While absorbing the vitality of the ocean, Fang Yun understands the path of the holy way at the core of the ancient world.

At the beginning of arriving here, Fang Yun found the difference, and even felt that the holy way here was one of the biggest treasures.

The holy way here is not as mature as the outside world. After continuous change, it is difficult to find its origin and understand it.

At the same time, unlike the previous promotion of the holy land, the holy way is secret and hardly shows any power for people to understand.

The holy way here is in a strange state.

It seems that it has just experienced the epoch-making, and has not been affected by the power of time. At the same time, it is not particularly powerful and easy to be perceived.

In the vision of Fang Yun's holy thoughts, dense pale white tracks appear in front of him, just like countless invisible planets running. "Planets" are invisible, but their power overflows and can be perceived by the outside world.

In Fang Yun's mind, it seems that there is an invisible fine pen slowly outlining the path of the holy way.

There are many kinds of holy ways and different changes, so the track is changing all the time.

Under the semi holy, you can only touch the holy way at most, and after the semi holy, you can borrow from the holy way.

Yasheng peak, you can control the holy way.

But the premise is to fully understand a holy way.

The so-called great sage war technique or war poem itself is to forcibly control the holy way, but it can not be perfectly controlled.

Only by thoroughly mastering a certain holy way can we be promoted to the top of the great saint.

The battle between the great saints depends on two ways.

One is that without considering the understanding of the holy way, the absolute power is far superior to the other party. For example, one party can't use the great holy war skill, while the other party's great holy war skill is extremely powerful and can be used many times. The latter can win no matter how.

Fang Yun's victory over other great saints was based on his absolute power, but when facing the peak semi saint, Fang Yun had no such absolute power and it was difficult to kill the peak great saint.

The other is to rely on the level of the holy way. Between the great saints, as long as one party's holy way level is slightly higher than the other, it is possible to win as long as the power gap is not particularly large.

Linghuan is the highest saint. Fang Yun's power is not enough to kill him, but can only repel him at most.

However, Fang Yun's understanding of the holy way related to the holy thoughts goes far beyond the spiritual illusion, which was killed because he underestimated the enemy and woke up too late.

If Fang Yun meets a giant Protoss peak saint with zubao's protection, he can only fight a war of attrition, because Fang Yun is only a high-level saint who reads the holy way, the basic holy way is still inferior to the peak saint, and his strength does not really crush.

Fang Yun is immersed in the ocean of vitality and constantly understands the holy way of the world.

This is also Fang Yun's first formal practice after he was promoted to the great saint. He even stopped the literary world to absorb the vitality of the sea water and began to explore carefully, so as to adapt to the method of the great saint's practice.

In the semi holy time, Fang Yun feels the holy way and is more like an "audience" to observe those holy ways.

After arriving at the great saint, the great saint without correct inheritance will still draw gourds and ladles according to the gourd, and still act as an audience to learn by watching the holy way.

However, Fang Yun has too many correct inheritance. Whether it is human, ancient demon, dragon, emperor or all kinds of stone carvings, there are correct methods.

For example, Kong Sheng's great saint cultivation method is derived from "rites and music", which is called "playing strings". He uses those holy Tao tracks as piano strings to stimulate the changes of holy Tao in turn. He can observe more holy Tao and experience the power of holy Tao at the moment of "playing".

String playing is especially in line with Kong Sheng's character. It is effective and stable, and does little harm to himself.

King Wen of the Zhou Dynasty's great sage cultivation method is derived from Yin and Yang and is called "yindao".

King Wen of Zhou was good at introducing two different paths of the holy way together to form the interweaving of the holy way, such as the harmony of yin and Yang. He experienced the power in the aftermath of the interweaving of the holy way.

The rest of the human race have their own methods, and Fang Yun has done his best in the holy court.

The sub Saint cultivation method of the Terran is the most exquisite, but it is too conservative.

The imperial family is the other extreme. The cultivation of the imperial family is so rough that even Fang Yun dare not try. The imperial family directly incarnates the holy way and directly impacts the path of the holy way, just like a star crashing in the starry sky, so it is named "Chong Xing".

The advantage of this is that it is direct and can experience the strongest power and nature of the holy way. However, it is only suitable for the imperial family and the Taichu families, because they have Taichu power to help. In particular, all the imperial families have Taichu stone houses, which are not afraid of accidents.

The law of the great sage cultivation of the dragon family is between the human family and the emperor family. It is called "turning the waves". The dragon family is neither too conservative nor dare to rush like the emperor family. They are good at causing a large-scale collision of the holy way, and then wander among various afterwaves to experience the massive power of the holy way and win by quantity.

The ancient demon groups are different, and there are many ways to cultivate. Like the "Rushan" of negative mountain, Fang Yun can't cultivate at all.

The cultivation method of the great saint of negative Yue is to pretend to die and then be in the holy way. This perception method is too time-consuming, but the perception is clear.

Fang Yun knew that he had no experience and could not create cultivation methods indiscriminately. However, he could not blindly accept all cultivation methods. Therefore, Fang Yun began to test and common sense all the great sage cultivation methods!

Fang Yun adheres to a great saint cultivation method every day, and then carefully records the increase and decrease of the cultivation effect, the damage to the holy idea, the damage to the holy body, the effect on the overall holy way, the effect on a single holy way, the different phenomena caused by different holy ways, etc.

Due to the infinite mystery and variety of Shengdao, Fangyun has recorded a large number of changes and data.

These records are only the basis, and analysis is the key.

After practicing all the great sage cultivation techniques, Fang Yun began a long analysis and used various methods to analyze the suitable part of each cultivation method.

After the analysis, Fang Yun began to practice and constantly tested the specific cultivation methods according to the analysis results.

After a long time of cultivation, Fang Yun accumulated a lot of experience, then stopped cultivation, tried his best to urge the holy thoughts, reflected on those experiences, then summarized and extracted to get a better cultivation method, and then continued to test

Fang Yun's cultivation soon entered a virtuous circle. I don't know how long later, Fang Yun suddenly opened his eyes, his power fluctuated, his holy power fluctuated, and the vast sea was boiling.

In Fang Yun's eyes, hundreds of millions of light white holy paths appeared, and then slowly dissipated.

After a long time of cultivation, on the basis of the sages, Fang Yun finally created a sub Saint cultivation method that is most suitable for him. Although it is not perfect, it can be improved and improved continuously.

This set of cultivation method, named Xinghang, is inspired by the ancient ships and shepherds of the world.

At the beginning, Fang Yun used his own strength to promote many holy paths and sailed in them. Forcibly change the power of the holy way, while changing the path of the holy way, let them move in the same direction. In this way, Fang Yun can avoid being impacted by the excessive holy way, but at the same time, because the holy way is changed and constantly changing, so that practitioners can feel the holy way more clearly.

The star navigation method is far more radical and dangerous than the Terran cultivation method, but it is much safer and efficient than the emperor family.