"How dare you come here?"

Gu Xu got up slowly. The dense volcanoes behind him seemed to be pulled by Weili. They erupted together and made a deafening sound. The red magma rushed into the sky and became red all over the world, which was spectacular.

The holy power around Gu Xu is more wild than the volcano. The blood light and golden holy light are uncertain, which is completely different from the stable holy light on Fang Yun.

As before, Gu Xu is still dressed in gold armor, but the difference is that the current gold armor is more powerful. It is made of the complete remains of a great saint. The surface is covered with dense dark gold holy patterns. At the same time, there are some powerful three-dimensional symbols flashing and sinking on the surface of the armor.

Gu Xuming is a semi holy statue three feet high, but it is like a star, handling yuan power and carrying all things.

Gu Xu's whole face was covered by the helmet's visor. Only two gaps appeared in his eyes, but his eyes could not be seen. In the gap, the blood color and golden power formed the blood golden flame, which gushed continuously, as if there was a sun in it.

Gu Xu stepped on the jiaosheng skeleton. The jiaosheng skeleton had no skin and flesh. It was white and full of cold. There were continuous white frost condensation and melting on the surface of the skeleton.

Ao Zhou fixed his eyes on it. Suddenly, the holy power burst all over his body, the space shook, the Dragon scales shook violently, patted each other, and even made a sound like a bell.

This is a phenomenon only when the dragon and Jiao families are extremely angry.

"You dare to enslave the saint uncle!" Ao Zhou blew his lungs.

Jiao Sheng, who was trampled by Gu Xu, has experienced hardships since childhood and suffered many ill fates, but he has helped Jiao family a lot and is highly respected by Jiao family. Ao Zhou was saved by this family uncle that year. Ao Zhou never thought that after his uncle died, he was still enslaved.

"Aren't you the same?" the holy power flame from Gu Xu's eyes was stronger.

"It's different! Let go of my clan uncle immediately, or Ben Sheng will kill your Miao people and kill your whole family!"

Gu Xu smiled calmly and said, "you deserve it?"


Ao Zhou was about to attack. Fang Yun said, "give him to me. As for the destruction of his Miao descendants, I'll give it to you later."

"OK!" Ao Zhou was so angry that he was really ready to kill the whole Guxu family in the future.

Gu Xu ignored Ao Zhou, slowly turned his head wrapped in armor, looked at Fang Yun and said, "your vision of canonization is indeed powerful and is still on this saint. However, the power given to you by those visions is too little. It can be used to bully saints who are not as good as yourself, and it is useless in front of opponents with equal strength."

Fang Yun smiled and said, "before you die, you will know what the real universal vision is. It's not a loss for me to use universal vision against you for the first time."

Ao Zhou was slightly stunned. Fang Yun drove thousands of real dragon holy swords to all walks of life before he thought. Isn't it the strongest level of illumination in the world?

"Talk big. Come on, what are you doing here?" Gu Xu said.

"Kill you." Fang Yun said, not immediately, but slowly took things out of his literary world.

"Fang Yun, I won't nag you either. I've just been promoted and my strength is not stable. Killing you now will damage my foundation, which is not what I want. And it's absolutely impossible for you to kill me. I think you go."

Fang Yun didn't seem to hear Gu Xu's words. He called out the boat of sand, then the Marquis car, sat down, and took out a square desk. Then, just as primary school children decorate the table, they put paperweights, penholders, penholders, pen washes, inkstone turtles, holy pages, etc. on the table one by one.

Gu Xu took a deep breath and said, "since you don't hesitate to fight to the death in order to damage the foundation of my holy way, the holy will take a step back. If you leave, you won't do it for you within three years?"

Fang Yun still didn't seem to hear it. He took out the semi holy Wen Bao and Zixia pen.

Strangely, Zixia's pen has been completely repaired and its power has returned to its peak. The old pen was standing at the top of Zixia's pen, like an old man with a white beard composed of white light, as if he was closing his eyes and taking a nap.

The inkstone turtle has grown to two feet long, and the stripes of the turtle shell are ten times thicker than before. There is a strange coating on the surface of the whole inkstone turtle, which is warm and shiny, especially thick.

The ink girl in the inkstone turtle is also greatly changed. She is no longer a girl. Instead, she looks like a plump young woman, but her character still hasn't changed. She hides shyly in the ink pool, and only her mouth reveals the surface of the ink.

The inkstone Turtle was very old. He climbed slowly on the table, tilted his head and eyes, looked at Gu Xu contemptuously, and didn't pay attention to the first half saint of the demon world at all.

When hundreds of holy pages were placed on the desk, they made the clang of rocks falling to the ground. These holy pages were not light gold, but gray gold. They were close to dark gold and looked very old and thick.

Gu Xu glanced at the old pen, the inkstone turtle, the ink woman and the thick holy page, and the holy flame in his eyes jumped violently.

Ao Zhou didn't dare to turn his head. He was afraid to disturb Fang Yun. He used his holy mind to wait and see. When he saw these four strange things, his eyelids jumped suddenly!

As the Lord of the Yangtze River, Kong Sheng was not born when Ao Zhou was canonized. He witnessed all the wars of the Terran and knew the power of the Terran like the back of his hand.

In those years, the human semi saint of Liangjie mountain showed the power of the four wonders of the study. However, compared with the four wonders of the study in front of Fang Yun, the former four wonders of the study were like children's toys.

In the holy thoughts of Ao Zhou, the old man with white beard composed of white light is a semi holy condensed by holy thoughts!

The inkstone turtle is even more terrible. The real dragon holy blood in his body is surging, like the illegitimate son of a Dragon Emperor. Ao Zhou even suspects that he can't even beat this inkstone turtle!

The ink woman seems harmless, but in fact she is full of holy power, which is obviously a semi Holy One!

As for those holy pages, Ao Zhou didn't quite understand them, but he had a feeling that if there were holy pages in Kong Sheng's era and stayed with Kong Sheng every day, it would not be as powerful as the holy pages in front of Fang Yun!

If it is the four wonders of the study, it is just that they are extremely powerful. However, whether it is a bookcase, a pen holder or other utensils, they all exude a very old smell, and these smells do not have a rotten smell, but are like old wine and become more mellow.

In terms of power, all the utensils Fang Yun took out were at the level of semi holy Wen Bao!

Fang Yun took out a complete set of semi holy utensils!

"Where did he get such a terrible treasure? It should only be Kong Sheng's former residence. Yasheng's former residence can't get together this set of half life utensils. Did he really move time and space in the legend..." Ao Zhou thought of this and was stunned. At present, all kinds of signs show that Fang Yun had a great experience after leaving the sea of sin, and even completely exceeded his imagination.

Suddenly, the space around Gu Xu burst, and there were dense space cracks.

Ao Zhou was surprised. The demon genius was too rebellious. It was clear that only the great saint could break the void. The ancient void could do it only by being angry. How powerful was the power.

Seeing Gu Xu glared at Fang Yun, he gnashed his teeth and said, "did you use the tributary of the Taigu Star River that belongs to this saint?"

Fang Yun Zhan Yan smiled. Instead of looking at Gu Xu, he continued to decorate his desk and said, "first correct your mistake. The tributary of the Taigu Star River is mine. Finally, I answered you and used it."