When everyone in Tianfu was in despair, the two figures flew towards Tianfu.

At first, it was just two small black spots, but the terrible smell sent out, which made everyone in Tianfu feel hopeless.

"Are the three most powerful Protoss from the West coming?"

Everyone's eyelids beat hard, and then quickly reported to the Tianfu hall.

Tianfu hall, Wenya and others heard the news, the whole heart has sunk to the bottom of the valley.

Her delicate body shook for a moment, only feeling more desperate.

"Notice to go on, let day's parents and elder sister and ye Lao etc. quickly transfer to the forbidden area of Tianfu."

Some left quickly.

Then, with a determined color in her gentle eyes, after a period of silence, she said in a cold voice: "the rest of Tianfu, go out with me to fight to the end."

Words fall, small work properly son and ice female etc. quickly flew out from the mansion main hall.

When these people lined up, the two figures in the distance also quickly approached.

"Strange, don't the Western protoss have three most powerful gods? Why are you here today? "

"Do they think that we can destroy everything in Tianfu just by using the two most powerful gods?"

Several women's eyes are full of confused color.

When bingnu saw the two figures, she frowned all the time

Because she used her divine sense to find that the two breath were very familiar.

It seems that

"Yang Tian!"

When she just thought of it, Xiao ling'er's pretty face became ecstatic and cheered loudly.

"What? The Immortal Emperor has passed the pass? "

"Isn't that a Protoss? Is it Lord Xiandi

The Tianfu people, who had planned to fight to death, were overjoyed when they heard Xiao ling'er's words.

Yang Tian is back, which means that the whole Tianfu is saved.

Gentle even leaves tears in beautiful eyes.

During this time, she has been haggard.

The figure of the youth and Longyan appeared nine days away in the last second, and then came to Tianfu in the next second

"I'm back."

The young man was dressed in a white fairy robe, his eyes were indifferent, and his eyes flowed like water and moonlight. His temperament is as gentle as jade, but also as light as cloud and clear as wind. Her long hair is bound by the fairy crown, her eyes are set on the stars, her body is long and straight, and she is extremely graceful.

Since he reached the golden immortal realm, his appearance and temperament are the same as before.

Some of the gentle women can hardly recognize them. The young man in front of them is the one they miss so much.

Looking at the full-bodied fairy breath and the soft light from the youth, they know that the youth has finally broken through the realm.

"Lord Xiandi."

"Lord Xiandi, you are back at last."

The people in Tianfu quickly surrounded Yang Tianwei in the middle and saluted respectfully.

Yang Tian's white jade like palm gently lifted up, and everyone's bent waist was straight.

There was no fluctuation of cultivation except the spirit breath on him

It's obviously back to the basics.

After the arrival of Yang Tian, several women just like to find the backbone, originally in recent days has been hanging heart also finally put down.

"Yang Tian!"

At this time, two beautiful shadows suddenly came from the crowd.

They are slim and thin, pale and tired. When they see Yang Tian, their tears are not only falling, but then they rush directly to Yang Tian's arms.

"Wuwuwuwu, we thought we would never see you again."

Wang Jingchen's delicate face was covered with tears. His small head was directly buried in Yang Tian's chest, and a pair of slender arms held Yang Tian tightly.

Su shirou is the same, her quiet face with missing, regardless of everything rushed to Yang Tian's arms.

The delicate body was shaking with sobs.

When they were in Jiangcheng, they were found by the Protoss and hunted down.

Jiangcheng people were killed by the protoss in order to escort them away.

Finally, when they were desperate, the jade pendant burst out a defense barrier, which stopped the Protoss

Even so, when they fled, they still suffered a lot of trauma. Although the injury on Wang Jingchen's delicate arm had stopped the blood, it also formed an ugly bloodstain.

And Su shirou is the same, behind a bloodstain, overflow of blood to her clothes are dyed red

The defense barrier was violently attacked by the Protoss and was about to break up. If the people of Tianfu had not just arrived, they would never have seen Yang Tian again.

"Not afraid, with me, I will never let you leave me again."

Yang Tian holds the two girls in his arms. The two girls are still in shock. They used to be very strong, but when they saw Yang Tian, they couldn't help showing their fragile side. After hearing Yang Tian's consolation, they still sobbed in a low voice. Yang Tian directly used Xianyuan's power to pour into the two girls' bodies to calm their emotions, and then cured them. Without her around, the two girls are not strong enough to face the danger. It's time to teach them to practice. Wang Jingchen and Su shirou know that Yang Tian has a lot to do next, so although they don't give up, they can only leave from his arms. Yang Tian sees Han Xiangning in the crowd. She looks pale. It is obvious that when the protoss attacked Zhonghai, her family and power suffered a fatal blow. She did not come forward, Yang Tian slowly came forward, this has been bullying his sister in the arms, and then gentle mouth: "you are not hurt." Han Xiangning gently shakes her head, barely squeezing out a smile“ The Han family is gone. " Her voice was low and her eyes were sad. Yang Tian was shocked and felt a little guilty. He knew that it was because of him that the protoss implicated their anger in the home of China, the sea and the ROK“ I will avenge the Han family! " The youth's body sends out the killing intention which is difficult to hide, rushes to the horizon, lets this piece of heaven and earth's wind and cloud all changed. After seeing this scene, Qin Tian's face was filled with joy and joy. Master Xuanyuan did not gamble wrong. This young man really has the strength of the three most powerful gods who used to be on the high platform. The youth didn't disappoint everyone. After devouring the aura source and all the power of heaven's law, a strong man finally appeared in this world. Who dares to commit crimes under his guard? Those western Protoss, it's time to pay the price. Yang Tian's eyes fell on the gentle body again and asked: "how are my parents and sister, and ye Lao?"“ He's out of danger for the time being, but he's still in a coma. " When Wen Ya finished this sentence, her eyes were red. Yang Tian is in seclusion. She is in charge of everything. However, she feels that she has failed Yang Tian, his relatives, Tianfu, and the whole world, which is a heavy loss. She almost has no face to face Yang Tian again. If she didn't have to wait for Yang Tian to come back, she would have gone to the protoss alone. Even if she died, she would have killed those scum. Seeing the gentle guilt, Yang Tian quietly comforted: "it's not your fault. You've done a good job. Next, you can leave it to me. All of you go to the Tianfu hall and count all the losses of Tianfu and the whole secular world. After I visit my parents, I will take over everything."“ Mm-hmm! " Gentle and everyone nodded seriously. Yang Tian came to the forbidden area of Tianfu, where all the people who gathered to kill the gods were guarding. When he felt that people were coming, all the people were facing the enemy“ All the disciples of Tianfu listen to the order and join in the killing array! " Their nerves are tense, but when they haven't completely united successfully, Yang Tian's figure also appears in front of them, "stop, it's me!" After Yang Tian broke through the realm, his face and temperament changed dramatically. The leader rubbed his eyes and recognized Yang Tian“ It's Lord Xiandi. " This sentence, everyone can not help but get excited“ God, it's really the Immortal Emperor. The Immortal Emperor has come back, and our great eastern revenge will finally be avenged. "