Zhao Qianzhang looked very serious.

"The situation of demon barbarians is more serious than announced. The number of demon barbarians is dozens of times that of us. If we didn't have rich resources to support a large number of organs to fight, we would have been defeated by demon barbarians."

"There is another reason, that is, the demon barbarians are very scattered, and they have no unified co owner. The demon barbarians are barbaric and have no morality. When they launch an attack in a short time, they are unmatched. Once we drag them into a protracted war, they will cause huge contradictions from the inside because there are no constraints of morality and order, so they will retreat."

"However, the situation has changed greatly now. There is a powerful emperor in the demon barbarian. He is constantly annexing other demon barbarians. This process has come to an end. In three or five months at most, the demon barbarians in the industry will be unified. Once they work together to erode each city one by one, the Terrans in the industry are in danger."

Fang Yun asked, "didn't you find a way to stop the demon man?"

Zhao Qianzhang said reluctantly, "we have been working hard, but with little effect. We even suspect that the industry has been strengthening the demon barbarism and forcing us to make continuous progress. If our progress fails to meet the will of the industry or the requirements of Zhuge Xiansheng, the industry may erase us and create new people. We should just..."

Zhao Qianzhang couldn't go on.

Fang Yun doesn't want to say that, after all, no one is willing to admit that he is just an experiment.

Fang Yun said, "I want to tell you a good news. People in the literary world of Kong Sheng can leave the literary world. People in the literary world can pass under the light of Wenqu star!"

"Can we workers?" Zhao Qianzhang asked excitedly.

Fang Yun shook his head and said, "I don't know exactly the result, but in theory, you may also survive in Shengyuan, but it just takes time."

"Thank Fang Xusheng for telling us the good news. I will certainly tell other great Confucianism and tell them that one day we will become a real human race." Zhao Qianzhang resisted the excitement in his heart.

Fang Yun looked at the old man with gray hair. There were almost no wrinkles on his face. However, his hands were extremely rough. His hands were full of thick calluses, and his whole hands were yellowish brown, as if wearing special gloves.

His hands were like countless fine stones bonded together.

"We will win!" Fang Yun said firmly.

"Yes!" Zhao Qianzhang clenched his fist.

Fang Yun thought and said, "I have some drawings of powerful organs and enough materials, but it's not enough to make them. Can I make them at your level?"

"Let me see you first."

Fang Yun nodded and said, "let's go to the unmanned study."

Zhao Qianzhang hurried Fang Yun into the nearest study of the Institute.

Fang Yun took out the design drawings of the improved dragon fire weapon and put them on the table in batches.

Each of the design drawings of the dragon fire weapon is several feet square, with more than 500 pages, because there are too many parts for super large organs.

Zhao Qianzhang first picked up the overall design drawing and only looked at it. He was too excited to speak and his hands trembled.

"This... This is the mechanism of destroying saints?"

Fang Yun said, "it can't reach that level, but it's enough to kill the emperor on a large scale. You can't have a lot of materials needed for the drawings, but I can collect them. The only thing I need now is the production level. This mechanism, even the holy courtyard, is extremely difficult to make with the help of semi holy treasures of the workers. At least so far, the Terran has no way to make this mechanism independently."

Zhao Qianzhang stopped talking, but quickly looked through all the drawings.

Finally, Zhao Qianzhang shook his head reluctantly and said, "even if there are materials, our yield is also very low. In fact, we can make most of this mechanism, but some of its core components are far beyond our level. If there is no accident, it should be refined by semi Saint himself."

"Can Zhuge Xiansheng refine?" Fang Yun asked.

Zhao Qianzhang said proudly, "don't talk about this mechanism. Even if it's ten or even a hundred times more difficult, it's easy for Zhuge Xiansheng. After all, Zhuge Xiansheng is an outstanding worker who makes wooden cattle, horses and eight array diagrams."

"Wooden cattle and horses have been lost. Do you know anything in the industry?" Fang Yun asked.

Zhao Qianzhang hesitated for a few seconds, with a firm face on his face, and said, "I don't hide it from you. We have always suspected that wooden cattle and horses and eight arrays are in the industry. However, we can't get them by all means. I don't know why."

Fangyun tunnel: "Although the wooden cattle and horses have been lost, the historical records are very detailed. Before Zhuge was canonized, the wooden cattle and horses were only a large number of vehicles. After he was canonized, after further improvement, the wooden cattle and horses became a powerful war mechanism, especially in large-scale combat. Even if the demon man met the wooden cattle and horses, he never won. As for the eight array map, we know very little, Some say it's an army formation, some say it's a treasure trapped by the enemy, some say it's the evolutionary power of the book of changes, and even many people doubt its existence. "

Zhao Qianzhang said, "the eight array map was originally a kind of military array, but Zhuge Bansheng integrated it into the art of mechanism and made it into a powerful mechanism treasure. We can only be sure of this. We don't know how it is."

"How did you know?"

"Supporting dreams." Zhao Qianzhang said positively.

Fang Yun was stunned at first, then thought a little and said, "some of you are connected with the will of the industry. What can't be seen?"

Zhao Qianzhang sighed: "You are worthy of being a virtual saint of the human race. It seems like a joke to others, but you can tell the truth. Yes, many great Confucian craftsmen once entered an unknown place. There was a world composed of organs. There were countless organ parts, gears, levers, bearings, etc., all running in an orderly manner. According to the inference, the place covers an area of more than 20 miles, but we can't find it. Obviously, wooden cattle and horses can't be so huge, so it can only be the legendary eight array map. "

Fang Yun nodded and said, "since we couldn't find the eight arrays before, it's hard to find them now. We should still work hard on the dragon fire weapon. Can you make a reduced power version of the dragon fire weapon? You don't need to be able to kill the emperor, you just need to be able to hurt him."

Zhao Qianzhang said helplessly, "everything else can be done, but the fire source is difficult to find. There is a strong fire source in our city, but it can't be moved."

Fang Yun stretched out his hand and hung xinghuohuntianjian on his palm and asked, "how about this semi holy treasure as a fire source for the time being? If not, I have a better fire source."

"I'll test it first." Lu Banchi appeared in front of Zhao Qianzhang. He saw a divine light outside the ruler, shrouded in the sky.

In a flash, an endless fire suddenly lit up in Zhao Qianzhang's eyes. He was so frightened that he quickly put away Lu Banchi. Then his face turned red, like drunk and dizzy.

Fang Yun hurriedly helped him.

After a long time, he said with a bitter smile, "where did you come from, baby? The flame of this thing is like the real fire of the sun. It can hurt half saints, not to mention the emperor. Fortunately, I stopped in time, otherwise I would be burned alive."

"Well, it's all right. I'll put it away when it's dangerous." Fang Yun said.