Diqian and other young children of the imperial family stared at Fang Yun with admiration in their eyes. They silently remembered Fang Yun's words and instinctively felt that if they could understand and do what Fang Yun said, their achievements would be extraordinary.

Fang Yun smiled and said, "what are you going to do next?"

"Make a plan!" emperor LAN shouted.

The saints smile.

While walking, Dilan sighed: "Just now, I don't think it's necessary to make plans everywhere. Who knows, in a twinkling of an eye, your plan reminds the ancestors and may even save the whole emperor family. In the future, I won't say that the ancestors' affairs have nothing to do with me. As long as I participate in what I want to do, I have to make plans. And just like you said, when making plans, I have to extend them Play. "

Emperor Han nodded and said: "From then on, everyone in the imperial family should practice the ability to make plans! Such as pre war planning, looking for opportunities, post-war summary, criticism and self-criticism and extended deduction are necessary steps, which can not be reduced, but can be increased. We must abandon the bad habit of relying only on the ancestors as the instructor said! Only by abandoning them can we become them!"

The saints suddenly felt that what Emperor Han said was reasonable and nodded one after another.

Fang Yun said, "you see, Emperor Han added a very important link to the plan."

The saints looked at Fang Yun in surprise. Even Emperor Han didn't realize it.

"Reflection! You may not find it, but I find that Emperor Han is very good at reflecting afterwards. I think this is one of his advantages over his peers. Many of you may be smarter than Emperor Han, but you don't have such an open-minded reflection as Emperor Han, so your growth is far from that of Emperor Han. After each battle, you should not only summarize and extend the deduction, but also On the same day or tomorrow, reflect. If the event is major and has a deep impact on yourself, you can even reflect again in a month and continue to reflect in a year! "

"Yes!" emperor LAN nodded obediently, not like the other party's question before.

As they spoke, they came to a seemingly ordinary big stone house.

"Young children are advanced!" Emperor Han said.

The saints stopped.

"Big brother, come in!" emperor Qian shouted at the top of his voice, and the other children shouted with their necks.

"Big brother, advanced!"

Fang Yun saw that the bear children looked sincere and did not refuse. He smiled and entered the refuge stone house.

Then the young child enters, then the semi saint, and finally the great saint.

There was only a lonely four legged black snake outside, with a hesitant face. He clearly wanted to go in, but he didn't dare to step.

At this time, Emperor Han grabbed the four legged black snake, and powerful holy power poured out, grabbed him and dragged him to the refuge stone house.

"I don't want to die..." the four legged black snake thought of the man who had been killed in the emperor's stone house, rolled his eyes and fainted.

Fang Yun walked into the stone house. It was very empty. In the center of the stone house, there was a large pool.

However, the water in the pool is strange and colorful. When you look carefully, it is not water, but a strange light like water.

Fang Yun stood by the pool and asked, "what is this?"

"Refuge!" emperor Qian said, pushing Fang Yun down directly and jumping down with him.

Fang Yun smiled and scolded the bear child. He felt that he fell in a warm and humid water and fell rapidly. He didn't feel any discomfort. He clearly touched something like water, but he didn't have breathing problems. Those water lights wouldn't flow into his body.

Not long after, Fang Yun felt his feet on the hard ground, blinked and was stunned.

It is as like as two peas of the tribe of the tribe outside. They are all attached to the shells of the turtle shells, and are covered with grass. Many places are also growing with strange looking trees. There are stone houses nearby.

Different from the outside, these plants seem to have no breath of life, like carved.

"This is the place of refuge. It looks the same as outside. Don't worry. As long as the hundred winged turtle and Dragon don't die, we won't get hurt." Di Lan's voice came.

Fang Yun looked back and saw that everyone and the four legged black snake had come here.

The bear children are very familiar with this place. They run and play together. They don't want to stay with the saints at all.

"Here... Is the inner space of master Baiyi turtle dragon?" Fang Yun asked.

Emperor LAN nodded and said, "yes, but it has been transformed by the saints. In an emergency, we will be moved to a secret place to ensure that the blood of the emperor will not be cut off."

"Don't worry about anything here?" Fang Yun said.

Emperor Lan said with a smile, "even if you scold the Emperor Dragon, it won't hear it. It can't be outside. He must be able to sense it. If he sees you later, he will hear you scold it immediately."

"The holy ancestor is really strong." Fang Yun said.

Emperor LAN sighed and said, "now, I just hope to kill the Emperor Dragon slowly. If he has achieved the strongest God star, he can only take refuge."

Emperor Han said, "there is no need to lose heart. If some instructors find out in advance, we won't be late. Although the great barren Canglong is not a primitive race and is not good at fighting, it is an ancient treasure. In a sense, it is better than the primitive race. It doesn't take a day to snatch the strongest God star from him."

"Why can the Emperor Dragon get a divine star?" Fang Yun asked.

Emperor Han said, "good luck. It's said that you got a treasure from a certain ethnic group and sacrificed four great ancestors of Taichu to devour a god star. However, that God Star is far inferior to the strongest God star. Even if the Emperor Dragon has that treasure, it's difficult to do it, not to mention that the treasure has disappeared."

"Since he wants to devour the strongest God star, he must be sure?" Fang Yun said.

The Emperor Han looked worried and said, "this is what we should worry about. The world is vast, and no one is sure whether the Emperor Dragon has got the treasure. I even suspected that the six emperor ancestors who were killed had actually been sacrificed by the Emperor Dragon. If the Emperor Dragon let them come, they would be killed."

"This is very possible! This should also be one of the reasons why the saints believe that the Emperor Dragon is targeting the wild green dragon." emperor Lan was surprised.

Fang Yun said again, "is this the plot of the great wilderness Canglong to use the great wilderness Canglong as a bait to catch the emperor family?"

Dihan said, "it's possible, but only if he gets the strongest divine star. Otherwise, even if he gets a treasure, he can't catch us all."

"I just put forward the possibility. As for the specific judgment, it depends on you. After all, I have not been canonized and know very little about the ethnic groups in the world." Fang Yun said.

Emperor Lan said, "fortunately, otherwise we will suspect that you are controlling the whole emperor family!"

The saints and Fang Yun laughed together.