Qin family three tiger generals, Xiao Qiang, Shi Hong, a total of five people.

With 200000 troops led by each of them, we have set out in a mighty way.

This time, they are equipped with the most top-notch weapons. Ye attaches great importance to this war.

This is the first step to raise the prestige of China. Everyone knows the importance of this time.

All the logistics supplies were the best. Even the large nuclear weapons carried several pieces each.

As long as the other party comes, it's free to use.

Mr. Qin, Mr. Han and Mr. Ling are now in the command room of the military area. They have the highest authority to decide.

This is Yang Tian's right to the three.

Five will be all operations command, need to listen to the arrangement of the three elderly people.

Three old people, who have lived so long and have rich experience in war, can definitely do well.

However, to everyone's surprise, after the five countries stepped into China's border, those troops began to kill innocent people

Japan's fighter planes are constantly throwing missiles at the ground, causing massive lethality.

Countless houses were collapsed and damaged, and countless civilians were killed and injured.

Nanyang used a cruiser to use the sea as a wartime base, followed by artillery missiles.

It was an inhuman attack.

Han, Yin, Tai. The three countries are closer to China. They drive tanks all the way to burn, kill and plunder.

After hearing the news, the capital was shocked. No one was prepared for the sudden attack.

These bastards are obviously planning for a long time.

In fact, it is true that when the auction started, the five countries had already begun to plan cooperation, causing such a large-scale killing. At this time, the five countries issued their final warning again.

"Admit defeat, and then give compensation for the war, or we will continue to slaughter endlessly."

Ye Lao is furious.

"Order me to stay in this land for all the people of the five countries who will participate in the war at any cost. I will sacrifice their blood to the dead."

Yang Tian's eyes are also cold. Order five doesn't need captives but corpses.

When the five countries killed nearly ten thousand people in China, Yang Tian planned to kill millions, even tens of millions, of the other side.

When this happened, Yang Tian couldn't sit still any longer. After giving the command to the three old men, he left directly.

"Where are you going, Mr. Yang?"

Looking at Yang Tian's back, Mr. Qin asked with an anxious cold sweat on his forehead.

Now here has become a mess, Yang Tian as the highest authority marshal, if you leave, then what kind of system.

Not only him, but also Han Lao was furious and roared at Yang Tian.

"Boy, do you know what rules are? What do you want to do? "


When the young man spoke with indifference, the whole space turned into a ripple, and he disappeared in the same place.

"Asshole, I've said this kid is unreliable. I've said that for a long time."

Han Lao's roaring voice almost broke people's eardrum. His eyes were red and his whole body was trembling.

"Mr. Yang, this... Ah, is too irresponsible."

Ling shook his head in disappointment.

"What shall we do now?"

Qin is also quite a headache, in his cognition, Yang Tian will never be such an irresponsible person.

Now we are facing the five countries in the most difficult period of war.

The boy just ran away. Who will carry the flag next?

Han gasped for breath, obviously did not ease from the rage, he said madly: "I will never lightly spare that bastard, first grasp the situation, and then report to Ye Lao, that boy even if he is the king of no crown, but he is guilty of escaping, this is the bottom line, ye Lao will never lightly spare him."

Ling Lao sighed: "now it can only be like this."

"The battle is changing rapidly. We must not be careless. We have to work out a war plan quickly."

Han Lao's forehead is sweating. This is about the life and death of millions of people. He must not make the slightest mistake, or he will be doomed.

"Contact Qin Yi, Qin Quan, Qin Liangzheng, Xiao Qiang and Shi Hong. I want to know their specific situation now."


One of the correspondents nodded and quickly contacted.

However, after waiting for a long time, there was no reply. It seemed that there was interference and communication was not available.

Han's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Today is the first time to fight. Have you lost?

However, what everyone didn't think was that after waiting for a long time, Xiao Qiang was the first to resume communication.

"Great victory“ According to the strategic plan given by Mr. Yang, 50000 Japanese people will be killed. Now the other side has been defeated and is on the run. It will not be long before they are completely annihilated. " People in the command room were overjoyed at the news. Then the three brothers of the Qin family and Shi Hong also came news one after another. Every piece of news excited everyone, and all won. Our side lost a little, while the other side lost 30000 people at least. The reason is that before they leave, Yang Tian has clearly explained everything to them. No matter the terrain, or the use of military power. The young man is indeed a military genius. All the five generals felt this. Just a little bit, the five of them suddenly opened up, as if they were at the top of their minds. Although the battle in the field is not over, the enemy has suffered heavy losses and occupied a disadvantageous position. It is only a matter of time before they want to be completely destroyed. Young people have long predicted that the five countries will be defeated, even how many people they can kill each other. This makes Qin Yi and others admire Yang Tian. When Han and others heard all this, the three old people looked at each other“ How can that fleeing bastard have such terrible computing power? " Old Han scratched his head, racking his brains to figure out what Yang Tian did“ Why did he run away if he wanted to win? " At this time, Ling's brow was tightly wrinkled, constantly thinking. Mr. Qin laughed and said, "I said Mr. Yang would not disappoint us. He had already calculated everything before he left. Now it seems that although we are in a hurry, it has no effect. It's not as good as an absent teenager's contribution." Obviously, they didn't understand until now that Yang Tian didn't run away, but there was something really important, so he left“ Where on earth is he now? " Han Lao was intrigued this time. He found that he didn't seem to be so resistant to teenagers. Just because of this one, five great victories, under the first World War, nearly 180000 people from five countries were killed. The manipulators behind it are aimed at the young man who was misunderstood by him just now. Just when everyone doubts where Yang Tian is. The most prosperous city in Japan. Dongjing! Beijing is also the capital of Japan. Last time, Mr. Ye planned to attack here, but the nuclear bomb was stopped and did not explode here. So, it's still a busy area. At this time, the space was distorted and a young man came out. His eyes are cold and lonely, and his breath is cold. The reason why the five countries can gather this time is that Japan controls it. Yoshida! Last time I let him go, I thought it would give him a profound lesson and make him have a psychological shadow. However, now it seems that it is not as Yang Tian thought. The other side not only dared to retaliate, but also united the five countries to carry out aggression against China. The most serious crime is that these bastards want to give ye Lao a warning and force him to admit defeat, but they even attack innocent people in China. They aimed their cold guns at the unarmed people in China, killing them mercilessly and doing everything they could. If he doesn't take revenge, he will be the Immortal Emperor in vain“ Yoshida, today I will level Dongjing and let you pay a heavy price. " Yang Tian's eyes have turned black, full of Moyuan's breath. Obviously, he was possessed again. This time, the young man's hair turned red. He released all the power of the Immortal Emperor's soul and roared“ The Immortal Emperor is in vain Yang Tian's roar, only to see a huge figure of 100 Zhang tall block out the sky, covering the East Beijing sky!