Naturally, these mixed caves are not really mixed caves of the holy ancestors, but the power created by the star maze using the rules of the holy way. The power is reduced, but it remains unchanged.

These mixed holes are different from natural mixed holes, which are completely controlled. The small ones affect the diameter of two or three miles, and the large ones affect the diameter of one hundred miles. If they exceed their own range, their attraction will be greatly reduced.

There is a gap between different mixed holes, which is also a channel for everyone.

Ancestral incarnations are far more careful than before.

If you were hit by an overweight star before, you would have a chance to escape, but if you were trapped in the mixed hole, you would die under the holy ancestor.

Because the mixed cave has two terrible characteristics, breaking the law and deprivation.

Breaking the law means that any protective force will not work on the mixed hole. Once the mixed hole is touched, the connected parts of the body will be sucked in, and any protective or magic force can not be stopped, just as a sharp knife can easily cut off the flesh and blood of ordinary people.

Once the parts of the body are sucked away by the mixed hole, it is difficult to regenerate the flesh and blood quickly. Even if the holy ancestor recovers that part of the flesh and blood, it should also be calculated by years, unless a particularly precious divine medicine or divine object is used, or there is a special talent.

The strongest part of the mixing hole is that once it is sucked into the center, it will explode quickly. The power of explosion is only equivalent to the normal battle skills of the holy ancestor. The problem is that this power will not be wasted and will completely act on the target, so there is no doubt that the holy ancestor will die.

In fact, the holy ancestor has many ways to escape from the mixed cave, and the main function of the mixed cave is deterrence.

However, when a mixed cave group is formed, it is beyond the normal meaning of the holy ancestor's war skills.

For the holy ancestor, the dense mixed caves in front of him are nothing, but for the incarnations of all ancestors, the miniature mixed caves in front of him are cemeteries.

At first, the incarnations of the ancestors passed cautiously and safely, but soon they encountered a crisis.

Because the mixed holes are too dense and they are pushed quickly, there are often only two options, either to be swallowed by the mixed holes, or to be swallowed by a small piece.

They can only choose the latter.

Only a few decades later, except Fang Yun, all the bodies of the ancestors' incarnations were constantly broken and could not be reborn.

Divine medicine can revive quickly. Compared with the holy ancestor, the incarnations of all ancestors can recover quickly unless they eat the ancestral medicine as sugar beans.

Fang Yun is the only exception.

From beginning to end, Fang Yun was not injured.

Because even if the edge of each mixed hole seems to be close to Fang Yun, the actual distance between the two is so far away.

This is the strength of being a world.

As long as Fang Yun doesn't kill himself and gets into the singularity of the mixed hole, this degree of mixed hole can't affect Fang Yun at all.

Fang Yun walked slowly through the edge of the mixed cave and started star navigation cultivation at the same time!

As a result, the mixed cave group vibrated collectively, just like the dragon emperor whose dignity was challenged.

Originally, the mixed holes were fixed in the space and did not move, but now, all the mixed holes began to expand, shrink, move, and even collide with each other.

"Fang Yun! Stop!" the avatar of the third great God almost had to cry.

As soon as the voice of the incarnation of the three great gods fell, the two mixed caves that were far away suddenly attracted each other and collided with each other.

At this time, the avatar of the great God's first ancestor was just going to pass through here.

If, the saints were shocked to see that the avatar of the first ancestor of the giant God was torn in half by the terrible suction, and the two halves of the body were twisted into tiny particles and involved in the singularity.

The incarnations of all ancestors did not expect that the incarnation of such a powerful giant god would die here, and even the third floor could not pass.

"Fang Yun! Stop!" the nine eyed holy ancestor shouted angrily.

Fang Yun turned a deaf ear and went his own way.

In the inheritance of muxingke, the mixed cave is also a kind of star, which can also be controlled by muxingshu. However, the mixed cave is a complex collection of various holy ways.

Fang Yun knows the types of holy ways contained in the mixed cave, but he knows nothing about the nature of the mixed cave itself.

In the ancient times, Fang Yun also tried to learn, but at that time, the state was too low to understand this complex collection of holy ways. He could only remember some things that could be memorized by rote.

So, taking advantage of this opportunity, Fang Yun began to feel the power of hundong.

Fang Yun was not afraid of mixing holes, but the other incarnations of the holy ancestors were scared to death. They kept drinking and stopping Fang Yun, and finally even begged.

Fang Yun doesn't care whether they live or die. Continue to practice.

On the way to the third Star River ladder, the ancestors finally tasted the bitter fruit of being the enemy with Fang Yun.

One avatar after another was swallowed by the black hole, resulting in the attenuation of power, and finally killed by the mixed hole behind.

Before long, Fang Yun stepped on the third step.

"Alas..." Fang Yun sighed. The time is too short. If he can stay in the micro mixed cave group for a year and a half, he can directly seal his ancestors.

The rest of the avatars of the holy ancestor arrived at the third step one after another.

More than a hundred incarnations of holy ancestors were lost in the black hole area, and finally there were only 32 people left.

"Fang Yun!" the embarrassed nine eyed Saint turned and stared at Fang Yun fiercely.

If Fang Yun did not make trouble, the number of avatars of holy ancestors arriving here would have doubled.

Fang Yun smiled and said, "I have three news to tell you. The first news is good news. There will be rewards after reaching the third Star River ladder."

The incarnations of the ancestors immediately shut up and wait for Fang Yun to continue.

"The second good news is that you can only get it in dark language. Oh, I forgot, this is bad news for you." Fang Yun continued to smile.

"You... Don't you have any other way?" the ancestors' incarnations all looked sad and worked hard to get here, because they couldn't speak dark language, so there was no reward?

Fang Yun laughed: "So, you can let me take it on my behalf. I will promise that as long as I go back, I will give you something. If I am greedy, as the third ancestor of the giant God said, let me die hard. At the same time, if I climb to the highest peak, I will give up killing you, but if you climb to the highest peak, you can force me to hand over all my treasures first, or you can kill me, you Feel free, how about it? I can swear! "

The nine eyed holy ancestor sneered and said, "if we die and you live, don't you get all the rewards?"

"In fact, the most likely thing is that everyone will die here together. You also understand this." Fang Yun launched the dark order of the nine eyed Saint at this time.

There is no response to the anti emptiness technique, which indicates that the nine eyed holy ancestor has not mastered the anti emptiness technique. There is no fluctuation in the dark order, which indicates that the nine eyed holy ancestor's Avatar has been successfully affected by the dark order.

The ancestors hesitated.

Here, they are no longer teammates, but to the outside world, both sides are still teammates. As long as they live, Fang Yun must hand over the reward.

If you die, what is it to let Fang Yun get more benefits?

The key is that since Fang Yun knows the dark language, he is likely to reach the peak. At that time, he can't kill the incarnation of his ancestors, which is equivalent to picking up his own life.

The ancestors exchanged avatars for a long time. They didn't want to agree, but they hesitated when they thought that so many avatars had died just now.

After a long time, the incarnations of the ancestors finally reached an agreement through a vote.

"OK, we agree. But you have to give each of us a great treasure as collateral!"

Fang Yun said, "OK! You swear by your holy thoughts, and I'll get the reward."