Wenya and others looked at each other and saw the incredible color from each other's eyes.

You know, Yang Tian has only been here for a few days. He has caused such a stir in Europe.

"Mr. Yang is still domineering."

An old man in the religious world had a look of admiration on his face.

"Ah, it's a pity that I'm late. Otherwise, I can see Mr. Yang kill the Pope and the twelve winged angels."

Some people clenched their fists and were not reconciled.

These two bastards entered the east one month ago, and they are the main culprits

It's a pity that they didn't see the Pope die.

However, these people can't help but look forward to it more. The Pope of the Western Vatican has died. The two most powerful families, the Ryan family and the Kyle family, have declined. There are no masters in the whole west except those who are strong in the lost world

This is a good time to occupy the West.

Obviously, they didn't just come here to watch the war.

One month ago, the West invaded the East twice.

One was a hundred years ago, because Kunlun led the whole monastic world, the battle ended in a tragic defeat.

One month ago, the young man killed all the Western monks who came to the East and shocked the whole world

It's not polite to come but not go.

Yang Tian went here alone to take revenge. Naturally, they were not willing to fall behind.

They can't beat the strong one in the lost world, but they don't have any difficulty in picking up the little fish outside the lost world.

At this time, after hearing that Yang Tian had killed the Pope, people in the Western Vatican organized a group of dead men to seek revenge for Yang Tian.

However, when they had just discussed the countermeasures, they saw a group of people break in.

"Who are you?"

The people of the Holy See, seeing these strange faces, yelled coldly.

"Kill your people."

One of the leading Eastern friars didn't say much. When he said this, the sword in his hand had already burst out a cold light,

Hands up, sword down!

One head was cut off, and all the Vaticans were dumbfounded.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the eastern friar whispered to his back: "these people want to do harm to Mr. Yang. Although they only exist in front of Mr. Yang and can't hurt him, it's better for us to solve these problems for Mr. Yang. Let's go together and leave none of them."

Words fall, burst out a terrible momentum, sword Jue emerge, already rushed in the first line.

After hearing this sentence, the people behind him began to shout angrily: "dare to do harm to Mr. Yang, go through the grandfather first."

The strong men of the Western Vatican, when they saw these people coming bravely and fearlessly, could not help but look frightened.

They don't understand why these people are so angry when they hear that they plan to attack Yang Tian.

These people will never know Yang Tian's position in the hearts of all the people in the Oriental monastic world.

Even the Kunlun masters, once at their peak, can't convince everyone.

And Yang Tian did.

The eastern friars will never forget how much they paid a month ago to prevent the invasion of Western powers. All their accomplishments were exhausted and they were seriously injured and dying.

Even in order to frighten the emperor, at the cost of burning life to threaten.

In the face of the strong like the emperor, they can't do anything. In the face of these people, they can't let these people disturb Yang Tian's peace even if they fight to death.

In the field, the blood filled the air. Everyone was injured, but no one frowned.

Looking at the corpses of the Holy See, the eastern monk was relieved, and then said, "go, go to the next Holy See."

The power of the Western Vatican is all over the West. What they have to do is kill all the people.

Let the Holy See root out in the West.

The reason why the East did not invade the West in the past dynasties was not because of insufficient strength, but because it did not want to cause too much killing.

And the successive provocations of the West have completely ignited the anger of the East.

This war can only be quelled if one side is completely destroyed.

In the next few days, the whole west rioted.

One of the biggest things is that the Western Vatican no longer exists and is destroyed by the East.

Then came the magic Lane family and the fighting Kyle family.

Ryan Eisen and Kyle Harvey had called some people to invade the East. Although they all died here, their sins were unforgivable.

If these two families are not destroyed, how can they explain to the dead?

This time, people from the eastern world and Tianfu came here. If they want to do it, they have to do a lot of work.

They will never return until the whole west is destroyed.

This is their belief The Ryan family and the Kyle family were defeated and killed. From then on, I'm afraid that magic and fighting spirit will decline in the West. This is the price they paid for what they did wrong. And then there's the vampires. Andrew, the vampire, is not dead yet. Everyone remembers that the other side also participated in the invasion of the East. In the end, if it wasn't for the emperor, I'm afraid the bastard would have been killed by Yang Tian. Since he didn't die, everyone would not let him go. This time, it was Tianfu's hand. At Andrew's level, ordinary monks could not fight against him. The strength of the other side is to ascend the border, and the Pope's equal existence, is a thorny opponent. However, their Tianfu all out, plus the small Phoenix has a second nirvana, the strength of the same reached the realm of ascension. Therefore, it can completely compete with it. Finally, in an old castle, the dark place where Tianfu fought with the vampire family, countless vampires were destroyed. Tianfu once again launched the "kill the gods" array and besieged Andrew. Then the little Phoenix burned him with the Phoenix Fire of the undead bird for several days and nights, which burned Andrew's undead body to ashes. No one in the west can compete with him except the lost world. This is a fight belonging to the extraordinary. After hearing the news, the heads of state all shrink their necks and dare not take care of it. For fear of being involved, I don't know how to die. After all, no matter how many people there are, they can't resist the power of the extraordinary. After the war between Tianfu and the vampire family, it became famous all over the West Because the vampire family has existed for thousands of years, and has a long vitality, it is extremely difficult to kill. Even though the Holy See has existed for such a long time, it has strangled vampires more than once, but in the end, it has not been eradicated completely. However, this heavenly kingdom from the East killed all the vampires in just one day, shocking the whole west. When Queen Elizabeth heard the news, she looked at her reluctant sister and sighed: "Kaner's revenge is beyond revenge. The strength of the other side is too strong. These people are following that young man. If we do it, I'm afraid it will affect the whole royal family. I've prepared everything for you. You'll leave today, Let's go to North America. " Elizabeth Belle clenched her lower lip, though not reconciled, but she could only nod her head. When the strength of the whole west is almost solved, the presidents of the upper class enterprise groups are too scared to breathe. They constantly visit Mu Rou to give shares to Mu group, and then let Mu group protect them,. How did these people want to nibble at the Murdoch group before, but now it has changed dramatically. Among them, there is no lack of big men who are only half as weak as the five Western giants. The former Murdoch group of these people is not qualified to contact at all. Murou looks at a group boss in front of her.. It's this person. A year ago, she visited for three days and wanted to cooperate with him, but she didn't even see anyone. Now, this person appears in person, and then bows to say hello to her. His attitude and tone are modest, so that people can't find any fault. All this is due to the credit of the young man sitting in the corner. Mu Rou's beautiful eyes looked in the past, only to see the young man sitting alone in an inconspicuous corner, drinking from himself, out of tune with this circle. Even so, he was the one that everyone dared not ignore. Those people looked at him with admiration