upper hand in this war.

They ran over and killed all the way, and no one could beat them.

The first Hall of the huge magic pool began to fall into ruins.

Among the three million people in the first magic hall, less than one tenth of them were slaughtered in a short time.

They were all in despair and finally fell back.

Looking at the war situation and standing on the upper hand of the Jedi, the immortal ten strong men did not show their excitement

Because there is still one of the strongest in the first magic hall.

The evil girl, holding the ancient sword of the evil song, slaughtered three immortal jiuchongtian strongmen, and yelled at the whole magic pool: "magic pool is proud of heaven, do you dare to fight?"

This voice shattered the void, with the meaning of endless killing.

However, no one in the first hall responded.

When the three million people in the first Hall of the magic pool were all slaughtered, the nine spirits of the Qing emperor appeared in the sky.

His divine consciousness covers the heaven and earth and locks the position of Ao Tian.

"Since you don't show up, it depends on how long you can hide!"

When the words fall, the nine spirits are oppressed by the secret method. The forbidden area closed by Aotian in the first magic hall collapses. Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are broken, and the whole Tianxu is in turmoil.

After the blow, the whole room began to be dead.

Those Tianxu relics who watched the battle from afar were full of astonishment.

They're kind of incredible.

"The first Hall of demons was destroyed so easily? Where is the magic pool? Why don't you dare to fight? "

"Is he afraid, too? But it's not so easy to provoke the seven immortal and powerful men in the Imperial Palace, the evil palace and the desolate ancient times. "

"I'm afraid the rumor is true. Aotian in the magic pool is seriously injured after fighting against the Immortal Emperor. That's why these strong men from the evil palace came here. If Aotian has the highest fighting power, they don't dare to fight with one of them."

Although they witnessed the fall of the first magic hall, they also had some regrets in their hearts.

Aotian, the most powerful one under the three demons of magic pool, did not appear. This battle is not perfect.

And just when they thought of it, they suddenly heard a terrible sound of dragon chanting in the deepest part of the ruins.


The sound of the dragon's chant shattered the sky and caused a great shock to people's minds,

Then they all focused their eyes on the ruins of the forbidden area, only to find a huge black dragon rising in the air.

"This is Aotian's Mount Mojiao!" People's faces showed the color of panic, constantly began to retreat“ After waiting so long, the chief of the first magic hall finally appeared. " Magic Dragon's strength is in immortal ten heavy days, but this magic dragon alone will not cause people's fear. Above the head of the dragon, a figure in white stood aloof. The breath released from his body fluctuated and crushed the whole audience. He is the first person in the world who has been waiting for a long time. The eyes of Aotian's black hole looked at the first magic hall, which had been turned into ruins. On his face, he rarely became ferocious. He pointed to the evil woman Qingdi and others, and said angrily, "you all deserve to die!" Aotian did not expect that these mobs in front of him gathered together and dared to attack his first magic hall. Now the magic hall is destroyed, all his efforts are destroyed, and millions of strong people are killed. If we don't kill all the people in front of us, how can we eliminate our hatred. When you see the figure of Ao Tian, the faces of the seven immortal ten strong men in the line are dignified. They realized that Aotian's cultivation was in the peak state, with terrible breath and no serious injury. Is it in this short period of time, Aotian has fully recovered from the injury? However, no matter whether his injury has recovered or not, this battle is inevitable. The evil girl and the green emperor said: "everyone back to this battlefield!" The next is the most peak competition between the strong and the weak in this world. Those people behind can't intervene at all. All the people were crushed by the pride of heaven, and their faces turned pale. After hearing the order, they all quickly retreated. However, how can the sky be as they wish“ Now that you are here, please stay here and bury all the strong people in the first magic pool. " Words fall, he suddenly hand, the power of the terrible magic yuan condensed, magic gas rolling transpiration, covered the whole sky.