Fang Yun saw that there was a problem in his workshop and immediately said: "Besides Mr. Liu, I didn't personally supervise the production of the workshop these days, resulting in defective products. In any case, it's our Tianji workshop's fault. Therefore, I apologize to you. I promise to repair all the old hand spinning wheels tomorrow, and give you a 20% discount on the price. In addition, you also have the priority to buy the improved spinning wheels."

"Improve the spinning wheel?" asked member Liu suspiciously.

Fang Yun smiled and said, "your spinning wheels are the last batch of old spinning wheels in our Tianji workshop. Since then, our Tianji workshop will only produce spinning wheels with higher manufacturing efficiency, and the textile speed will be increased by at least 20%

"20%? OK! If you can really make improved spinning wheels, I will not only buy them myself, but also recommend them to other friends. If you are promoted to a scholar craftsman, don't forget Lao Liu and me!" Liu Yuanwai said happily.

Fang Yun was stunned. He didn't know exactly what a scholar craftsman was, so he perfunctorily sent Liu away.

After that, Fang Yun said to the guys around him, "I just fell asleep and my mind was a little confused. Now you explain this city in detail and our workshop."

The man said with a smile: "the master told me that I dare not refuse. In our industry, Mr. Zhuge saved us from the demon barbarian. In order to continue to resist the demon barbarian, he taught us the skills of the workers, and everyone should learn the skills. Therefore, even if he didn't come to the world for a long time, we can resist the demon barbarian. However, the demon barbarian has become stronger and stronger recently, and it's difficult for us to support."

"Master, you are lucky to become a child craftsman, so you can make 'mechanisms' and set up a' big workshop '. Like member Liu, no matter how rich you are, you can only set up ordinary workshops. You can only use mechanisms to produce other items, and you can't make mechanisms. Of course, member Liu's son is fighting for spirit. In a few years, he can become a child craftsman like you."

"In our industry, there is a list of craftsmen. Anyone who can make contributions to the technology of the workers will receive craftsman merit. The more merit the craftsmen have, the higher their literary status. At present, the most powerful craftsmen in our industry are the great Confucian craftsmen in the five realms, also known as Wenzong craftsmen. According to legend, there are also literati craftsmen. It is said that once there are literati craftsmen, Zhuge semi Saint Grandpa will come again to reward the literati Craftsman. "

"Our Tianji workshop is not well managed recently and can only support for one month at most. If you can't cheer up and spend as much as before, our Tianji workshop will be over."

Then the middle-aged man nagged a lot.

Fang Yun soon straightened out everything the middle-aged man said.

This industrial world is Zhuge Liang's literary world.

In order to point out the way for the human race, Zhuge Liang did not hesitate to sacrifice the literary world, did not hesitate to give up giving the literary world to future generations, and took the literary world as an experimental field for the human race.

Take the worker's technology as a breakthrough to find opportunities for the Terran to grow.

But unfortunately, the literary world is not a complete world after all. Even Kong Sheng's literary world can not evolve the real world. The Terrans here are not as good as those in Shengyuan continent.

Even if the Terrans in the literary world have inherent shortcomings, the industrial world has made remarkable progress in some aspects, even surpassing the current Shengyuan continent in some places that are not particularly important. According to the previous trend, it is only a matter of time for the industrial world to surpass the old Shengyuan continent in terms of industrial technology, but Shengyuan continent has a good luck.

Therefore, the industry as a whole is still slightly behind the Shengyuan continent.

Different from the Shengyuan mainland, all the scholars in the industry major in the work family and minor in other families, but few.

In the industry, there are also officials, but officials are only reduced to simple managers. It is craftsmen, that is, workers and scholars, who really control the power of the industry.

Fang Yun is pleased to find that in the industry, scholars and craftsmen are closely linked.

In the Shengyuan continent, scholars still despise craftsmen. Up to now, there are still workers. Scholars believe that only scholars can manufacture, use and transform organs. They believe that craftsmen and workers are errands.

The separation of scholars and craftsmen seriously hindered the development of workers.

The industrial sector is in place one step. As long as we make achievements in the technology of workers, both children and the elderly can obtain talent and improve the level of reading and humanities. Craftsmen are scholars, and readers are craftsmen.

Therefore, in the industry, even Wenzong craftsmen need to do many things themselves like ordinary craftsmen.

There are ten super large cities in the industry. Each city has countless craftsmen. Craftsmen are constantly improving their merits in order to get promoted.

Every high-ranking craftsman has huge wealth and powerful power, and has become an example for all workers.

The temple of divine craftsman is the real controller of the industrial world, and its status is similar to that of the holy courtyard of the holy yuan continent.

After listening to the introduction of the waiter, Fang Yun immediately went to the study of Tianji square to read the relevant history books of the industry and the industry newspaper, and soon learned more about the industry.

In the process of reading, Fang Yun found a serious problem.

Talent is still those talents. There is no problem. However, the talent they can use is only equivalent to the level of children, and other talents are suppressed by inexplicable forces.

There are still some forces that have not been suppressed, but they do not have enough talent, and they do not motivate other forces at all. For example, Fang Yun can not call home, country and the world now, because he is not talented enough.

