Fang Yun's appearance stayed at the age of 20. His dark hair was particularly eye-catching among the saints. His skin was not only smooth, but even delicate. His face was full of something that none of the saints had.

full of youthful spirit.

Fang Yun is like a green pine in the dark autumn, a touch of rosy clouds in the sea of clouds, and more like a bright moon in the night sky.

This contrast is too strong. Just seeing Fang Yun, all the great scholars feel that they are much younger and full of fighting spirit. They can make achievements and complete their aspirations at any time.

Fang Yun's resolute and young face has become the brightest star in the eyes of the great Confucianism.

Fang Yun glanced at a group of semi holy avatars, and his eyes stopped slightly on the body of Zong holy avatar.

"The Terran is waiting for prosperity. The saints are newly granted, but the saints have not gathered. Today, I will take this cultural meeting to talk about literature and Taoism, inspire Confucianism and contribute to the Terran."

He saw an old man saying, "half sage's theory of Taoism is too profound. If it is difficult for great Confucianism to understand it and become obsessed with it, it will be harmful and useless."

The old man has thick eyebrows like an umbrella, thin lips and a kind face, but there is a chill in his eyes.

All the great Confucians showed their surprised faces, and many of them did not even restrain their surprised faces for a long time.

This man is the cloud saint of the cloud country.

He saw that Zong moju's face remained unchanged. In the eyes of the people, he still had only a side face and didn't look at anyone. He just looked straight ahead, his eyes penetrated the void, and the situation in his eyes changed.

The other half saints looked at Xiang Yunsheng. Wang Jinglong and Chen Qingzhi didn't hide their dissatisfaction, but they were half saints and didn't speak.

Everyone realized that Fang Yun's innovation, especially his intention to abolish the temple and support the Legalists, had already offended Yunsheng. This sudden opening must be in collusion with Zongsheng.

Fang Yun smiled and said, "when I was a baby, I knew that adults' every move was mysterious; when I was a child, I knew that my husband's words and deeds were profound; when I was a great Confucian, I knew that the holy way was exquisite. As a semi saint, if I still talk about subtlety and ignore true knowledge, I would be inferior."

"Fang Sheng, please give me some advice." Yun Sheng immediately arched his hands slightly and leaned forward.

Those great Confucians who respected Fang Yun thought it was bad to talk in secret.

It's called asking for advice. In fact, the debate has begun. If half saints bow their hands, they will not be good.

The great Confucian of Jingguo was so anxious that everyone could think that Zongsheng would be in trouble today, but unexpectedly, it was Yun Sheng who took the lead, which was likely to disrupt Fang Yun's pace.

Once the cloud Saint makes Fang Yun disorderly, Zong Saint suddenly makes another move, Fang Yun will be very dangerous.

There is always thunder in the palm of the holy finger!

Fang Yun smiled and said, "Kong Sheng said 'teaching tirelessly' and Mr. Le Zheng said 'teaching and learning grow together', all of which are talking about one thing, which is helpful to our own learning when we teach others. This is one of them. Second, the Tao is chaotic. Is there a difference between subtle and subtle?"

"There is no subtlety in the holy way, but we need to distinguish whether it is subtlety or not." Yun Shengdao.

Many scholars nodded slightly. In this regard, they still agreed with Yun Sheng.

Fang Yun said, "so I say that Yunsheng is inferior. How can we pick and pick up the holy way like buying goods? When we look at the holy way, we will be able to pass, and if we don't pass, we will be unable to pass. If we don't pass, we can only speak subtly. If we pass, we will know how to speak subtly. The so-called wonderful is just because we don't pass! The error of our ancestors is very poisonous, and so is Yunsheng!"

"Fang Sheng is too arbitrary!" Yun Sheng snorted coldly.

Fang Yun smiled and said, "I know that Yun Shengjing's Li is a Confucian. I dare to ask thousands of ways. What can I say and why not?"

Yunsheng didn't answer immediately.

The great Confucians realized that Fang Yun's way of asking questions was very clever.

Fang Yun is unstable and subtle, but asks what can be said or what can not be said. If Yunsheng says what can be said, it proves that Fang Yun's words are right. If Yunsheng says what can't be said, Fang Yun asks deeply. Whether Yunsheng answers or not, it confirms what Fang Yun said.

If you really understand, you can say it. If you don't understand, you can't say it.

Fang Yun didn't go to see Yunsheng. He turned to the great Confucian and said slowly, "be careful in your words and deeds, and leave a disaster for thousands of years!"

In the sky, the sound of the avenue resounds.

In the river, the dragon's gate rises.

As soon as this subversive argument came out, not only the great scholars were shocked, but also the saints looked at Fang Yun in surprise.

After a moment, the saints interpreted the words with holy thoughts, and their eyes glittered.

"Goodness!" Wang Jinglong seemed to realize something, and his eyes to Fang Yun were full of admiration.

"Kindness!" Chen Qingzhi lowered his head slightly and thought deeply.

"Great kindness!" Kong Changxun made no secret of the admiration of the other party.

The rest of the semi saints nodded or showed complex colors. I don't know how to evaluate them.

The great Confucians vaguely understood Fang Yun's intention, but they were not very clear.

Only a few great Confucians who had thought about similar problems nodded hard and even became agitated.

Fang Yun Road: "The semi holy eye runs through the past and the present. As I once said to Master Kong, we should look not only at the present, but also at the past, but also at the future. When our eyes run through time and space, we look at everything from a completely different perspective. The human race is born. It eats hair and blood, has no intention of sound, and the words are invisible, and looks like a beast. Then, we can efficiently let others know our intentions by speaking in the same voice and in the same shape, For efficient collaboration. "

"The reason why Terrans are superior to animals is not only physical tools such as hoes and axes, but also tools such as language and words. It is true that diseases come from the mouth, but real knowledge comes from the mouth! Our ancestors first communicated by voice. We have communicated by voice for millions of years, but by words for less than 10000 years. Therefore, most of us are better at listening than reading."

"It is the earnest instruction of our relatives and friends that we can learn from babbling to eloquence; it is the students who are eager to learn from the form to the ten elements at a glance; we can sit here and preach because people talk about true knowledge and knowledge. There are notes, notes, exegesis, and justice in the text, all of which are using more words, simpler explanations, and more popular for the original" exquisite "things An easy to understand way to let more people understand and learn. "

"Therefore, when we look back, we will find that the Terran has been becoming more 'nagging', and has been reading pictures to make future generations understand true knowledge in a more understandable way. When we look to the future, we will certainly see that in order to express complex true knowledge, the Terran will use many and simple ways to understand and explain."

"Cautious words and deeds can seal not only misfortune, but also true knowledge, doubt and our creativity! The most terrible thing about cautious words and deeds is to prevent us from making mistakes. Isn't it good to prevent mistakes? Very bad! Because when we don't make mistakes, we will forget the best ability of Terrans or all creatures and correct mistakes!"

"From the perspective of a person, we only focus on one point, one point that doesn't move. It's a good thing to be cautious in words and deeds, because we can avoid making a fool of ourselves, being hurt and being laughed at. However, if we broaden our horizons, if there are tens of billions of points and tens of billions of Terrans, we will be cautious in words and deeds. What will we do? What will we do? What will we talk about it on paper Soldiers? With what tongue spring thunder! With what mouth and pen! "

Many great Confucians only felt that their minds exploded and something new sprouted in their minds!