At the same time, an incredible scene appeared in front of the holy temples around the Terran.

The giant talent light curtain, which was originally used only in special periods such as the ten National Congress, suddenly appeared.

In front of the light curtain everywhere, the scene of Fang Yun stepping on Qingjun, whose face is blocked, is constantly playing.

The whole Shengyuan continent is out of control.

Qingguo's territory is filled with resentment and anger.

The images taken by Fang Yunxu Louzhu are also played in the big light curtain in the two mountains.

At the Qingguo military camp, all Qingguo soldiers gathered.

The soldiers broke into tears, and many even collapsed on the ground, wailing and beating the ground.

Some scholars, led by Fang Yun's good friends Yan Yukong and Zong Wude, stood quietly at the forefront of the team. Their bodies were covered with wounds and their clothes were damaged everywhere. However, because there had been no war for many days, their hair was neat and their clothes were broken without disorder.

Zongshan, commander of the Qing army and a soldier of the military university, rode on a war horse and wore scale armor in front of the army.

Zongshan threw his whip violently.


The harsh voice frightened everyone, and the cries of the soldiers gradually decreased.

Zongshan's eyes are red, her head is high, her veins are exposed in her neck, and her tongue is full of spring thunder.

"Our country's officers and men fought bloody battles in the two mountains. Have they ever stepped back?"

"No!" some people shouted.

"Have our soldiers ever received preferential treatment?"

"No!" more people shouted.

"In the mountains between the two boundaries, have our soldiers ever bullied the soldiers of Jingguo?"

"No!" most people stood up and shouted, looking at Zongshan.

"Well, have our soldiers ever insulted Jingjun so much?"

"No!" more people shouted.

"Then, why should the monarch of our country suffer such a great humiliation? I Zongshan is not willing, are you willing?"

"Unwilling!" almost everyone was yelling desperately.

Zong Shan looked cold and looked at the army and said: "I am Zongshan, a disciple of Zong family, who can only find a way to break through in Liangjie mountain. I have complained about Zong family and even Zongsheng! I have complained about Zongshan, who was excluded by my colleagues and relatives when celebrating the country. I have complained about the officials and the ignorance of Qingjun. However, this Qingguo is our Qingguo, Qingjun, our Qingjun! The king of Qingguo is our abuse for thousands of times No one in other countries can say no! You say, don't you? "

"Yes!" many soldiers cried with tears.

Yan Yukong smiled and said to his friends: "see, Fang Yun... No, it's time to call Fang Sheng. He said that to boost morale and guide people's hearts, we must finally let people make simple choices. If we can use one word without saying two words, we can use two words without saying three words, otherwise it will be very chaotic. This great scholar Zongshan won this method."

At the moment, Yan Yukong is wearing blue embroidered cloud clothes.

After Fang Yun, his peers continued to add new images to this article.

Soon, the latest image appeared.

The image slowly turned, allowing people to see the Qianqing hall and the rest of the hall.

Miscellaneous scholars either stand or kneel, each gnashing his teeth, hoping to tear Fang Yun.

Finally, the image turned, and Fang Yun's foot on Qing Jun was still played, and Fang Yun's face was still not recorded.

At this time, a loud voice came from the image.

"When the first Liangjie mountain war ended and the Terrans left with their broken bodies, everyone knew that ink and blood would bloom again on Liangjie mountain at any time! What was Qingjun doing? He was eyeing Jingguo and sent Liushan to ruin Jingguo!"

"What was Qing Jun doing when the corpses of the generals and soldiers of the kingdom of Jing were lined up from langju Xu mountain to Ning'an city and the dead bones were exposed in the cold wind? Instead of sending troops for rescue, he joined hands with the barbarians to invade the kingdom of Jing!"

"When fishermen of the two countries fight with harpoons in the Yangtze River and collide with fishing boats in the sea, what is Qingjun doing? Adding fuel to the fire and helping the tyranny!"

"When Jingguo presents the drawings of the workers with both hands, and when the people of Qingguo endure disdainful eyes in order to earn more money for a bowl of rice, what is Qingjun doing? Obstructing change and going against the torrent of history!"

"When Jing Guogong's family excitedly counted the yellow copper money in the middle of the night, and when Qi Guonong looked at the lush rice and smiled, what was Qing Jun doing? Plundering the people's fat and cream and putting on a big banquet!"

"As a monarch, I can't see the rough yellow calluses in the palms of farmers, the graying hair of workers and scholars in front of oil lamps, and the human holy way paved by generations of people with their whole life. However, I always miss a few copper coins in the pockets of the people, worry about who is slandering the government of the DPRK, and doubt who wants to replace it!"