"Ha ha, Mr. Liu, don't be so excited."

Rockefeller Sander's face with a winning smile, calm tone, said: "so, I give you that opportunity, do you cherish?"

Liu Qing's eyes became cold, his eyes were red, and he bit his teeth and said, "what have you done to my daughter?"

That photo is not someone else's photo, it is his daughter Liu Xuanxuan's photo.

The background of the photo is not in China, but in M country.

"Mr. Liu, you don't have to worry. Your daughter is safe before you make a decision."

Sander's face was full of smile, but in the depth of his eyes, he continued to say, "but if you refuse me again, you will have to bear the consequences."

Liu Qing's face was violent, so he called home.

His family hired a nanny to take charge of Liu Xuanxuan's daily life, but the phone didn't get through for a long time. Just when he was about to give up, one of Rockefeller Sander's staff came in from the door and respectfully handed him a mobile phone.

With a smile on his face, sander said, "since Mr. Liu doesn't believe what I said..."

After that, he pressed the connect button

The number and sound displayed are exactly Liu Qing's.

Liu Qing's face was pale, and he collapsed on the ground. After a long time, he raised his head and said, "what do you want?"

"Come with me. Your daughter is in my family now. Tell us everything you know about the financial empire. As long as we are sure there is no problem, we can let your daughter go."

"I can't live, can I?"

Liu Qing's face didn't have too many mood swings.

"Ha ha, Mr. Liu is a smart man. I also like to deal with smart people. The Rockefeller family will never allow a potential danger to threaten us."

Sander smiles. He doesn't worry that Liu Qing will refuse. He is fully prepared to come here. Liu Qing will be desperate for him.

This trip to China was a great success.

After he has completed the task, he will become one of the candidates of the family leader, and he will have the opportunity to control the whole Rockefeller family in the future.

Thinking of this, the smile on his face is more brilliant.

"I agree."

Liu Qing seems to be a lot older. He has only one daughter. In any case, even if he takes his own life, he can't let his daughter suffer any harm.

Sander's smile had not yet completely appeared on his face. At this time, the gate broke.

His more than a dozen men had all become corpses, and they all smashed on the wall from the gate.

These people died cruelly.

Some of the chest was pierced, some of the limbs twisted into a twist, and even some of the fist was blown, the head became a headless corpse.

Sander was all stunned. He looked at the boy in white suddenly in front of him with panic on his face.

Liu Qing saw the appearance of the youth, the same face can't believe it.

Yang Tian stands with a negative hand and looks at sander with murderous eyes.

"Rockefellers, right? I can't wait to die. "

In three days, Tianshen financial enterprise only had shell companies, which poured trillions of assets into their pockets. They greedily wanted the blueprint of the financial empire, and even kidnapped Xiaomeng Baolai to coerce Liu Qing,

Everything makes Yang Tian kill.

"Who are you?"

Sander felt something was wrong.

He stares at the corpses of his men and says with rage: "you have killed so many people, the police will certainly arrest you. I will put you to death."

"That's naive."

Yang Tian's eyes were cold and said: "if you kidnap someone, you still have the face to call the police. Is the Rockefeller family only a waste like you? If so, I would be very disappointed. "

"How dare you insult my family?"

Sander clenched his fist.

"Mr. Yang, you are back at last."

Liu Qing's eyes were slightly moist.

Yang Tian nodded, and then said calmly, "I'll take care of everything."

Liu Qing nodded heavily. With Yang Tian's words, he felt very relieved.

"Mr. Yang? Are you the Yang Tian who crippled John and threatened my family? "

After hearing Liu Qing's words, sander frowned and thought for a moment, and his face became ugly.

Yang Tian lightly raised his eyelids to see him one eye, the tone is taking chill. He said, "has John delivered the appointment of January?"

Before January, Yang Tian asked him to convey that after January, he would personally go to the Rockefeller family to prepare for the collapse of the family.

When this news spread to m country, it caused a sensation in the upper class of M country.

They all feel that the young man from China is crazy. The Rockefeller family has been able to stand for three hundred years without falling down. After six generations, they can still maintain their prosperity. It is said that they are rich and have a great voice in both political and business circles. Even if any country on this star is unwilling to provoke, they are now threatened. It's incredible. Because of this, it also made the headlines of M country. All the people of M country mocked Yang Tian, waiting for the Chinese boy to come and die. And the family with three hundred years of history did not pay attention to this threat. They once told him that he would never come back. As one of the most outstanding young people in the family, sander naturally didn't pay attention to Yang Tian. He said coldly in his eyes: "Yang Tian, you have offended my family. I urge you to kneel down and beg for mercy, otherwise..." before he finished, there was a big bang in the room. This is the sound of the knee hitting the floor. Under the pressure of Yang Tian's momentum, sander kneels in front of him. Because of the fierce impact, cracks like cobwebs have appeared on the floor. And his kneecap was also completely broken, and blood was constantly flowing out of the broken bone“ Ah Sander howled bitterly, with a ferocious look on his face. He roared angrily, "if you dare to do something to me, my family will not let you go."“ Before that, did you think I would let you go? " Yang Tian's eyes are cold. He reaches out his hand and covers Sander's neck to lift him up“ Where on earth is my daughter? " Liu Qing came forward and grabbed Sander's collar, biting his teeth and growling in a low voice“ Your daughter will die, all of you will die. If you offend my family, you will not come to a good end. " Sander is still tough“ Do you think I can't know if you don't say it? " The young man's tone was cold and raised his eyebrows“ What do you want to do? " Sander had a sudden foreboding“ Dementor Yang Tian a light drink, eyes appeared strange color. Sander only felt the invasion in his mind, and the tearing pain made him nearly collapse“ Kill me. Please kill me He constantly scratched his face with his fingernails in order to alleviate the pain, but dementology is to force people to read their memories. That kind of cruelty is equivalent to pulling the soul out of the body. No one can stand the punishment of terror and tyranny. After the Dementor, the whole person will become a fool and can't recover. The process lasted ten minutes, and now Sander's face was covered with blood and flesh, all the marks of his own fingernails. It was Yang Tian's intention that he could not survive or die after suffering. In order to achieve his goal, the bastard transports xiaomengbao to distant country m and forces Liu Qing to submit. Afterwards, he plans to kill Liu Qing and take everything from Tianshen financial enterprise. What's more, this bastard has already planned to fight his family. After reading the news, Yang Tian's eyes were red, and he was directly photographed as a blood mist“ Rockefellers, I'm going to leave your whole family alone. " Yang Tianyu said this sentence, and the chill from his body almost frosted the whole room“ Mr. Yang, please help my daughter Liu Qing's eyes were red. He wanted to kneel down to Yang Tian, but he was gently lifted by the young man's palm“ You don't have to say that I won't let Xiaoxuan fall into the hands of those bastards alone. Today I'll leave for country M. if they dare to move Xiaoxuan's hair, I'll let them bury her in one country. " The young man's eyes were red and his tone was cold and piercing.