Choose Xizhou? Xunzi aristocratic family has been based in Xizhou for many years, which has plunged Yasheng aristocratic family into war, which is forcing Xunzi family to rebel!

What's more, once defeated, the Xunzi aristocratic family is even a person of Jingguo!

With the Yasheng family in charge, the status of a country is absolutely different.

In the long run, Xizhou is more important than Fengzhou! The Yasheng aristocratic family is not a big fat meat, but a big treasure, which can enhance a country's Qi and fortune.

It's hard for people to choose.

"Really not, try Yongzhou?"

The soldier's family rolled their eyes again.

Yongzhou is adjacent to Qiguo, very far from the capital of Qingguo and very close to Qiguo. In fact, everyone knows that Yongzhou has been infiltrated into the country like a sieve. If there is a war in Yongzhou, the capital will be out of reach.

What's more, Yongzhou and Xiangzhou are separated by Dongting Lake and on the south side of the Yangtze River. Once the war starts, the Qingguo water army will flow out, which can directly use the water army to divide Yongzhou into several large blocks and then quickly erode it.

A war in Yongzhou is tantamount to giving Yongzhou up.

"Xizhou and Fengzhou must choose one." marshal Zongxuan was helpless.

No one dares to speak.

At this time, whoever speaks first will be hated to death by an aristocratic family.

"Fengzhou is along the river, and it is not suitable for the war of seizing the state. Only Xizhou is an inland state. Without big rivers, Jingguo has no advantage." a family member said the result with difficulty.

There were sighs in the hall.

In fact, everyone knows that Xizhou is the best choice.

But what about Xunzi family?

That's the Yasheng family. There are only six people in all.

"Can we persuade the Xun family to leave Xizhou and give them a bigger place as the city of aristocratic families?"

Many people shake their heads. You don't have to think about this. Xizhou is the birthplace of the Xun family. Moving away from there will break the roots of the family, unless the Xun family doesn't want to last for hundreds of generations.

Even, compared with the Qing state, Xun family was more interested in joining Jing state.

The ministers in the hall seemed to lose interest, and the atmosphere was very embarrassing.

After a long time, Zong Ganyu said, "I went to the Xun family in person, admitted my mistake to the Xun family, and discussed with Jingguo. Xun County, where the Xun family is located, will not be the battlefield of this war."

"What if this war is defeated?"

Zong Ganyu said in a stern voice, "celebrate the country and win!"

"Qingguo will win!" Zong Wuyan shouted.

"Celebrate the country and win!" many people shouted.

"Can we vote before the war to seize the state?" a young man of the Xi family whispered.

The atmosphere at the scene was particularly embarrassing.

After a while, the ministers voted, and finally passed the battle of seizing the state with nearly 70% support.

Zong Ganyu glanced at everyone coldly and said, "no one can leave before dark. You can't leave until the war of seizing the state is officially opened. If you dare to disclose any information during this war, the referee will be waiting for you!"

"Does Zong Sheng agree with this?" asked Mr. Xi da.

Zong Ganyu said coldly, "this is a political matter of celebrating the country. My father doesn't need to agree! Everyone, wait here."

On March 22, it was sunny everywhere, but it was cloudy in Xizhou.

At the end of the afternoon, Qingguo officially submitted the state war document to the holy courtyard and Jingguo!

Terran sensation.

When the war of seizing the state was handed over, it seemed that there was a powerful force over Jingguo and Qingguo.

From now on, until the end of the war of seizing the state, all acts of Fang Sheng and Zongsheng will be recorded. Once they are found to directly or indirectly interfere in the war of seizing the state, they will be sentenced.

In Ning'an City, Zhang Tian, the new minister of the Ministry of work, and a group of workers' scholars stood in a huge workers' library like a warehouse, busy.

Since the third day of the lunar new year, they have been busy in this worker's library, sorting, recording and selecting all books.

These people even disdain to participate in the debate and literature meeting with rich rewards!

When the news of the state war came, everyone stopped what they were doing.

After a while, Zhang Tian suddenly showed a strange smile and asked, "Qingguo is going to fight with us to seize the state?"

Similar strange smiles appeared on the faces of all artificial families.

"What should we choose?" asked the waiter of the Ministry of work.

Zhang Tian still smiled strangely and asked, "do you choose?"

The workers finally couldn't help laughing.

Jingguo capital.

Zhang poyue looked at the soldiers' family under the hall, suddenly patted the table and said angrily: "these shameless Qingguo people, while Lao Tzu and Wenying were promoted to great Confucianism, Jingguo didn't take the opportunity to launch a sneak attack! Tell me, what should I do?"

"Now that you have won the title of the king of Sao Hua, don't take part in the war of seizing the state and practice well. Even without you, our king country can't lose." a five-level general whispered.

Many generals laughed secretly.

At the previous debate, Zhang poyue gave full play to his nature, and all kinds of coquettish words appeared frequently. Don't say that no one among the great Confucianism could coquettish him, and all the scholars in the full text were ashamed of themselves.

Therefore, Zhang poyue was given the nickname of Sao Hua great Confucian and the title of Sao Hua king. At the end of the debate, he was successfully selected into the list of 3000 people and one of the best 300 great Confucian, and his reply was selected as golden sentence.

But he still chose the opposite side, so that some people doubt whether Fang Sheng would slap him to death when he saw him, and whether Lu Meier would commit suicide when she saw him.

As soon as his subordinates mentioned the king of Sao words, Zhang poyue immediately brushed his beard and said with a smile: "the hero didn't mention my courage. In fact, I didn't do well enough at that time. I'm sure I can go to a higher level after the next debate and literature meeting! Get down to business! The Empress Dowager will hold a grand court meeting soon. Let's discuss it first so that we can have a bottom."

A Hanlin general stood up and said, "don't discuss it. I just came back from Ning'an a few days ago. You know my minor worker's house. I went to visit the worker's library where Fang Sheng didn't know where to make drums. Basically, let's retreat in Xiangzhou and let them attack for 355 days. In the last ten days, the victory still belongs to us."

Zhang Po Yue nodded and said, "I've heard about the workers' library, but it's still in the confidentiality period, so I can't touch it. Are those workers' technologies really so strong?"

"It's really so strong! No, it must be stronger than you think or even than I think, because I heard that it's only a small part of technology, really... In Fang Sheng's words, it's called black work technology, which is still hidden in his literary world."

Zhang Po Yue nodded and said, "I'll be relieved. But what about my itchy hands? Give me some advice!"

"You can command the war in Xiangzhou. As long as you don't do it, you can play as you like."

Zhang poyue shook his head and said, "you don't understand my deep feelings for Qingguo people. I'd rather not go to war without blood!"

They suddenly remembered that Zhang poyue had worked in Jiangzhou for many years and had a deep feud with the water army of Qingguo. Many brothers died in the hands of Qingguo people.

When Jingguo was weak, Zhang Po Yue could only protect himself by whatever means he used.

Later, Qingguo launched a sneak attack. Zhou poyue prepared early and went to Ding county to burn thousands of troops with dragon fire fighting tools, which could vent his hatred.