Qin Yi answered the phone, only to hear the other side said: "major general Qin Yi, I don't know if you remember me."

Listening to the familiar voice, Qin Yi was stunned, and then asked tentatively“ Major general Sun Ming? "

There came a hearty smile from the phone and said, "it's me, ha ha, old friend. I haven't contacted you for a long time."

Qin Yi was also very pleased and said, "yes, we came from the same military region and were comrades in arms of the same term. We have not contacted each other for five years since we left the military region."

Later, he had some doubts and said, "if you don't have anything, you won't contact me. Tell me why you came to me this time."

Sun Ming said with a smile: "this time a friend asked me to do something in Jiangcheng, but I'm in Fengzhou. I'm a little far away from you. I don't know if you can help me?"

Qin Yi pondered for a moment and asked, "what's up?"

Sun Ming said with a smile: "we have been friends for so many years, you say help or not."

Qin Yi nodded and said, "it's not easy for you to ask me for help for the first time. As long as I can, I will help you."

Sun Ming said with a smile: "good brother, ha ha, I'm not wrong about you. In fact, I'm asking you to do me a little favor. There's a boy in Jiangcheng who offended the state of Wei in the White Tiger Group. Help me catch him. Can you help me?"

Qin Yi nodded and said, "this little matter is worth calling in person?"

Sun Ming said, "maybe we need to use the army. That's why I came to you."

"The army? I'll go, Sun Ming. Are you asking me to go to war? "

Sun Ming said helplessly: "the White Tiger Group said that the man is very dangerous. If you touch two armed helicopters and three tanks again, seven or eight snipers will be deployed."

Qin Yi:

"Old friend, are you asking me to go to war?"

Sun Ming said with a smile: "it's not that serious. Wei said that he broke the law and was a dangerous person. Even if he was killed in the local area, he could."

Qin Yi was puzzled and asked, "old friend, after talking for a long time, what's the name of the person you're talking about?"

Sun Ming said: "listen to the state of Wei, it seems that it's Yang Tian. Just a moment. I'll send you the information."

When Qin Yi heard the speech, his legs trembled and he almost knelt on the ground.

He turned black and asked, "is Yang Tian a teenager?"

"Yes Sun Ming responds over there and is wondering how Qin Yi knows. Qin Yi asks again.

"The man you asked me to arrest is Yang Tian, male, 18 years old, a student of Jiangcheng No.1 middle school, right?"

Sun Ming's eyes brightened and he said with admiration, "I'll go, Qin Yi. You can look at each other with new eyes. I only said one name. You can transfer the other party's information. Your intelligence department is amazing."

After Qin Yi confirmed that the person Sun Ming wanted to catch was Yang Tian, he directly burst out and scolded, "wqmnlgb!"

For many years, he never used rude words, but this time, he couldn't help it.

Sun Ming is stunned by Qin Yi.

After a long time, he responded and said, "Qin Yi, what do you mean?"

Qin Yi said angrily, "what do you mean? Mr. Yang is very kind to our family. Do you want me to touch him? Why don't you let me die? "

Sun Ming was stunned for a long time. Then he said angrily, "Qin Yi, we are friends at least. If you don't help us, I'll take the army myself."

Qin Yi cold voice way: "you come, you dare to bring troops to come over, you take how many people, I Qin Yi destroy how many people."

Sun Ming bit his teeth and said, "Qin Yi, do you want to fight against Fengzhou?"

Qin Yi snorted and said, "if you dare to touch Mr. Yang, I will not only fight against you in Fengzhou, but also bring my army to your home."

"Well, Qin Yi, how are you? I don't care about this, but you let that boy wait. You offended Wei Guo of the White Tiger Group. He can't walk for many days. The majesty of Fengzhou is guarded by his own people."

Qin Yi said angrily, "then let him come. I will report this to the dragon team of Anhui Province. If he is not afraid of death, he will come."

With that, he hung up in anger.

He is very angry. He calls Shuiwei of Shenlong Group. Shuiwei's face is a little strange when she hears the words.

Yang Tian was promoted to the leader of the dragon group by long Ze. The head of the white tiger group didn't dare to provoke him easily. He was just a member of the Fengzhou White Tiger Group. How dare a little Wei state threaten to come to Jiangcheng to catch Yang Tian? I don't know how to write dead words.

