However, their years of accumulation and strong aspirations made them barely stop.

They looked at each other and turned their heads slowly in horror.

An evil black eyed golden pupil hangs high in the sky and overlooks all sentient beings.


Wang Jinglong, whose breath was close to the great saint, flew out with heavy treasure. There was a cold hum in his giant eye. Two illusory claws appeared. With a flick, Wang Jinglong was bounced out of Shengyuan star. I don't know where to fly.

Zheng... Zheng... Zheng

Hundreds of millions of swords sound in Shengyuan continent.

Scholars all over the world look at the inverted peak mountain.

The sharp lips and swords rushed straight into the sky and cracked the residual clouds.

The weak but fearless power condensed in the sky and could resist zuwei a little.

The evil dragon in prison suddenly trembled and scolded: "the Terrans are poor and have little strength. Their courage is incomparable! This dragon is here to help, bad luck!"

Then he grabbed Wang Jinglong with two claws in vain, and then his eyes trembled.

Why does Wang Jinglong have Fang Yun's breath?

The evil dragon of prison town scolded in his heart. How come any old guy has something to do with big brother? If big brother asks about it later, he will have no good fruit to eat.

With a sweep of his huge eyes, countless empty stars flashed in his eyes, and then his translucent claws poked into the void.

Pretty star.

Ten drums roared on the barbarian mountain.

At the foot of the barbarian mountain, hundreds of millions of barbarians are beating wildly with the drum.

A barbarian semi Saint stood on the top of the barbarian mountain, looking down at the people, and a cold smile flashed in his eyes.

Wanjie expedition is about to begin. Manxing is closest to Shengyuan star and will become a pioneer.

All the barbarians of this barbarian star migrated here ten thousand years ago.

He turned his head and looked at a curved old tree on the top of the mountain. The crown of the tree was like a pine, the branches were winding, and there was a shiny light red fruit on it.

That is the holy fruit born by absorbing the power of the whole barbarian star and all barbarians, which can greatly increase the chances of semi saints to be promoted to great saints.

However, once swallowed, the whole barbarian star will wither, and all barbarians on this star will not be able to reproduce.

"After all, you are my descendants. You shed the last drop of blood in the expedition, and then I eat this holy fruit... Why is the sky dark?"

Mansheng looked up at the sky.

A claw bigger than the whole barbarian star suddenly came down to block the light of the sun and let the whole barbarian star fall into darkness.

"Who dares to invade the territory of the demon world!"

Man Sheng soared to heaven and was about to make a move when he poked a claw.

When man Sheng looked at the claw, he lost his liver and gall.

On the huge black claw, there are mountains, surrounded by dragons. One claw points out and ten thousand stars collapse.

"Please forgive me, elder..."


The whole Mansheng was destroyed by claws.

"Eh? I seem to have met something. Continue to take the fruit."

Shengyuan, over Daofeng mountain.

The two claws of the prison evil dragon squeezed the red glittering holy fruit out of the void, slapped it, threw it into Wang Jinglong's literary world, and then whispered, "so brother won't blame me."

"Weak Terran..."

Disdain echoed in the Shengyuan continent, and the huge black eyed golden pupil dissipated slowly.


The star gate of the holy courtyard suddenly expanded to a height of ten thousand feet, and then the surging vitality of heaven and earth rushed into the holy courtyard like a river breaking its banks and the sea pouring back.

That year, when Fang Yun first entered emperor Tu and Kunlun, he was hurt by the strong vitality of heaven and earth to his nose and trachea.

Although the vitality of heaven and earth in the ancient world of Kunlun is far less than that in the ancient times, the vitality of heaven and earth in Wangzu mountain is still terrible.

In the Terran's eyes, a vast expanse of white liquid fog mixed with something like a tsunami came out.

It's better than Li Wenying and Jiang Hechuan. They are like being impacted by the sea, flying upside down out of the holy yard and calling out the green clouds in the air.

Then, like a flood over the holy courtyard, the turbulent vitality of heaven and earth poured out and flowed downward from the inverted peak mountain.

The waterfall hangs high and flows in ten directions.

"A miracle! It's a miracle!"

"God bless the Terran!"

"How big the Terran is!"

Soon, the whole Kong City was submerged by the strong Kunlun vitality.

The Wenqu starlight of Shengyuan continent is already rich to a certain extent. Now, with the injection of Kunlun vitality, there are continuous changes from kongcheng.

In the Confucius academy, the teachers were in a daze and were in a strong Kunlun vitality.

The children threw down their books and shouted wildly.

Suddenly, a child shouted, "I'm... Uncomfortable..."

"I feel a little sick, too!"

"Sir, help, I'm out of breath."

The teacher hurried over, stunned and hurriedly said, "sit down right now and read the Analects aloud!"

Some uncomfortable Mongolian children hurried to do it.

The rest were surprised to see that the nearby Kunlun vitality merged with the star light of Wenqu and turned into a fog of light, which rhythmically entered their bodies with the chanting sound of Mengtong.

Several Mongolian children were red, but they still insisted on reciting the Analects aloud.

"Confucius said: learn from time to time. Don't you think it's fun to have friends from afar? People don't know but don't get angry..."

Suddenly, every Mongolian child heard a clear and loud voice.

"Give you a child and serve the Terran."

Heaven's talent!

Under the baptism of strong talent, all the five Mongolian children were promoted to children.

At the end of the day, the five hooded children stared at the four directions with big shining eyes, and others touched themselves.

The teacher was surprised. Before the Academy was born with five saints, was it auspicious? Will these five children become the five semi saints of the Terran in the future?

"I heard the voice of Fang Sheng and gave the boy." the new boy muttered to himself.

"I also heard it. Although I heard the voice for the first time, somehow I knew it was Fang Sheng."

"I heard it too..."

The teacher is even more confused.

Before the Terran saint, he was a disciple of Kong saint and a disciple of heaven. Now, given by Fang saint, is this a disciple competing with Kong saint, or has Fang Saint replaced Kong saint?

The teacher changed his look. As soon as he clenched his teeth, he decided to do business and send the book to the holy courtyard first.

After a while, the sanctuary replied.

"If we settle down well, we won't go. We're really busy."

The teacher is very angry. How did the people in the holy courtyard become so tired and lazy? This may be the five saints in the future, and even involve the most terrible battle of the human race!

Suddenly, he felt wrong and was stunned. He quickly walked out of the school and looked up at the sky.

Kong City is full of talent and orange light on the fog.

A large number of scholars were promoted to literary positions.

Soon, the teacher opened the discussion list and found that there were former saints everywhere in Kong City, turning anger into joy.

"God bless the Terran!"

With Daofeng mountain and Kong City as the source point, Kunlun vitality spread to the Terran in all directions, like a white carpet, sweeping the earth!

Then, all the holy temples dedicated to Fang Yun directly connected to the star gate and began to pour Kunlun vitality in all directions.

Vitality is falling, and the human race is at its peak!

Kunlun ancient world, Wangzu mountain.

Watching the gate of the Terran star domain absorb the vitality of the ancient Kunlun world, the ancestors and saints are just uncomfortable and don't care.

There are eleven mountain ranges in Wangzu mountain. I don't know how many billion stars there are in each mountain range. Just one Shengyuan star should not absorb much vitality.