So the great saints fell at the door of the savage hall, guarding and chatting.

The semi saints experienced hard battles, some lying on the ground and sleeping, some sitting together and chatting, and some eating and drinking.

Only the tenth team gathered the savage prisoners to the open space for custody according to the previous plan.

All the holy throne savages were killed, and the remaining savages gathered together like wild animals. They were in a panic and didn't know what to do.

The members of the tenth team saw that these savages were not dangerous and became loose.

Fang Yun hovered in mid air and scanned the whole tribe. His face became more and more ugly.

After a while, Fang Yun sneered, "what you have done is just another group of savages! You have lost all the faces of the emperor family!"

The saints looked at Fang Yun in surprise. The great saints didn't know whether Fang Yun said he was himself or not, each with a gloomy face.

Then Fang Yun unkindly opened the spray.

"Obviously there are injured teammates, but they don't go for treatment. They don't know to send them to a safe place!"

"The great saints did sweep the tribe with holy thoughts, but why didn't the half saints go to check all the bodies?"

"Those stone houses are still there. Who can be sure that there are no hidden threats in those stone houses?"

"Since the Eight Legged tiger ox came here, why don't you think about whether there will be other eight legged tiger ox on the road? Why don't you patrol and investigate around?"

"Most people still have physical strength. Instead of sitting there, why not count the booty?"

"Last but not least, why not make a post-war summary? Are the emperors a group of fools who can only fight with their fists without thinking with their heads?"

Fang Yunyue's words became more and more ugly. At first, the saints were still angry, but in the end, Fang Yunyue scolded them without saying a word and all of them wilted.

Even the great saints bowed their heads slightly. At this time, they all counseled, for fear that Fang Yun would turn the spear to himself and lose all his face as a great saint.

Seeing that the saints were still in a daze, Fang Yun shouted angrily, "what are you doing? The semi Saint captain of each team gathered together, quickly discussed a countermeasure according to what I said before, finished what should be done, and finally summarized the battle!"

The young semi saints hurried together as if they had been pardoned.

Under the gaze of Fang Yun, they did not dare to be lazy at all. They quickly assigned tasks. Some went out for patrol, some stood guard, some searched the stone house, some checked the corpses, and some counted and classified the spoils

Those savages looked at Fang Yun in the sky and suddenly found that this seemingly weakest emperor family was the most like a hero and leader. This man not only disintegrated the fighting spirit of the whole tribe, but also taught so many saints like grandchildren.

Is that man the hidden ancestor of the emperor?

Many savages whispered in secret and soon reached an agreement to determine that the Fangyun will protect savages and have a high position in the imperial family. It is much better to take refuge in this person than those imperial families who like to kill.

Suddenly, behind a stone house, there was a scream of the emperor's young semi saint. Then, a savage semi saint who originally seemed to be dead fled wildly. The nearby young semi Saint hurried to catch up, and the semi saints who patrolled and guarded also began to encircle.

Then, a young semi Saint limped out from behind the stone house, full of pain, and a big hole appeared in his chest, which was slowly healing.

The saints were shocked when they saw this scene. Fortunately, they did what Fang Yun said. Otherwise, the fleeing savage semi Saint would probably cause greater damage. The injured semi Saint must have been vigilant and avoided the key. If he didn't remind Fang Yun before and check randomly, he would probably be killed by sneak attack.

The escaped savage half Saint didn't even escape from the tribal Highlands, so he was surrounded and killed by the half saints of the imperial family.

Looking at the savage half Saint falling to the ground, Emperor Han said coldly, "after returning to the tribe, everyone will record what happened today. In the future, fight according to what your teacher said. Whoever doesn't do it in the future, I will whip you every day."

After the young semisaints responded, they continued to be busy.

Finally, the four great saints left the tribe for patrol. All the semi saints returned to the savage hall and began to summarize the post-war in front of Fang Yun and Emperor Han.

The more they summed up, the more ashamed the saints were. Only then did they find how low the fighting level was. It was like a child playing tricks.

After completing the post-war summary, Fang Yun asked the captain of each team to stand up and criticize and self-criticism.

Fang Yun quietly looked at the ten captains and determined some conjectures in his heart.

After these days of changes, Fang Yun found that those saints mastered the holy way, but the semi saints, great saints and young children of the imperial family were clumsy in many aspects, even worse than ordinary scholars in later generations.

Fang Yun originally thought that the emperor people were stupid or the holy way, but now it has been determined that it has nothing to do with the stupidity or intelligence of the emperor people. It is that the creatures in this period did not evolve completely in many aspects.

Taking the simplest plan as an example, the emperor family lives in an era full of danger. What the emperor family needs now is to attack the enemy, find cultivation resources, maintain survival, and solve survival problems as quickly and effectively as possible. As for planning, it takes a long time to think, and they naturally can't evolve the corresponding ability.

On the contrary, Terrans develop the excellent habit of planning in advance, but this is the result of hundreds of thousands of years of evolution.

Before the Terrans, except for a few dragons, the ancient demons and demon barbarians did not have this understanding and did not complete this evolution. The only soldier barbarian saint who could complete this evolution died early.

"The powerful ethnic groups in the ancient times were not only the Taichu extinction of the Jielong and the emperor, but also taught the emperor a more effective way of survival and development, which may enable them to survive longer."

Not long after, the team leaders criticized each other and looked at Fang Yun.

Fang Yun said, "there is a plan before the battle. We should find the opportunity during the battle. After the battle, we should count and check, followed by the battle summary, followed by criticism and self-criticism. What else do you need?"

The saints looked blankly, and even the great saints were confused.

Except for the four legged black snake.

It stands upright, holds its head proudly, holds its chest with its two claws, and looks like the saints of the examination. In fact, it has only one idea in its heart. Does it look like it? Is there anything that needs to be improved.

Fang Yun shook his head and said: "Counting and summarizing after the battle, even criticism, is based on the passive behavior of the battle. The last step of the battle is to carry out extended deduction! What is extended deduction? Very simple, it is based on all our understanding of the enemy. After thinking about the question, are there any returning enemies? Will those enemies bring rescue? These savages Are there any other reinforcements? What danger will we encounter next? What can we do to eradicate the danger? What can we do to maximize the harvest of our battle? Wait, wait, these are what we must think about. The most important thing is that we always have a clear concept, that is, the connection of all dharmas! "