After listening to the sigh of the Qing emperor, Yang Tian could not help but be silent.

There is nothing wrong with what the green emperor said. The Dragon Emperor fell, but he also fell once. Now the body is no longer, and only exists in the world by virtue of the spirit.

After such a long time, all the feelings may have been diluted.

Even so, Yang Tian couldn't help being disappointed.

If the Qing emperor did not join, it would be dangerous for the Han emperor to go to the Tianxu ruins alone.

Emperor Han was also disappointed, but just as she turned around, Emperor Qing looked at her back and asked, "are you going to Tianxu ruins?"

The Han emperor turned back and said, "yes, I can't ignore the matter of the Dragon Emperor!"

This time, the green emperor did not hesitate and said, "I'll go with you."

Yang Tian was stunned.

He did not expect that the green emperor should be so happy to agree.

Yang Tian's eyes look at the cold emperor, did not expect that this cheap sister has such charm.

But it's not bad. There are two ancient emperors in the city. Even if they go to the ruins of Tianxu, few people dare to stop them.

It also reassured him a lot.

If he has enough fighting power, he will go to Tianxu ruins to settle the dispute between the two sides.

Without stopping, they quickly walked out of the ruins and returned to the stars.

Emperor Han originally wanted to wait for Yang Tian's cultivation to break through to the immortal triple heaven before he left, but Yang Tian stopped it.

It's too late. The fall of the Dragon Emperor makes him angry. Emperor Han and Emperor Qing need to go to the Tianxu ruins to find out the truth.

Yang Tian asked Han emperor to take Lingtian ancient sword, but Han Emperor refused.

After arriving at her state, she has powerful strength and no longer needs the blessing of ancient sword.

In contrast, Yang Tian needs this ancient sword more than she does

Moreover, Emperor Han once again injected three strands of sword Qi into the ancient sword. If he encountered a critical moment, he could stimulate the three strands of sword Qi and defeat the enemy.

This time, the power of the three strands of sword Qi is unimaginable, because Emperor Han has reached the cultivation of immortal ten Heaven, which is stronger than the sword Qi condensed by immortal nine heaven.

After Yang Tian's refusal, he could only choose to accept it, otherwise the Han Emperor was not at ease.

Before he left, the Han Emperor proposed to spread a piece of news to frighten those ancient strong people who were not good for Yang Tian.

The ruins of Tianxu show the ultimate way. After ten days of immortality, Emperor Han will find the ultimate way.

As the news spread out, for a moment, the whole battle stars were shocked.

"The ultimate state, is that true? Is there anyone in this universe who can reach the end

"This is a legendary realm from ancient times to the present. No one can enter this realm. Although Emperor Han has immortal cultivation, it is by no means easy to reach this realm."

"I think the news must be true. Otherwise, Emperor Han could not leave Xiandi and others. In order to protect Xiandi, she forced Taixu ancient emperor and Shitian great emperor. If the news is false, how could Emperor Han leave at such a critical moment?"

All the strong in the battle stars are talking.

After hearing this news, those ancient strong people were shocked one after another.

"Ultimate, this realm is the ultimate path for all practitioners. It is said that they can get eternal life and control the road. No one does not expect to set foot on this realm."

In Zhongyu, the expression on the face of Taixu ancient emperor is indifferent.

He looked at the western regions.

"At this time, Emperor Han left douzhan Xingchen and went to Tianxu ruins. Is there really the ultimate way to break through there?"

He has already set foot in the immortal nine heavens, and is extremely eager for the ultimate nature.

Even if he can break through this realm, he can give up everything.

So after hearing the news, he had no way to calm down.

"Maybe it's time to go to Tianxu ruins."

He has reached the peak of immortality in the relics of gods and demons, which is the limit that the heaven and earth can bear, and can't let him break through any more.

Even in the fight against the stars, there are not enough resources for him to break through the immortal ten heavens, let alone the ultimate.

Therefore, if you want to break through again, you need to go to Tianxu ruins.

As for Yang Tian, he is just a mole ant in front of him. His opponent is only Han di.

But if you don't have the cultivation of immortality, even if you destroy Yang Tian, you can't bear the anger of Emperor Han.

A few days ago, he walked out of the battlefield of gods and demons, and was humiliated by Emperor Han in the ruins of Taixu heavenly palace, which he would never forget.

Therefore, regardless of whether the news is true or false, the Taixu ancient emperor must go to the Tianxu ruins to obtain enough resources to break through the immortal heaven and kill the Han Emperor.

On the other hand, there is a vein of the emperor of the eastern region. When Shitian emperor heard the news, he could not calm down. His brow was locked and he was puzzled, and he said to himself, "Emperor Han Ming has become the number one star fighter. Why do you want to go to Tianxu ruins at this time? What on earth does she want to do? Do you really want to pry into the ultimate realm like the rumor If it is successful, the Han Emperor will become the first overlord of the universe, and no one dares to disrespect him. But when Shitian thought about it, he could not help shaking his head. The ultimate is not so easy to break through. At the beginning of ancient times, the realm named by the emperor of heaven in the Yuan Dynasty ended as the ultimate. But even so, he did not reach this level in his poor life. At the end of ancient times, one monarch and one emperor dominated the world, but only one person took the ultimate step. After entering the immortal ten days, if you want to break through the ultimate, it's just like being in a fool's dream. However, it is said that the ruins of Tianxu are illusory, and there are countless treasures in it, which have never been opened since ancient times. No one knows its location. If you can take this opportunity to enter the Tianxu ruins to experience, you want to reach the immortal jiuchongtian soon. At this point, Shi Tian's eyes can't help getting hot. Southern region. The emperor of undead war had already gone to Xuanji secret place. He got the news that the Han Emperor was going to Tianxu ruins, so he couldn't wait to come, and the purpose was to go with him. He was alone, and all the ten servants of immortal realm were handed over to Yang Tianlai. Anyway, they would go together. The immortal warlord has been in the realm of immortality for a long time. If there is no adventure, he may stop here all his life. Therefore, he had to fight for everything and go to Tianxu ruins to find opportunities.