From a high altitude, people like a black torrent surround Kong City, go deep into Kong City, and reach the big square at the foot of Daofeng mountain.

People rushed from all directions of the big square. They had messy headscarves, wet robes, or mud covered feet, but their eyes were very firm and there was no panic in a strange place.

Without command or guidance, they instinctively avoided Kong Weishan's team and rushed behind Yan Yukong.

When Terrans from all directions began to appear, Kong Weishan's team finally stopped.

This team of hundreds of thousands of people only walked more than 10000 people, which did not make the team look smaller.

However, the opposite team grew at an incredible speed.

People from all over Shengyuan mainland joined the team behind Yan Yukong.

The sea embraces all rivers, and tolerance is great.

Soon, Yan Yukong became a vast sea of Terrans behind him, so that Yan Yukong kept moving forward and let more people stand behind him.

Not long ago, Yan Yukong was pushed to Kong Weishan by more and more people behind him.

Kong Weishan is retreating, and the team of hundreds of thousands of people is retreating!

Yan Yukong advances, Yan Yukong's team advances.

Soon, the total number of people behind Yan Yukong exceeded ten million!

Moreover, this number is increasing rapidly.

Those who had been watching Kong Cheng suddenly felt a little confused. Why is there a sea between Kong Wei Mountain and Daofeng mountain in such a short time!

An ocean that all saints can't cross, an ocean that will never disappear.

Yan Yukong continued to move forward and Kong Weishan continued to retreat.

Finally, the whole square is full of Terrans, more than 100 million Terrans!

This number is far more than any gathering in Terran history!

This number is still increasing! Continue to increase! Keep increasing!

Kong Weishan's team of hundreds of thousands of people was forced out of the big square.

Then they were completely surrounded!

From a distance, Kong Weishan's team is like prisoners on the execution ground, while Yan Yukong's team is like prison officials and people surrounding the whole execution ground.

After the first batch of external support appeared, the people behind Kong Weishan panicked.

They don't know what happened or why. They can only gather together like fish in the sea, hoping to avoid fierce predators.

Their huge banner had long been robbed and torn up by the people opposite.

The arrogant Kong Weishan can no longer do anything except retreat. He can only look blankly at the front and occasionally at the left and right.

He didn't understand why he echoed in kongcheng and gathered followers in the discussion list, but there were more and more people opposite.

Why do we keep shouting on the list and in Kong City, but no one joins our team?

Since Yan Yukong said that, no new person has joined Kong Weishan's team.

Kong Weishan can't understand.

Where are the holy families?

What about the children of Confucius?

Confucian, miscellaneous family?

What are they doing!

Kong Weishan's heart is roaring and shouting.

No one answered him.

When the number of support people at the foot of Daofeng mountain exceeded 300 million, the increase in the number began to slow down, but only slowed down, and the total amount was still increasing.

Three hundred million people gathered together, like the sea, like mountains, like clouds and like rain.

The space of Kong Weishan's team was further compressed and crowded together like a group of angry little daughters-in-law.

Yan Yukong looked at Kong Weishan in front of him.

"You want more than people?" Yan Yukong asked slowly.

Kong Weishan said angrily, "you collude with the dragon people. You're cheating!"

"You speak carefully." Ao Qingyue stared at Kong Weishan coldly.

Kong Weishan quickly shut up and said with grief and indignation, "the right is only in the hands of a few people. No matter how many of you are, you can't represent the saints! Don't be crazy. The saints will save us! The saints family will send someone to help us right away. You have no number, but you can't be beaten!"

"Mount Victoria..." an old voice sounded in the crowd and spread all over the sky.

When they followed the prestige, they saw a large number of old people in purple lined up and walked slowly to Kong Weishan and others.

One or two great Confucians in the team were nothing, but when hundreds of great Confucians gathered together, they walked forward with whips in their hands, their faces were calm and murderous, and instantly became the focus of the whole city.

Even the joint efforts of 300 million people are not as attractive as the hundreds of purple robed scholars.

Kong Weishan wept with joy and turned to the people behind him and said, "look, it's the old Kong family! The old Kong family has come to save us! Not only the old Kong family, but also the elders of the six Yasheng aristocratic families have come! But also the elders of other aristocratic families have come! We have been saved!"

Many people in Kong Weishan's team burst into tears. Finally it was over, and finally a savior came.

It's terrible to be watched by more than 300 million Terrans in public.

I'd rather be stared at by the saints than by so many people.

It was a nightmare experience.

The crowd looked at the hundreds of purple robed scholars and soon saw their familiar faces. However, when they looked carefully, they all had some doubts.

Because these great Confucians are aggressive and seem to be angry, but they always feel that there is something wrong.

The closer the two sides are, the more confused they are.

Seeing that the two sides were about to meet, Kong Yingshi, an old Kong family, looked at Kong Weishan with gnashing teeth.

"Weishan... Now, you've never repented! You not only disobeyed the holy judgment, but also pretended to be a tiger. Under the banner of the Kong family, you colluded with the families and bought the useless waste of all families, just to revenge your father's punishment by the Kong family! You ruined the reputation of the Kong family, the reputation of all holy families and hundreds of thousands of scholars for your own personal gain Your future! You are full of evil, and your sin is unforgivable! "

Kong Weishan and all the people behind him stood still and looked at Kong Weishan who continued to approach in disbelief.

Their eyes were blurred, their minds were blank, their eyes were blank, and even unconsciously turned their heads slightly, as if they were confirming whether they still had the ability to think.

What's going on?

Aren't the senior leaders of all families secretly supporting themselves?

How did you suddenly become wrong?

Is this Fang Yun's magic?

Kong Yingshi went to Kong Weishan, raised his whip high and shouted, "beast, kneel down!"

The powerful guru swayed forward like a wave. Kongwei mountain was just a mere imperial forest, like wild grass in the wind. His legs were soft and his knees hit the ground heavily.

The pain in his knee woke Kong Weishan up. He suddenly stood up to ask, but Kong Yingshi's whip came down.

Pa... Pa

One whip after another fell on Kong Weishan's body, and even several whips were pulled on the most vulnerable head, drawing blood marks from his black hair.

Kong Weishan's pain was unbearable. He didn't care to ask clearly. He hurriedly covered his head and face with his hands. At the same time, he shouted: "what have I done wrong? Who dares to hit me without the official documents of the Kong family's punishment hall! Stop! I'm after Kong Sheng. I'm a human Hanlin. You can't hit me! I'm a scholar..."