She said to Qin Yi, "if he dares to step into Jiangcheng, let Wei prepare the coffin. The majesty of the dragon group is not provocative."

Qin Yi doesn't know Yang Tian's identity. He thinks Shuiwei is in charge of the matter, so he nods excitedly and says he will pass the words on. "

Then, he brought a few special forces from the military region and drove to Jiangcheng No.1 middle school with live ammunition, intending to protect Yang Tian.

At the underground base in Fengzhou, the state of Wei clapped the table angrily after hearing the news, and the clear palmprint was photographed on the steel tabletop.

He looked at Sun Ming coldly and said, "is that what Qin Yi really said?" Sun Ming knows that this being is a real master. He is a strong man. He can block hundreds of people with the help of one person. He respectfully said: "this is the original words of Qin Yi. Besides, he has contacted the people from the dragon group of Anhui Province, and the other party has also sent out a message that if you want to go, you should prepare the coffin yourself!"“ Arrogance The state of Wei suddenly stood up, and the momentum of the master's realm suddenly burst out. With him as the center, all the tables and chairs collapsed, and Sun Ming stepped back seven or eight steps. Then he stabilized himself“ Anhui Province dragon group, just a woman, dare to be so crazy, really think our country Wei good temper? " He cold voice way: "prepare car, I want to personally go to Jiangcheng to take down Yang Tian, I see who dares to stop me?"-------- In No.1 middle school, Yang Tian answers Shuiwei's phone and asks, "what's the matter with captain Shuiwei calling at this time?" Shuiwei was worried and said, "Mr. Yang, the state of Wei in Fengzhou has sent a message to take you back to Fengzhou prison. Do you want me to send some people to your side?" Yang Tian was stunned. He didn't know, because he, Fengzhou and Jiangcheng almost sent troops to fight each other“ Who is the state of Wei? I don't seem to have much in common with him. " Shuiwei explained: "the state of Wei is the captain of the White Tiger Group. According to the news, it is the death of master Yanqing that has something to do with you. That's why he gave you a hand." Yang Tian just remembered that Wang Lie had a big phone call in the morning, saying that two minions from the White Tiger Group came here to make trouble. He didn't like it, but he didn't expect the other party to be reluctant. Shuiwei asked excitedly, "Mr. Yang, it's said that you killed master Yanqing? That one has the terror strength of Captain Longze. He is the best in China. " Yang Tian said with a smile: "you can't talk nonsense. It's clear that Yanqing was killed by thunder for doing something bad." He didn't admit that he was afraid of trouble, but Shuiwei didn't believe Yang Tian. She knew that she wanted to keep a low profile when she was young. For example, with the ability to surpass the master's realm, I went to them to apply for the team members of Shenlong Group. As a result, he was not qualified as a reserve player. It's just teasing her. At the beginning, if Yang Tian said that he had the strength of a great master, it was estimated that all the positions in the Shenlong Group would be chosen by him. Now it's said that master Yanqing was killed by thunder, which has nothing to do with him. Shuiwei would rather believe that the sow would go up the tree than Yang Tian. Yang Tian made it clear that he did not need protection, and then hung up. Are you kidding? He's an immortal and needs to be protected? It's estimated that if Shuiwei really sends someone over, Yang Tian will have to worry about protecting them. As soon as he hung up, Qin Yi arrived. After he gave two hundred year old ginseng to Yang Tian, he explained the meaning of white tiger group. Then, in order to prevent Yang Tian from accidents, he said that he had arranged dozens of experts here. Yang Tian was speechless. He refused the protection of those ancient warriors in the dragon group. Qin Yi arranged these ordinary people here to be cannon fodder? Seeing that Yang Tian's expression was wrong, Qin Yi thought that Yang Tian was worried about the shortage of these people, so he quickly said, "don't worry, Mr. Yang. The Qin family in Jiangcheng vows to protect your safety. I have informed Lao Sanliang Zheng that he will bring the army here soon. You won't be in any danger. If he comes, we will be confident that he will never come back." Yang Tian: he can see from Qin Yi's eyes that the other party really wants to engage in such a big battle. It's not a joke. Finally, he held his forehead, waved his hand and said, "withdraw all your men, so that Qin Liangzheng's army doesn't have to come. I'm just a student. What do you want to do“