There were several Dragon Knights in the kelharvey family, which was the peak of their family.

At the beginning, the Kyle family had a lot of aggressive people. In addition to the power of the dragon, even the Vatican gave it the edge,

At that time, the lane magic family was even more overwhelmed.

Unfortunately, when the lost world was finally banned, all the dragon people returned to the lost world. Kyle did not have the power of the dragon people, and the power also fell sharply.

It was not only the Ryan family that surpassed them, but the Vatican came from behind, surpassed the two families and controlled the whole west.

Since then, the Kyle family has been reduced, and up to now, there is no one in heaven

So, Kyle Harvey heard the ridicule of the Dragon Emperor, and though he had a look of shame on his face, he did not dare to refute it.

No one dares to make a mistake here

Andrew lowered his head slowly and stepped back a few steps under the gaze of the Dragon Emperor amtat, his eyes full of fear.

He naturally understood the power of the Dragon Emperor. He once stood in the pyramid like existence of the west, and his means and ability were unmatched.

The arrival of the Dragon Emperor means that this war is doomed.

The eastern world of monasticism will be destroyed today.

Because in addition to the Dragon Emperor, there were also 30 Western dragons on the scene. The Western dragons had the power of terror, strong defense and strong vitality, and were extremely difficult to kill.

All the dragon people in the West are out, and none of the monks in the East are fighting any more. Who can stop them?

The eyes of the Dragon Emperor amrtat finally fell on the forgotten dust and Xuankong.

"The strong of the east? Just like ants, get out of my sight. "

Forget dust that pale face disdain ridicule way: "Western dragon emperor?"? Shit, you call it the Dragon Emperor? It's ridiculous. Lao Dao tells you that this is the territory of the East. We are the real masters here. It's you who want to roll

The onlookers in the West were crazy when they saw this scene.

"Lying trough!"

"Dare to abuse the Dragon Emperor, he is the first in the world."

We should know that when the Western gods disappeared, the Dragon Emperor amrtat was comparable to the existence of the gods in the West. The three Western powers, the Vatican, the Ryan family and the Kyle family, were not in their eyes.

Now, even in the East, the Dragon tribe is in full swing, with 30 dragon tribes nearby, and all the people who are oppressed by that power can't breathe.

Under such circumstances, forgetting dust dare to insult the Dragon Emperor by saying this sentence. He is looking for death.

The faces of those people in Tianfu were all worried.

They know that the East will be destroyed this time.

There is no room for recovery.

After the dragon emperor heard the insult of forgetting dust, his eyes became more gloomy.

"It seems that you are determined to die?"

The Dragon Emperor roared, and the terrible dragon power came out.

When it stepped forward, the earth cracked instantly, and the terrible power directly overturned the dark sky and forgotten dust.


With the roar of the dragon, everyone's face changed.

When the Dragon Emperor wanted to fight, another dragon chant came from the distant sky.

After hearing the Dragon chant, all of them were a little surprised. Then they looked into the distance and saw a fiery red figure flying quickly.


The eastern monks were even more desperate. The thirty-one dragons in front of them were already irresistible. Unexpectedly, another one came.

Do you want to annihilate the eastern monastic world?

However, some people are puzzled, others are shocked.

"No, it's not the dragon of the west, it's the real dragon of the East."


When someone said this, the others were stunned

"The real dragon in the Oriental mythology does not have wings, which is clearly the Western dragon."

Everyone looked at the old man who had just rejected.

The old man was dressed in white, with deep and wise eyes, like a wise man.

With a shock in his voice, he said slowly: "no, you don't find that this dragon's neck and tail are very slender, which surpass the Western giant dragon. Obviously, the two are not the same species. Moreover, if I am not wrong, this dragon should be the Yinglong existing in the Eastern ancient times."


This remark shocked the audience.

The faces of Xuankong and forgetting dust also have an incredible look. As the most powerful existence between heaven and earth, they naturally contact more things than others.

They are very clear that this creature, named Yinglong, did exist in the ancient times.

But didn't the dragon of the East die out long ago? Why else?

Wenya and bingnu are all surprised. They see Xiyao and yulao on Yinglong's back.

Obviously, the scales that Yang Tian gave to Yinglong played a role, and Xiyao really brought Yinglong here. This time, Tianfu and the whole monastic world will be saved. Everyone's face with surprise, watching Yinglong slowly fall. The terrible aftereffects are even stronger than the Dragon Emperor in the West. Yinglong is so powerful and arrogant that his eyes as big as a lantern burst out cold. When he stepped forward, the powerful dragon Wei rolled over to the Dragon Emperor amrtat“ Boom Under the power of terror, the ground was overturned, and the Dragon Emperor retreated under such power. His eyes were filled with deep fear. Ying long looked around at the strong men in the West. With a chill in his voice, he said, "if the emperor doesn't do anything, do you really think that the whole East can't be bullied by you?" The Pope and Kyle Harvey and other people's faces were shocked. They didn't expect that there was a backhand in heaven. At the moment, the eastern Yinglong against the Western dragon, which side directly determines the victory or defeat of this battle. However, when they saw the scene that Ying Long's power could crush the Western dragon emperor back, they couldn't help worrying. This time, there is bound to be a big war, but fortunately, the Dragon Emperor amrtat summoned the whole Western dragon clan. Thirty one Western dragons have a good chance of winning against the only one Yinglong in the East. The Dragon Emperor is looking at Ying long at the moment, peeping out Sen Leng's teeth and growling: "do you have to take care of this?"“ A joke Ying Long said in a cold voice: "when I'm bullied at home, if I don't do it, what's the use of this cultivation? I advise you to get out of here within ten breath, otherwise don't blame me for the slaughter. "“ Arrogance. " Before the Dragon Emperor set foot, the other 31 dragons surrounded Ying long“ At that time, a black dragon in the East was stronger than yours. In the end, you broke into my lost world, arrogant and arrogant, and finally trapped and unable to escape. Two months later, we will sacrifice its life. As a member of the dragon clan in the East, you have never heard of the name of the black dragon, have you“ Black dragon? What black dragon Ying Long sneered, "it's ridiculous. I'm the last real dragon in the East. Don't think you can compare a dragon with horns with me. I'll ask you one last time, roll or die?"“ Well, I'll see what you can do. Let's get out of here. " Amutat, the Dragon Emperor, let out a low roar and then flew straight forward“ I want to die Ying Long's whole body with a hot flame, burning everything in heaven and earth. Although everyone is far away, they still feel the power of this flame. They recoiled in horror. The dragon race is the most powerful creature in this world, and even surpasses the human race in terms of race advantage. Therefore, this battle is more terrifying than the dark sky and the forgotten dust. Yinglong is invincible at the moment. In the absence of old man Qin Tian, Yang Tian sleeps deeply. As the most powerful creature in the world, it naturally has the power of terror. For the Golden Dragon Emperor of the west, the dragon should shake its tail and blow it away. Although the Western dragon emperor is a giant, he is the best among the Western dragon people, but compared with Yinglong, he is still a little thinner. All the people didn't know how to express the expression on their face after they saw that the Dragon Emperor had been fanned away. In particular, those western powers, such as the Pope, Kyle Harvey and others, in their cognition, the power of the Dragon Emperor is not the first in the Western lost world, it also belongs to the first three. They can't accept the fact that they are being fanned by the Oriental Dragon.