Dragon city.

Everyone felt the endless light and was shocked. This was the power of the top big people when they were granted ancestors. It shone all over the world. What a glory!

All the fighting stopped, and most of the semi holy incarnations were half kneeling.

In addition to Aozhou of sin sea, wolf solid saint and Niu Xun saint.

The three saints were at a loss in the great light. Just now, all attacks failed, and even the strongest attack was used. They lost their life and consumed divine blood, but they always got nothing.

But the vision is getting stronger and stronger.

"I don't believe this is the vision of Fang Yun's canonization!" Ao Zhou said firmly.

"I don't believe it. It must be a saint who is being promoted! It's just a coincidence!" Niu Xun said.

"It must have nothing to do with Fang Yun! We continue to wait. As long as the vision passes, we can see Fang Yun. He can't run away!" said Wolf Gu Sheng.

In the internal affairs hall of the Dragon Court, Ao Zhipan, the great saint of the dragon family and the head of the internal affairs hall, was deep in the hall, looking up at the light of the heavens without expression.

The light dissipated slowly. Suddenly, the whole dragon city roared.

When they looked around, they saw that the sea water of Longcheng suddenly appeared in the void.

The endless sea water rises high and bends in one direction, as if paying homage to something.

Not only the water of Longcheng, but also the water of Wanjie are paying homage in the same direction.

The sixth vision, tides all over the world.

The rest of the ethnic groups didn't think so, but the Wanjie aquarium was so shocked that they knelt down one after another.

Some aquariums are crazy and shout the Dragon Emperor.

Because, only when the Dragon Emperor is promoted to the holy ancestor in the Wanjie, will he form the vision of tidal growth in the world, which is almost the standard vision of the holy ancestor of the dragon family.

At this moment, everyone of all ethnic groups in Longcheng looked different.

The dragon race and some aquatics are ecstatic, but the ancient demon fighting soul and demon barbarians are all pale.

If this is the ancestor of the dragon family, the situation in the world will be chaotic.

The tide slowly receded, and everyone in Longcheng looked up. Suddenly, a powerful force came from the highest place.

Everyone's head was suppressed by an absolutely irresistible force and lowered his head slowly.

Ordinary people of all ethnic groups were terrified and wanted to die. They bowed their heads honestly and dared not resist.

However, the saints of all races are biting their teeth and trying to raise their heads.

Two mountains away.

The light of the heavens has dissipated, and everything is as usual.

The half saints, who were not seriously injured, looked at each other, nodded together and pressed against the two mountain city walls from half air again.

Although the number of them is not as large as at the beginning, they are still powerful and have absolute suppression on the two boundary mountains. As long as you slowly consume all the forces of Liangjie mountain, you will certainly create an opportunity for the great sage Huan to break Liangjie mountain.

See the demon pretty saints or open their mouth, or lift their claws, or raise their hands, ready to use semi holy power, but a strange scene appeared.

All demons and half saints, all attacks were interrupted, and Qi Qi lowered his head.

Forty three demons were half holy and bowed their heads neatly.

All the semi saints' eyes turned red instantly, their veins were exposed, and their holy Qi gushed explosively, desperately trying to raise their heads.

"Who dares to insult me!"

"Who is it!"

"Who dares to be so arrogant!"

"Even the great sage, you are dead!"

"It may not be a great saint, but it may also be zubao!"

"Stop now!"

"Great sage of rat Huan, come and help us."

On the two mountain cities, the battle stopped, and all Terrans were crushed by invisible forces.

Although everyone lowered their heads, their eyes tried to look up, and they all seemed to turn their eyes. Only in this way could they see the appearance of the 43 demons above.

At this moment, all the Terrans on the walls of the two mountain cities felt very happy. Anyway, I have no regrets in my life to see such a funny scene of the demon man semi saint!

Soon, a scene that made the Terrans on the two mountains more regretless happened.

He saw that the great sage Huan, who had hidden his tracks, slowly appeared and, like everyone, was lowering his head.

His whole body was full of holy power, which shone brightly on the space of the two boundary mountains, and the power of the great saint fluctuated back and forth like a tsunami.

When the great saint Shengwei passed by, he saw that there were hundreds of millions of demon barbarians between the two boundary mountains and the demon barbarian city. The demon barbarians fell to the ground silently, died silently, and even didn't wail.

Whether it was an ordinary demon man or a big demon king, even dozens of emperors could not avoid and died.

The demon half saint is very ashamed and angry to see rat Huan like this. That's the great saint of the demon family! Even the ancient demon saint of that year can't insult the demon Saint like this!

But now, the great saint of the demon family is bowing his head, and facing the two boundary mountains!

This is like the great sage Huan admitting his mistake to the Terran.

Several excited semi saints shed tears, and the Lord of the world was so insulted, never before!

At this time, a half sage of the Fox family shouted, "don't fight, great sage of the rat Huan. This is a vision of ancestor sealing, and all sentient beings bow their eyebrows! There was such a vision when the chaotic mang ancestor god sealed the ancestor!"

The seventh vision, all creatures bow their eyebrows!

The saints who had fought suddenly woke up and immediately remembered it.

The great sage Huan was stunned for a moment, stopped struggling, then lowered his head and roared, "is there a great sage in the world to confer ancestry? Logically, I should feel it. Why not that feeling?"

"I don't know, but it's really a ancestral vision, and it's also the highest level of ancestral vision."

"Let's not struggle. The vision will disappear."

Outside the two mountains, the demons and saints fell silent.

Deep in the starry sky.

Eight demons and great saints were suspended above a super giant sun. They saw that the super giant sun spewed endless flames upward, all pouring into a brass stove. There are many holes on the surface of the brass stove, eight of which emit eight gentle lines of fire and fly into the bodies of the eight great saints.

The huge sun is rapidly darkening and shrinking.

But in a few seconds, the super giant sun disappeared.

The eight great saints were on their way when suddenly the heavens were bright.

"Which clan is the ancestor?"

"I don't know."

"This kind of power seems to have nothing to do with the demon man of our family. It seems that the dragon family has this vision. The old thief Kong... Cough, Kong Sheng also has this vision in the end."

"It won't be the Terran. The Terran is only semi holy. It's most likely the dragon."

"Well, you see, the water on those stars is paying homage."

"The tide of the world? It seems that a great saint of the dragon family is going to be promoted to the Dragon Emperor."

"Then our plan will be discussed in the long run. I'm afraid there is a fortress at dusk..."

"Shut up!"


"I hope rat Huan will live up to our expectations."

"It's also reasonable for us to work together to send him back to the demon world in advance. Unfortunately, without Huang... Their obstruction, we have now reached the demon world."

"Nonsense, the war between the two mountains must have begun. The day we arrive is when the Terrans bow their heads!"

"Hum, just human..."

The voice of the great saints was suddenly interrupted. Then, the eight great saints slowly lowered their heads as if they were pressed on their heads by the invisible big hands of the holy ancestors.


"Who dares to humiliate Ben Sheng!"

"The demon man is the Lord of the world. Who dares to do so! Even if you are the holy ancestor, you will pay the price!"

Many great saints roared angrily. As great saints, they have seen the holy ancestor, but because they never fight with the holy ancestor and are honestly under the holy ancestor, they have never encountered "far from the sky, higher than the ancestor", and have never suffered such shame!