There are no war poems recorded in the history of the industry. Fang Yun's use of war poems will fail. It seems that the industry is not allowed to use war poems, nor is it allowed to use any force other than the workers.

Although Zhuge Liang did not specify how to pass the test, the way to pass the test was very obvious.

Fang Yun thought for a long time and decided to accumulate the craftsman's merit step by step. Now there is a ready-made opportunity to improve the spinning wheel, and he will certainly get merit.

So Fang Yun repaired all the spinning wheels first, and then began to design and improve the spinning wheels.

The level of spinning wheels produced by tianjifang is higher than that of Shengyuan mainland five or six years ago, but it lags behind the current Shengyuan mainland. The main reason is that Fang Yun put forward many new things when he was the magistrate of Ning'an County, which made the technology of the workers advance by leaps and bounds.

Therefore, Fang Yun didn't spend much time at all. He just slightly corrected the spinning wheel made in Ning'an city a few years ago, and the design was successful.

To make a new spinning wheel, we naturally have to transform the old mechanism. But to transform the old mechanism, we need to buy good materials and money.

As a last resort, Fang Yun spent two days, exhausted his human feelings, borrowed enough money, bought good materials, completed the mechanism, and then began to produce spinning wheels.

Fang Yun led the workers of Tianji workshop to work day and night, constantly debugging and improving, and finally produced the first batch of new spinning wheels, a total of 20.

After completing 20 spinning wheels, it was late at night. Fang Yun slept with everyone.

However, the next day, Fang Yun just woke up to make the second batch of improved spinning wheels, and received a news like a bolt from the blue.

Just last night, Jing Lan, the master of the craftsman's workshop and a child craftsman, manufactured a new spinning wheel with an efficiency of 40% and made a number of technical improvements. It has been submitted to the craftsman's Hall in advance and is ready to participate in the craftsman's meeting three days later.

Fang Yun knows that there is a great Confucian named Jing Lan in the Jing family, and he is a great Confucian in the four realms. He is a scholar of the worker's family with the highest literary position in the ancient land of Haiya!

Fang Yun frowned.

When a scholar from all over the world came to the industry, he could not stir up any waves. However, Lei Tingyu knew all the technological innovations of Ning'an city that year.

With the ability of a great scholar to never forget, Lei Tingyu would remember a lot of craftsmanship as long as he read Wen Bao and Sheng Dao.

If the great Confucian worker obtains new technology, he can easily master the square transportation of the same technology.

Fang Yun, after all, is not even a minor technician.

"I wanted to pass the test step by step and practice the craftsman's technology. Since you are unkind, steal Ning'an's technology and try to break my way, don't blame me!"

Fang Yun gave up making the second batch of new spinning wheels and began the second round of money raising.

Three days later, the craftsman's meeting will be held as scheduled.

Master craftsman, master craftsman.

Every industrial city holds a three-day craftsman meeting on the first day of each month, and every Confucian craftsman has the right to hold a temporary craftsman meeting.

On Zhuge Liang's birthday every year, the whole industry will hold a craftsman conference.

Shu city is the largest city in the industrial world. The craftsman hall is located here. Many craftsmen from other cities are attracted by it. Therefore, the monthly craftsman meeting in Shu city is particularly lively.

The craftsman will spend three days comparing tool mechanism, craftsman technology and combat mechanism.

Every day, it will be divided into seven venues according to the location, and a large number of craftsmen with the same location will participate in each venue.

In ordinary times, even if a person creates a powerful mechanism and technology, he can only be promoted to a literary position first, and then he will be promoted slowly.

However, in a craftsman's meeting, the literary position can be promoted continuously. In the history of the industry, the highest person has promoted three literary positions in a craftsman's meeting, and no one has broken the record so far.

Many craftsmen often hide their strength and shine brightly at the craftsman's meeting, so as to continuously promote their literary position, soar their status, get the attention of the craftsman's hall, and have higher achievements in the future.

The engineering institute is the center of each city, which is equivalent to the literary Institute of the human race. It occupies the largest area in each city and is also the venue of the divine craftsman Association.

The sun has just risen, and people from all over Shu City flock to the Institute of engineering, making the whole institute vibrant and full of vitality.

On the first day of the tool mechanism competition, as before, there are seven venues from children to scholars according to the position of literature. The higher the position of literature, the fewer the number of people.

This is because craftsmen with high level of literature can enter the venue with low level of literature, while craftsmen with low level of literature cannot enter the venue with high level of literature.

Ordinary people in the city can only enter the children's venue.

Therefore, every year, the venue for children's students is very large and the number of children's students is very large. The number of children's students' craftsmen participating in the competition is far higher than that of craftsmen in other literary positions.

Fang Yun, with two guys from Tianji square, came to the children's venue early and crowded into the members' seat among the surging crowd.

There are already thousands of child craftsmen sitting in the seats of the participating members.

Fang Yun scanned all the craftsmen and found one sea cliff alliance Confucian after another. They also saw Fang Yun one after another.

On the face of each Haiya great Confucian, there was an inexplicable smile.