Chapter 2550

Name:Scandal Supermodel Author:Xi Mian
An Xiaowan didn't think much about it, so it flashed by.

Then I thought of the real leaf.

"By the way, how about ye Qingqing?"

Lotte nodded his head and said: "after scanning, there is indeed the same toxin in the blood of Ms. ye and that of Mrs. ye, but there is another thing that can resist the toxin. It must be the doctor who mixed it in advance."

"Ye Qingqing was also poisoned, but because he took a certain amount of anti-virus in advance, so he is still in a normal state?"

"Yes, but I'd better ask the doctor for details. I don't know too much about it." Lotte's face is helpless, because those people in the Research Institute, ah, it is too difficult to communicate.

So, when the afternoon was good, I went to the research institute with grapefruit.

When I arrived, I found that the doctor had gone to Tiandi city.

So we set out for Tiandi city.

Tiandi city hasn't come for a long time, and an Xiaowan feels fresh and fresh again.

A lot of places have changed, and they have been built more humanely than before, and the streets are deserted.

Grapefruit takes an Xiaowan to visit for a moment, and then diandianer takes her to the place where the doctor is.

It is still a main research center, but it has added a lot of ornaments, and added a leisure and entertainment area for researchers to decompress and add fun to life.

Ann Xiaowan looked at it very well and walked in with a smile.

The doctor was talking to someone, and they waited outside for a moment.

After the talk, the doctor immediately came to call them in and said with a smile, "here you are. I haven't seen you for a long time

She looked at an Xiaowan, and her eyes were very sharp for a few seconds.

Then, with a little surprise and joy, he said in a kind voice, "you look good recently, and finally you are not so thin."

Hearing this, an Xiaowan was shocked.

Grapefruit didn't think much about it. The doctor didn't think about it. She just thought she was too thin before. Now she has some meat. It's better to see.

Older people, I don't know why, are particularly afraid of looking at those thin children. They always like the children to be fleshy and look lovely and healthy.

However, an Xiaowan said nervously, "I Fat? No, it should be an illusion that I haven't seen for a long time... "

She quickly repeated her denial.

However, the doctor said definitely and seriously, "no, your face is a little more mellow, and it is more lovely."

"Certainly not!" An Xiaowan also facial expression is very affirmative, beautiful Mou tiny stare.

It is rare for an Xiaowan to have such a persistent dispute with people on EQ, let alone such a meaningless issue.

The doctor thought it was funny, and he said, "well, good, you are still so thin."

Only then did an Xiaowan feel that he seemed to be a little more real.

She cleared her throat and quickly changed the topic, "how is the doctor doing recently?"

The doctor nodded, "it's not bad. I added a little time to study, but I didn't feel any discomfort."

Little grapefruit puffed his cheek. "Even so, the doctor can't be too nervous about himself."

"good and good." The doctor's face was helpless. He was obviously controlled by this little guy.

After sitting down together, the topic begins to move into the serious part.

An Xiaowan handed over Ye Qingqing's physical data and asked earnestly, "her physical condition doesn't feel like a person with this toxin."